
JadeTana Week 2021


An entire week dedicated to celebrating a fan-favourite (non-canon) Mortal Kombat ship between two beautiful Edenians. All types of fanart are welcome here!
Anonymous asked:

So I noticed you said you won’t shut up about the revenants on this blog and I’m very shot about that because I feel the exact same way like imagine the POTENTIAL like that’s why I like them so much they could’ve been so amazing especially with how many ideas there were for them the fandom needs to rewrite their characters for NRS

I KNOW, RIGHT???? LIKE. Revenants could've been so much more than just jobbers, ESPECIALLY after breaking free from Shinnok's control. The concept of Liu Kang, formerly a sweet, awkward, adorable dude, becoming king of Netherrealm by brutally beating every creature that did as much as cross his path was absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! They could've explored his downward spiral into embracing his new dark nature, maybe even turn him into one of those villains who wholeheartedly believe they're doing the right thing (IE destroying Raiden to "free" Earthrealm, as he sees him as one of the main culprits of everyone's misfortune along with the Elder Gods themselves). They could've looked further into Kitana, Sindel and Jade's grief over Edenia's fate, and the influence this had on the corruption of their spirit. Remember when Kitana screamed she was a victim no longer in MKX?? That was SO POWERFUL!!! And then they made her work alongside Shao Kahn in 11, and she doesn't even seem to mind. Shao Kahn!! THE ONE WHO DOOMED HER PEOPLE AND ABUSED HER FOR YEARS, THE MAIN CAUSE OF THE HATRED THAT ENDED UP CONSUMING HER REVENANT SELF!!!!!!!

They could've delved deeper into Kung Lao's struggle to control his evil tendencies, as suggested in his and Jin's endings in X. How this ends up affecting his character, for better and for worse. Can you imagine an encounter between redeemed revenant Lao and King of Hell revenant Liu Kang? The tension, the stakes, the drama of it all? How these two guys who were once brothers are now enemies who chose completely different paths when presented with the ability to choose after years of slavery? The amount of extra depth it'd give their relationship?

See, giving revenants free will after MKX was a fantastic idea, because they weren't the same characters at that point - MK11 was the perfect time to explore how years of corruption changed them, what each of them decided to do with their newfound freedom, and how they would interact with their past selves (if they did decide to include the time travel aspect too). Instead, NRS decided to make them uninteresting evil versions of their original selves to once again be used as The Big Bad's disposable minions, and it's just so, so sad. They had such a great concept in their hands....................



I literally thought I was the only one who keep on defending the Revs and saying that they had ‘Main Villain’ potential!

To add to that, I’ve also thought of my own story and personalities for them, that really would have benefitted them in MK11. What happens is that Liu Kang wants to invade Earthrealm with his Revenant army, but Jade & Kung Lao have a slight change of heart, no longer being under Quan Chi’s control, and set out to free the Revenants. During this time, Kitana would be stuck in the middle, forced to choose between her best friend or her loved one.

I reckon that would be great as it gives each Revenant their own unique personality and story to work with, rather than simply ‘evil version of themself’.


JADETANA WEEK 2021 DAY 6 - Modern AU (Models)

Made with the Frock & Folly dollmaker on Doll Divine´s Page


JADETANA WEEK 2021 DAY 7 - Halloween

Made with the Mega Fantasy Avatar Creator on Doll Divine´s Page


JADETANA WEEK 2021 DAY 5 - Goddesses

Made with the LOTR and Hobbit Scene Maker on Doll Divine´s Page


JADETANA WEEK 2021 Day 4 - High School AU (Fanfic)

The catchy beats from the hip-hop music on Jade’s playlist flowed into her ears as she sat waiting on a bench in the park, awaiting the arrival of her girlfriend, Kitana. They had previously arranged to meet here after school had finished, so they could hang out together, and do their favourite pastimes like walking around the lake, going shopping, getting ice cream, and much more. Jade remembered first meeting Kitana when they both started at the same middle school, many years ago, and what started as a wholesome friendship blossomed into much more. Every time she sees the blue-clad teen walk up to her, her smile becomes endless and love fills the air, with her presence. Speaking of which, Jade saw a familiar shape in the distance, with a short blue skirt and a navy blue jacket over a black vest top. However, she saw that the way she walked towards her was off. Kitana’s head was down and her arms were slumped down the sides of her body, in a melancholic-like manner. She could also faintly hear a few sobs in the distance, growing louder until they were close to each other.

Jade had come over to the girl to see what was up and as she raised her head upwards a bit, it was anything but pleasant. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and tears were still dripping down her cheeks, messing up her black mascara. Immediately, Jade leaned over and hugged Kitana, who let out a few more weeps. Something horrible had clearly happened to her to render the usually cheerful young woman to a tearful mess

“What happened to you, Kitana?” Jade questioned, her voice filled with worry and concern.

Kitana responded by lifting her head up a bit, giving the ebony girl a good look of her broken, upset face, her bottom lip wavering before she resumed sobbing. It is clear that whatever happened to her was horrific. Jade began to cradle the head of her loved one in her arms, in an attempt to comfort her. She raised a finger up to her cheek and used it to wipe away a few tears, further smudging her eye makeup.

“Hey, sweetie,” she said in a gentle tone. “There’s no need for tears. You can tell me everything, I’ll hear you out,” she attempted to reassure her tearful girlfriend.

After sniffling a bit, Kitana calmed down and sat on a nearby bench, close to Jade, who had her arm around the back of her neck.

“It was after school,” she began, “and I was just leaving after the bell went to meet up with you.” Kitana briefly stopped to take a few deep breaths to calm herself.

“Go on…”

“Then I saw Kano and his gang vandalising a pride flag, so I went over to confront them and they pushed me, they spat on me and then kept calling me ‘Girl-Fag’!”

As Kitana continued explaining, Jade got more and more horrified at what disgusting actions were shown towards her beloved. Soon her shock turned into a tranquil fury as her clenched fist began to shake. Kitana was more frail and passive compared to Jade, which made her more open to this type of harassment, as she could never bring herself to physically fight back.

“Oh my god…” was all the ebony teen was able to say, out of pure shock and grief for her girlfriend’s suffering. Her fist unclenched and her face dropped. “I should have been there for you, to protect you.” She said, clearly upset with herself.

“It’s not your fault, Jade.” Kitana said, cuddling up to her as the roles seemingly reversed so that she was in a comforting position. “You did nothing wrong, they did.”

“I’ll make sure to deal with them tomorrow.”

“Now, I don’t think there’s any need for that, Jade-”

“I’m sorry, but I just can’t get over what they said to you.” Jade explained. “Besides, what’s good about ignoring them? They’re still going to do it and if I don’t step in, things will get worse!”

This is where Kitana’s mind was stuck at a crossroads. Whilst she knew that violence was never the answer, and that she didn’t want Jade to get into any trouble, she was also worried about Kano continuing his disgusting ways towards her and, in a way, Jade was right. Things could get worse if there was no intervention. She sighed, letting the satisfaction of vengeance get the best of her.

“Do what you must.” She said, looking at Jade in her jewel-like eyes, shining as bright as priceless, untold riches.

“Then it’s settled.” Jade said with a smile as they stood up. “I’ll show those assholes that NOBODY messes with my Kitana.” And she wrapped both arms around her girlfriend’s body in a tight embrace, nearly crushing her to death as the frailer young lady wrapped her own arms around her torso. They eventually fell over, thankfully landing on the softer grass, before bursting into fits of laughter. Some people looked at the scene in curiosity but they didn’t care, for they were busy having a moment with themselves. Eventually, their little rough-housing session ended with Jade on top, smiling at each other’s adorable little faces.

“Wanna go get ice cream?” Jade asked.

“Yeah. Let’s get ice cream.” Kitana agreed with a smile.

(Spongebob Narrator voice): “The Next Day…”

“…he’s one of the cool ‘meme’ kids so he goes up to me and says “I kid you not! This guy turned himself into a pickle!” Thinks it’s the funniest shit he’s ever seen.”

Kano and his gang laughed at Kabal’s story, as they hung outside the back of the school, doing all the illicit things a group of renegades are expected to do. Drinking, smoking, vandalising, nothing pleasant. Thankfully, it was during break so at the very least, they weren’t skipping lessons…yet.

“Someone needs to wake him up and tell him Rick and Morty ain’t cool anymore. Kid’s stuck in the fuckin’ Stone Age!” Kano responded, taking a drag from his cigarette, disposing of it and taking a new one from Kira.

Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he noticed a girl, dark-skinned, clad in a pair of skinny jeans, a green tank top and a green/gold Packers hoodie, holding a baseball bat. It was Jade, a scowl carved out on her face, as she had a few bones to pick with Kano and his mates.

“Just the asshole I was looking for.” She said, her face overflowing with a tranquil fury.

Kano failed to look intimidated as he walked over with a smug look on his face, staring down the shorter person.

“How can I help you today, missy?” He asked.

“Where do I begin?” Jade wielded her bat with a second hand, in preparation. “Maybe I can start with everything you did and said to Kitana yesterday!”

“You mean Girl-Fa-”

Kira was stopped when Jade threateningly held the bat up to her chin.

“You’re only one step away from a broken jaw, bitch.” Her cold voice spat at the red-headed girl.

“Trying to act tough, aint’cha?” Kano loomed behind her and clasped the bat with his right hand, lowering it from Kira’s face. “You see, I’m not a big fan of your kind, Jade.”

“What do you mean?”

“Everything. We don’t need you to shove your sexuality and life choices in our faces every five seconds, kissing Kitana’s arsehole all the time.”

“Honestly, that thought’s a real turn-on for me.” Kabal unnecessarily put in, earning a glare from Jade from the vulgar comment.

“All we’re here to do is to change people’s ways for the better, so this generation doesn’t grow up covered in sunshine and rainbows. We all need to wake up and realise what the world truly is. And we’re here to give your kind a dose of reality.”

“Speaking of ‘doses’,” Jade said, shoving Kano away, threateningly, “Your prescription of Getting the Shit Beaten Out of You will be arriving soon if you EVER say or do anything like this to me OR Kitana!”

“Ooh…scary!” Kira mocked. “I never thought you’d have the balls to stand up to us.”

“Yeah, show me what you’ve got, Girl-F-”


The blunt force of a wooden baseball bat collided with Kano’s knee as he collapsed to the ground in pain, crying out in agony like a wounded animal. Enraged, Kira took a swing at Jade but the green-clad girl was quicker and swiftly dodged the attack, sending Kira’s fist directly into a brick wall behind her, scratching and bruising her knuckles in the process. Jade took advantage and jammed the edge of the bat into Kira’s stomach before dropping the weapon and unleashing hell on her back with some devastating punches. Kabal attempted to restrain her from behind, pushing her back into the wall, where she hit her shoulder quite hard. After a punch to Jade’s blocking arm, he was vulnerable to a perfectly-placed groin kick from her, forcing him down to his knees. She grabbed the bat, hitting Kano over the back for good measure before hailing down a storm of blows over Kabal’s torso, swinging downwards over and over like a madwoman. Afterwards, she knelt down, grabbing Kano by the ear.

“THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS WITH ME AND MY GIRLFRIEND!” She yelled before delivering a powerful slap across the face, and then raining down more punishment on his fallen body using her bare fists. During the brawl on the ground, Kano managed to find an opening and drag Jade onto the floor of the grassy fields with him, with some brutal punches to her midsection. This went on until school security arrived to separate the two brawlers.

“That’s ENOUGH you two!” One of them yelled, as the two were restrained, yelling extremely colourful language at each other, causing a nearby parent outside the school to cover her young son’s ears.

Kano was left a bloodied mess afterwards, with blood dripping from his bottom lip, and multiple bruises around his body. Jade walked out with a bruise on her cheek and arm, but given the fact that she gave Kano exactly what he deserved, it was more than worth it, as well as the 2-hour detention and a potential scolding from her parents. Thankfully, Kano did get suspended for 30 days for his actions so her vengeful actions weren’t all done in vain. To her, justice was rightfully served.

(Spongebob Narrator voice): “The Next Day…”

It was lunch period. Kitana retrieved a Mixed Deli sandwich from the School Lunch counter, as well as a bottle of orange juice and a pot of mini-fruit salad, before taking the items to the till to be purchased. She paid and thanked the cashier before sitting down to eat. A couple of minutes into her lunch, Jade entered, sitting down next to her with a bowl of salad from the Salad Bar, and a grilled chicken breast.

“So, how did it go? I didn’t get a chance to see you yesterday.” Kitana said after swallowing a mouthful of sliced cold beef.

“Kano got what he deserved.” Jade replied, forking up some green pepper, drowned in thousand-island dressing. Kitana looked down at Jade’s right arm and gasped as she did so, noticing a sizable bruise on her shoulder.

“Oh my goodness!” She exclaimed. “That looks nasty!”

“Yeah but it was more than worth it. Nobody messes with my Kitty.” Jade said, proudly, not ashamed one single bit with her violent actions.

“Thank you, my little warrior.” Kitana smiled back, giving Jade’s bruise a little kiss, to ‘heal’ it, before she resumed eating.

“Do you wanna know what happened afterwards?”

“Sure thing.” Kitana said after finishing her sandwich.

“Long story short, I got a 2 hour detention AND my parents grounded me for 3 weeks.” Jade said, again, with very little shame for herself, taking her punishments as some form of trophy from her battle.

“That kinda sucks. Now we can’t see Black Widow together-”

“Wait, let me finish.” Jade stopped her. “When I told my dad about what happened, and that I stood up to a homophobic piece of garbage to protect you, guess what he said!”

“What did he say?” Kitana asked.

“He said, “On second thought, I’ll let you off with a warning instead”!”

“You’re kidding me!” Kitana said in awe.

“Oh, I’m serious! He really is that cool.” Jade said. “He told me it was because what I did reminded me of how he helped Uncle Samuel when he was in College.”

“Guess we now know where you got those fighting skills from.” Kitana smiled before taking a gulp from her drink.

“So, yeah. It was worth it in the end! I heard from my friends that Black Widow was great.”

“Still, I can’t believe you did all of this, just to protect me.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Jade said, finishing up her salad. “That’s the whole point of being your girlfriend. I’m always looking out for you.”

“I know that, but I really thought you wouldn’t go THIS far just for me.” Kitana explained her feelings.

“Sweetie.” Jade said, turning round to face Kitana. “I would literally jump in front of a moving train, if it meant that I would protect you.”

Kitana smiled back and the two embraced into a warm hug, before loosening it and kissing each other fully on the lips, passionately, ignoring any onlookers because they were currently stuck in their own fantasy world. Jade’s actions just went on to show how much she was willing to do for her Kitana and how deep loyalty runs in her veins. And Kitana was more than grateful to have someone like Jade by her side.


JADETANA WEEK 2021 DAY 4 - High Scool

Made with the Korean Style Dress Up Game on Doll Divine´s Page

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