
Just my ramblings

@kyutnessoverloaded / kyutnessoverloaded.tumblr.com

23 | Finland | ADHD/autism
This is a multifandom-blog and my interests tend to change a lot. So expect to see a lot of different things. Mostly puppies and art. And dragons. Dragons seem to stay

Lissajous curve table

i dont understand what this is but its so mesmerising

The top row circles determine where the dot is on the X-axis, the left row detetmines where it is on the Y-axis. They’re used to show more complex harmonic motion

Appropriate ways to appreciate this gif:


oh it does!


loving the internet progression where the meaning of “poor people deserve nice things” went from “poor people are also allowed to buy things like fast food, video games, and brand name items instead of eating gruel and sitting on the floor lest they spend their money frivolously” to like, “if you charge money for your labor youre classist bc i cant afford to pay for it” especially when it comes to art, books, and clothing

Idk i just think telling authors to their face that youre going to pirate their books or buy specifically from amazon which sells at below cost to drive book stores out of business bc you don’t want to pay for their labor but deserve to access it anyway bc “poor people deserve to read too” is a little Bold. i think telling yarn dyers and spinners that they’re classist and pricing you out of your hobby bc they charge $30 for a skein of yarn that they hand processed from sheep to dyed yarn is insanely insulting. i think you all need to be Less Entitled to other people’s labor


when u listen to cool music and u get PUMPED and you open phtoshop to draw something really hardcore w dynamic lines and intense perspective


me: dress how you want!! gender is fake!!! nothing matters!!!!!!

trans person: i like gender tho

me: hell yeah i respect that!!!! i apologize and don’t mean to dismiss your identity with my optimistic nihilism!!!!!!!

Good post OP

Denounce gender roles but respect gender identity.

Denounce gender roles but respect gender identity.


Congratulations to the couple people on my dash who recently got vaccinated despite needle phobias. You did an important thing to protect yourself and others even though it’s scary for you, and I think that’s pretty awesome. 💜👍🏽

Hey OP, as someone with needle phobia who asks for small accommodations when I get a vaccine, I cried when I read this. Thank you for this take, it’s something that doesn’t get said much.

Wow. I’m so glad I could make your day a little brighter. I’m proud of you, and judging from the notes this post is getting I’m not the only one. 💜🎊🥇


Yes!!!! Anyone that got/is getting vaccinated in spite of needlephobia - you are literally saving lives and I am so proud of you!! You brave-ass person!!!!


my favorite thing about tumblr dot com is how it becomes utterly unusable for the 48hrs after something happens on supernatural

Sometimes you guys get a little too cocky thinking that this web site is cooler than it was in 2014 but thats why the user base must be humbled every once in while by supernatural unexpectedly popping back into our collective consciousness like a cicada from beneath the earth


being in a car when you have adhd is like. i need to move or i'm going to explode. i never want to move again. i have to be listening to music at all times. there's isn't a song in the world i want to listen to. i hope we're almost there. i never want this journey to end. i'm going to take a nap. i'm going to throw myself out of this moving vehicle.


there’s something so incredibly soft about the phrase “this made me think of you.” or, “this reminded me of you.” like!!!! being known is scary but then people see fragments of you in the world around them and can’t help but share that love and i think that’s beautiful.


dao companions when they have low approval : you have,,broken my trust,, I will leave you :( goodbye…may you become a better person or die in a ditch

dai companions when they have low approval: I won’t leave but just know that I fucking HATE you. If not for the anchor I’d stab you myself. Fuck you

da2 companions when they have low approval: haha no don’t go against all my morals you’re so sexy aha


All the Dragon Age II love interests have exactly one thing in common: if someone were to say to them, “Hey I can tell you’ve been working hard, and I’m proud of you,” they would cry.

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