
I Draw Sometimes


he/xe | I don’t know what I’m doing

announcing this here as well

i probably wont be using this blog much anymore (might come back eventually) but currently i am going to be moving to @metaltothemax for now

its all just transformers stuff but feel free to follow that blog if you want


For the art asks: 1 & 24?


1. favorite drawing

i am pretty sure i answered this over on @floofdoesfandomstuff so ill put my second favorite here, which is probably this one, its not my best work but i was really proud of it at the time and i just think that era of my artstyle was nice (this spot would go to a drawing im currently working on but it cant be posted yet)

24. favorite thing about my art style

hmm probably the way i draw hair, i like how it looks when i fully color and shade it (or at least how i used to do it, particularly the more recent c!wilbur drawings)


artist end of the year ask game

since ive seen these around for other things (idk if theres one like this yet, if there is then oops)

  1. Favorite drawing from this year
  2. least favorite drawing from this year
  3. first drawing from this year
  4. favorite character you've drawn
  5. favorite little detail in a drawing you did
  6. longest a drawing has taken to finish
  7. most popular drawing
  8. underrated drawing you did
  9. any new art mediums youve tried (or overall styles if you havent tried new mediums)
  10. favorite art medium
  11. artist(s) that influenced/inspired your art style
  12. fandom youve drawn the most for
  13. favorite fandom to make fanart of
  14. how many drawings did you complete this year
  15. any upcoming planned drawings
  16. favorite piece of art from someone else (if you have one)
  17. favorite oc/sona drawing
  18. any art events youve participated in
  19. any collabs youve done/would want to do
  20. what do you think youve improved on the most over the past year
  21. what do you want to work on the most next
  22. what are you best at drawing/doing (ex: youre good at lineart, or drawings hands, etc.)
  23. favorite pose youve drawn
  24. what do you like most about your art style
  25. best advice youve recieved this year or something new you learned about art

feel free to add to this! i just havent seen an art related one and thought it was a neat idea :]


every so often i forget i put my pronouns in my social media bios, and end up accidentally outing myself to people i know


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