
“don’t support nestle!” shouts the liberal on the computer made from parts manufactured at foxconn

consumer activism is a lie, see you in hell or in communism

lmao try boycotting a brand in monopoly capitalism

This. This is a large part of what “there’s no ethical consumption under late capitalism” means. On top of everything else, when the same company owns both the product you’re boycotting *and* the “organic, free range, fair trade, no prison labor” version of that product, your choice is literally meaningless. Even before you factor in the strong possibility that those labels are lies, you’re still just choosing one prong of a two prong marketing strategy meant to capture 100% of the market. Your objections to their cheaper, less ethical brand are being used to wring more money out of you, money that all goes to the same place. Your morality is being used to exploit you, and they still win.


“tops don’t interact” this “bottoms don’t interact” that. We all don’t interact. this is why we’re all touch starved


concept: we wake up one day and nature has grown decades overnight. we can’t remember where the roads used to be. in some places the trees are so tall and thick we can barely see sky. the grass hasn’t been mowed in years. how quiet everything is now

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