
drowned in moonlight

@chiltonsbutt / chiltonsbutt.tumblr.com

charlie, 16, infp. multifandom ☆

honestly the funniest thing about the lord of the rings is how gandalf is literally a minor god sent to middle-earth by The Big Man Himself and yet literally nobody apart from the elves seems to recognise this or take him seriously

like yeah gandalf is pretty grumpy most of the time but how would YOU feel if you were the fantasy equivalent of an angel and a bunch of people who only come up to your knee were just like “oh fuck it’s that spooky old wizard” every time you showed up for a friend’s birthday party


alternatively, how would you feel if you were the fantasy equivalent of an angel and not long after you got to earth you discovered what weed was?


This is art. A masterpiece, actually.


A true American hero


Reminder this this absolute legend died under suspicious circumstances, just like a not-insignificant number of prominent black activists in the last few years: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2018/02/07/a-black-lives-matter-activist-who-once-tackled-a-confederate-flag-was-killed-in-new-orleans/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.67f9b0fca83f

Source: twitter.com

“the world has become such a soft safe space where you can’t speak freely” is a good way to reveal you spend a majority of your time on the internet. a customer came in today and told me that the illuminati framed bill cosby and it was my fault and i just had to be like OK sir cash or credit


Bugs Bunny could singlehandedly defeat Thanos by dressing up as a TSA agent and setting up a metal detector in the middle of the battlefield saying that all metal objects must be removed if you want to pass on through now stick around for my 2,000 word essay on just how effectively he would convince The Mad Titan to comply

“For shame, doc! Dontcha know we got other folks waiting?”

(Thanos looks behind him and sees dozens of Bugs Bunnies dressed as angry yelling travelers with huge bags of luggage. Thanos rubs his neck guiltily and begins sliding off the gauntlet)

I felt compelled


My boyfriend sent me this and I’ve never felt more called out in my entire life



“You can’t deprogram them.”

So just, allow a sober person to keep the dog?

This is the police trying to make people panic about legalization.

IF YOU LEGALIZE THESE DRUGS WE’LL KILL THIS DOG is totally a normal and cool thing that professionals interested in protecting the people say

holy fuck lol

noah fence, but I’d happily kill all dogs in police service if it means curbing white supremacist oppression and subjugation of black communities

Honestly lmao. Although I can totally see white moderates and right-libertatians going back to supporting criminalization if it saves some fucking dogs lives.

Also there’s rescues that specialize in rehabilitating police dogs so they can exist in society. There is absolutely 0 reason to euthenize these dogs aside from using it as emotional manipulation.

The response to this shouldn’t be “well then we won’t do this so you won’t kill innocent dogs,” it should be, “I can’t believe you abused these dogs so badly to carry out your agenda that they can’t be regular dogs any more and care so little for them that you would euthenize them just to make a political point.”


I love it when people try to claim representation in fiction is being taken “too far” to the point where it’s no believable. They’re like: 

“What’s next, a mixed-race immigrant on the autism spectrum?” Hi, my name is Rachel, also known as Rachna, and I’m a mixed-race immigrant on the autism spectrum. 

“What’s next, a transgender Latino man with chronic pain?” What, you mean my former colleague, Marco? 

“What’s next, a Black Jewish lesbian?” Bitch, I know I three Black Jewish lesbians, WHAT’S YOUR FUCKING POINT?

im so tired of the argument being “what’s next? a feasible combination of human conditions other than straight white cis able-bodied dude? that can’t possibly happen!”


moodboard: america chavez & kate bishop

i’ve seen the way you look at me. you’re not that straight.
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