
The One That Knows

@supersx5 / supersx5.tumblr.com

Don't even read this. This is just a waste of your valuable time, time you could spend doing cool stuff. But instead you are reading this... Good job.

The signs as weird things cats do

Aries: fights another cat for being in the same room as them
Taurus: falls asleep with their face in the food bowl
Gemini: when they’re sitting still and then juST START RUNNING??
Cancer: hides in weird places
Leo: watches you all judgy like from on top of the fridge
Virgo: brings you a dead animal because you don’t know how to take care of yourself
Libra: meowing loudly at you when you get home
Scorpio: knocking stuff off of surfaces for NO REASON
Sagittarius: sticking their head out the window and then slowly easing their entire body out as well
Capricorn: moving very slowly while attempting to steal your food so you won’t see them
Aquarius: the head bobble thing
Pisces: meowing to themselves for no reason

If you're fifteen or older an still sleep with a stuffed animal please reblog this.

I try to but….when i wake up in the morning the stuffed animal is always on the other side of the room…i throw it in my sleep 😆


Do it.

I will write about the following, leave one in my ask box.

Dear person I hate,

Dear person I like,

Dear ex boyfriend,

Dear ex girlfriend,

Dear ex bestfriend,

Dear bestfriend,

Dear *anyone*,

Dear Santa,

Dear mom,

Dear dad,

Dear future me,

Dear past me,

Dear person I’m jealous of,

Dear person I had a crush on,

Dear girlfriend,

Dear boyfriend,


So I got Fire Emblem Fates

I might have married Mozu as soon as I got her, but who cares, it’s Mozu.


…Oh, THAT’S the “Your Lie in April’ thing like three of my friends are freaking out over.

It’s a new anime thing, apparently, and it just hit Netflix.

Huh. Might give it a watch at some point.


It’s fine, nothing that special


75 Gaming Asks

Send me some! 1. First console you’ve ever owned? 2. First game you played? 3. Favorite childhood game? 4. Longest consecutive hours you’ve played a game? 5. Game with the best soundtrack? 6. An underrated game from within the last few years? 7. Most disappointing game you’ve played? 8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery? 9. Last game you played? 10. Prefer PC or console? 11. Have you written any fanfic or made any fanart? 12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played? 13. Scariest game you’ve played? 14. Do you watch playthroughs online? 15. Favorite animal in a video game? 16. The best year in gaming you’ve experienced? 17. Have a video game themed background or lockscreen? 18. Worst game you’ve played? 19. Hardest game you’ve ever played? 20. Favorite publisher and/or developer? 21. If you had to play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be? 22. If you could turn one game into movie, which would it be? 23. Favorite genre of video game? 24. Ever cried because of a video game? Which one(s)? 25. Proudest accomplishment in gaming? 26. How often do you play online? Co-op? 27. Have you gotten any friends into gaming? 28. Who got YOU into gaming? 29. Watch cutscenes or skip them? 30. On average, how long does it take you in the character creation screen? 31. Game with the best theme song? 32. Do you cosplay? 33. Favorite female npc? 34. Favorite male npc? 35. Best protagonist?  36. Best antagonist? 37. Ever been made fun of for playing video games? 38. Have you tried a game, hated it, then tried again, and loved it? 39. Do you play for achievements/trophies? 40. Favorite voice actor? 41. Gone to a midnight release before? 42. A game you will never forget (in a bad OR good way)? 43. Favorite sidekick or companion? 44. Do graphics matter? 45. Do you like funny or more serious games? 46. Always, sometimes, or never use subtitles? 47. First person or Third person? 48. A game you’ve always wanted to play but have never gotten to it? 49. A game you haven’t played in forever, but want to replay? 50. How many games to do you own? 51. First character you’ve had a crush on? 52. A game you will always stand behind, and support no matter what? 53. Your most immersive game? 54. A sequel you really want? 55. How much time, on average, do you play in a week? 56. Do you tell people irl that you play video games? 57. What is an overrated game you’ve played? 58. Ever have someone walk in on a sex scene between you and you LI? 59. A game you are looking forward to this year? 60. The game you are best at? 61. A game you know everything about? 62. Would you want to work with video games when you are older? 63. What’s a game that has inspired you? 64. Describe your favorite video game using only three words? 65. Any favorite screenshots of games? 66. Game with the yummiest looking food? 67. Most violent game you’ve played? 68. An older game that you’ve just recently gotten into? 69. Your first LI? 70. Do you play any mobile games? 71. A game you can’t stop talking/thinking about at the moment? 72. Have any guilty pleasure games? 73. A game with the best fandom? 74. Which game has the best lore? 75. Do you focus on main storyline/quest or do sidequests first?


50 Anime Questions Meme

1. What got you into anime?

2. What was the first anime you’ve ever watched?

3. What was your first anime crush?

4. Name your favorite male anime character.

5. Name your favorite female anime character.

6. What is your favorite genre of anime?

7. Dub or sub?

8. What’s your favorite opening song to an anime?

9. What’s your favorite ending song to an anime?

10. Have you ever bought an anime on DVD? If so, what?

11. How often do you watch a new anime?

12. Do you binge-watch your anime, or take breaks?

13. Do you prefer manga to anime, or vice versa?

14. Have you ever cosplayed an anime character at a convention?

15. What was the longest anime you’ve watched?

16. What was the shortest anime you’ve watched?

17. What do you look for when wanting to try a new anime?

18. Describe an anime you feel had an amazing ending.

19. Describe an anime you feed had a horrible ending.

20. How does your family feel about anime?

21. If you could spend an entire day with one anime character, who would it be?

22. How do you feel about fanservice in anime?

23. What is your favorite anime pairing, or ship?

24. If there was one anime you feel could pull off a live-action series, what would it be?

25. What’s your favorite anime movie?

26. What’s your favorite anime soundtrack?

27. Do you believe graphics and animation “make or break” an anime?

28. What do you believe is the most overrated anime?

29. What do you believe is the most underrated anime?

30. What is your guilty pleasure anime?

31. What anime made you the most depressed?

32. How do you feel about anime sequels?

33. If one anime deserves a sequel, which would it be?

34. Name an anime character who annoys you to no end.

35. What anime cliche do you enjoy the most?

36. What anime ‘universe’ would you want to live in?

37. Are your friends into anime, or just you?

38. Do you own any anime merchandise?

39. How do you feel about ecchi anime?

40. If you could steal any power from an anime character, who and what would it be?

41. What’s your favorite anime production studio? (Gonzo, Madhouse, Bones, etc.)

42. Who’s your favorite anime voice actress/actor?

43. Have you ever watched an anime that was different than what you expected?

44. Have you ever watched an anime that made you question any religious or psychological matter?

45. Have you ever binged an anime all night?

46. Do you write fanfiction for your anime, if so, what anime?

47. Has watching anime made you more interested in Japanese culture? How so?

48. How do you watch your anime? (Online, DVD, etc.)

49. How do you feel about yaoi, yuri, shounen-ai, or shojo-ai?

50. How has anime impacted you as a person?


Let’s note this:

Novablast Wurm is not legendary.

This means, on Zendikar, there’s just casually a ton of these things.

What if one gets into a village?

“Oh, another one of those damned Novablast Wurms!”

“Welp, guess the world’s ending. Fucking AGAIN.”

“This is like the third time this week!”

I imagine this is a common conversation in Zendikar.


This week on “I can’t believe it’s not Legendary”


Moar bears, this one the Undead Sharkenbear- it’s almost so cool, it’s unbearable! Designed by VALDIER, Illustration by SPIPES. ➖➖➖➖➖➖ #gaming #gamer #RPG #hobby #roleplaying #roleplay #DnD #DungeonsandDragons #tabletop #tabletoprpg #tabletopgame #fantasy #d20 #dice #gamergram #GM #DM #oldschoolgames #oldschoolgamers #gamenight #gamenights #undead #geek #geeky #bear #shark #sharks

@@the-backspin-alchemist also @coldspringsharvestcamp please show this to Atiba

@supersx5 yo nerd you’ve been summoned


oh good lord this is amazing and going into my next campaign

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