Some things about some books

@e-b-reads /

EB, mid to late 20s, they/them. Scientist, PhD student, teacher; mostly (for the purposes of this blog) I read a lot.

time for a new pinned post, I think

Hi! I am no longer precisely new to tumblr but I’m still settling in.  (I feel like this is reasonable to put in a pinned post because it will probably be true for a while.)  I made a tumblr because I wanted to talk to people about books; mostly I use it to reblog other people’s things about books, but hey.

I do occasionally (and fairly arbitrarily) post about specific books in a more organized form, under my #some things about: tag. I try to do a books of the month post every month (unimaginatively, #books of the month).

Sometimes I write. Sometimes I reblog photos of boats. It’s tumblr, there are no rules here. Enjoy!


lovers of hardbacks, unite (or, more likely, divide)!

dear reader! hello! do you enjoy hardback books? do you love having opinions and pressing buttons on tumblr dot com?? then oh, boy, do i have just the poll for you!!

say you're reading a hardback book that comes with a dust jacket--a book you own, perhaps, or have borrowed from a loved one or lifelong rival or sworn enemy, or anywhere else besides the library (for the purposes of this poll, we must both Have and Be Able To Remove The Dust Jacket, i'm sorry, it's very important for Science™).

please answer for your IDEAL/MOST COMMON COURSE OF ACTION--weird exceptions need not apply (unless you want them to, or you want to holler about said exceptions in the tags/replies/reblogs. i don't know your lifestyle, but i DO want to know your polarizing opinions on the care and keeping of dust jackets) (you can also holler about why you chose what you did in general, even without weird exceptions. in fact, i look forward to reading this Discourse).

***this is SPECIFICALLY ABOUT HARDBACKS, please don't skew my science with paperback propaganda :( i myself tend toward a paperback way of being, but right now Inquiring Minds Need To Know About Dust Jackets and Dust Jackets Alone***




but they wanna be nakey so bad... they try so hard..

they get cold :((((


Just finished To Shape a Dragon's Breath (just in time, it's due back to the library) and I really liked it! While reading I found myself contrasting it with Babel. Now obviously they're different books (and differently complete, as TSaDB is first in a series) but they are both books about (among other things) colonialism and academia so I think some comparison is warranted.

A conclusion I came to is that R. F. Kuang really wanted to say some things with Babel, and so she made certain that those things came across! To the point of footnotes that were like "in case you missed it..." Meanwhile in To Shape a Dragon's Breath, Moniquill Blackgoose definitely had things to say, but she doesn't hammer those things home. Her main character is an indigenous young woman in a colonized society, and she has things that she wants for herself and her family (and other things she's still grappling with) and Blackgoose makes sure that those are clear, but the rest of the larger societal implications are kind of, well, implied.

I did like Babel and I think it's skillfully written (not always the same thing) but I think I like To Shape a Dragon's Breath more. Looking forward to a sequel.


I judged it on the summary on the back and the first page or two. I bought it for its cover.

Update: now I actually read the book, and it wasn't bad! It does appear that it has sequels, and I won't be seeking them out any time soon, but part of that is because the plot wrapped up nicely within the one book - I had kind of figured it was a stand-alone until I went on StoryGraph.

Amusing stereotypical-fantasy-with-a-twist sort of mechanics that remind me a little of Patricia Wrede, or some of DWJ's fantasy worlds (e.g. Derkholm). Not quite as well written (to my tastes) as either of those authors, but still fun! The fact that Christianity remained just...Christianity and not a re-named religion in this apparently not-earth world felt a little odd, but the concept of supernatural powers from demons and saints was plot important, as was the concept of this world's wizards and clerics usually being kind of at odds with each other.


Are we not going to talk about how

  1. Le ver vert est sur le verre.
  2. Le ver vert est sous le verre.
  3. Le ver vert est devant le verre.
  4. Le ver vert est derrière le verre.
  5. Le ver vert est dans le verre.
  6. Le ver vert est à droit du verre.
  7. Le ver vert est à gauche du verre.
  8. Le ver vert est à côté du verre.



As-tu vu le vert ver allant vers le verre en verre vert?

Ce ver vert sévère sait verser ses verres verts.

Le ver vert va vers le verre vert. Les vers verts levèrent le verre vert vers le ver vert.


Here are two poems by Maksym Kryvtsov, a Ukrainian poet, who was killed defending Ukraine back in January. One of the poems is dedicated to a ginger cat that followed him around faithfully and later died with him. Please read his words, don't let them die too.

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