
"Is it secret? Is it safe?"


Kelpie | He/Him | Twenty-something | Lord of all that is cringe | Been vibing on this blog since 2013 and by god I will continue

This is more punk than the whole of punk history.


I’ll tell you what’s ferocious. Freddie’s comeback to Sid calling him “Freddie Platinum” when they were recording down the hall from each other at London’s Wessex Studios (Queen for News of the World, Pistols for Bollocks).

Sid Vicious made the mistake one day of bursting into Queen’s control room and antagonizing their frontman. “Have you succeeded in bringing ballet to the masses, then?” he sneered. “Oh, yes, Simon Ferocious,” Mercury replied. “We’re trying our best, dear.” 

Then, according to Queen biographer Daniel Nester, Freddie rose from his chair and began to playfully flick the safety pins displayed on the front of Sid’s leather jacket. “Tell me,” he asked, “did you arrange these pins just so?” When Sid stepped forward in an attempt to intimidate Freddie, the singer simply pushed him backwards and inquired, “What are you going to do about it?” Sid immediately backed down. [x]

Freddie Mercury may very well have had the biggest dick energy of anyone who ever lived


love characters who are like "this is how the world works. this is how it has to be (because if i'm wrong i have to face what i've done // if i'm wrong i have to face whats been done to me) "


This trait is much more endearing in fiction than in my mother.


i know it was a very 2000s feminism girlboss movie addition but you have to love arwen drawing her sword at the river and telling the witch king to come over and claim frodo if he wants him so bad. truly the high fantasy equivalent of yelling “come say that on my side of the street motherfucker”. the spirit of luthien tinuviel was alive within her in that moment.

a lot of people seem to be misunderstanding my calling it a girlboss moment. let me be clear. i am not a tolkien purist, the lotr movies are really good adaptations, making arwen more important was a good choice, and she slayed. the scene was fucking awesome.

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