
DBA Reactions

@dbareactions / dbareactions.tumblr.com

Database administration is weird. Submit your own GIF reaction here so we can all laugh at your bad day. Curated by Brent Ozar Unlimited.

When you want to bring back the person who wrote the sql code before you just so you can ...ahem...slap them! HT Pilon27

Submitted by anonymous

In the third hour of the failed failover


When our hosting partner picks up the phone


When you have 5 alter stored procedure scripts open in SSMS and it crashes before you save your changes.

Submitted by anonymous

When you're the backup oncall.  (HT raindog308)

Submitted by anonymous

Seeing a recruiter after your manager gives you a negative review based on team productivity, after you personally have been working overtime for more than 6 months straight.

Submitted by anonymous

When the developer hands the DBA a query without testing it and wants it put into production.

Submitted by anonymous

When the other developer on your project retires and you realize you have complete control of the database, and then you realize you are the ONLY one with control of the database.

Submitted by anonymous

When my application vendor says he'll fix a bug and asks  "if referential integrity is the kind of thing that keeps you awake at night"

HT Pete


New to Oracle and Oracle says you have thousands of invalid synonyms.  An hour of triage ensues only to discover you just needed to recompile them all with a single command...

Submitted by anonymous

Learning about HOT, vacuum, and waits at PostgresCon

Submitted by anonymous

When you're stuck sitting through a 50 minute seminar that sounded like a tech talk but turns out to be a marketing pitch.

Submitted by anonymous

When you spend an entire day and night with angry devs breathing down your neck to fix an issue only to discover it was on their end and had nothing to do with the database. And now they want your help.

Submitted by anonymous

Devops owns the queries and the indexes, but DBA doesn't feel left out because we get to own the performance!

Submitted by anonymous

Preparing to flip the app from the old Oracle database to the new Postgres database

Submitted by anonymous

When you finally can log on to non-prod vpn after spending a week connected to production because of service disruptions

Submitted by anonymous
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