
Sketchbook Pixels

@sketchbookpixels / sketchbookpixels.tumblr.com

Hello! We are 2 avid Sims (3) players that found eachother on Tumblr. Everyday we share our adventures with the world, or just between the 2 of us. We both share a passion for creating custom content ever since we discovered how to do it. Instead of spamming our blogs with our content, we decided to join forces and create a place where we can share our creations. We hope you enjoy it as much we did creating it :)

Hi! A while ago i downloaded dog beds from u. I only downloaded the big dog beds and i love them! So now i wanted to also download the small dog beds but i cant find them on ur website anymore? Is there any way to still get them ? :)


Should still all be up there! I never deleted anything!


How do I navigate the site? The new layout is a bit confusing. I can't find clothing.



on web there is a category at the top that says clothing.

Same for the other store!

Anonymous asked:

Hey! Do you guys allow conversions other simmers to convert to the sims 4 for personal use?


You can convert whatever you like! However, we actually rather you share public so everyone can access than personal use!


Hello! I have a doubt about the co-sleeper crib, when I use it my baby ends up "swallowed". It's there, but not on the crib's bed, it stays inside. Am I using it wrong somehow? TIA!



That could be because I kind of made the co-sleeper for resized toddlers and not baby sims. However you can open it in TSRW and move the baby position bone up a little and that will fix it!

This tutorial can help with that!


Hi!! I'm loving your Skins... for some reason I can't seem to find it in my game though. I made sure to put them in Mods>Package but they don't show in my sim bins. I was wondering if it may be because I play on Mac? :/



They wont show in the bin as its not a sim, they will show in the skintones at the start. But you will need a mod like Master Controller that allows you to see/scroll through more skins!

Anonymous asked:

Hello! Thank you for all the pretty new skins, it feels like christmas! I thought you moved on from the sims 3, and I was so surprised when I saw them! I was wondering if you had any plans to release your default eyes in the future as well? If not don't worry about it, the skins are a gift enough!


I still play sometimes, those were just a ton of old skins I was uploading as I no longer use them!

I have never made any eyes, only a mod to make eyes heterochromatic. So I have no eyes to upload!



Would you be willing to work on a commission to create custom sorority and fraternity clothing for my sims 3? :)



I no longer create for sims as I barely have any time, sorry!


Hello โ™ฅ I love your cc so much it is a piece of art โ™ฅโ™ฅ I was wanting to know on your website, under the clothing category there is a toddler wearing a beret and am wanting to know what skin she is wearing as it is gorgeous โ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ


99% of skins my sims are wearing are on the site. Not 100% sure which sim is wearing the beret, think it may be Juno though, so look for the Juno skin!

Anonymous asked:

hii do you know how to work sims 3 on mac?

Nope! But I guess you just download the new 64Bit version from origin?

No older torrents will work as Mac no longer supports 32bit so your best bet is to get it properly! As for how CC works on Mac I have no clue!

Anonymous asked:

when i dowloaded hair cc form your website in .zip file were 4 files, and i must put all 4 files in packages or only one?


This is because the hairs come for multiple ages or have multiple versions. So you need to put the ones in game that you want!

PU=Toddler, CU=Kids, AF=Adult Female, AM=Adult male


Skin Age Filters

Because Sketchbook Pixels has over 180 skins and many of these have multiple ages which is hard to see on the main pages, I have edited the site to now have age filters for skins. This way you can see which skins include which age group!

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