
Trash Football


What would humanity do if they could live forever? Play football, of course! Run by Mods Hubble and Nancy

so im rereading this and getting the gist of game 27 and ill try to explain it with the least football terms i can muster

basically this started as a normal foobaw game between the denver broncos and the pittsburg steelers. about 150 years after NFL became a thing. so this was like in the late 21st century (2080s, 2090s) and over the span of 15,000 years it sorta fell apart and became an absolute shitshow that basically had hardly anything to do with football anymore

the classic two-team system faded away and players split into all these different sub division teams. outside forces sorta hopped in and everyone began claiming territories on the field

so now after 15,000 years the game is divided into 58 territories. in territory 1 stands the denver broncos, their area kept unaltered by time and they just simply want to revert back to the old way of playing. theres a wall between them and the other territories that nobody knows who built

the pittsburgh steelers have their own territory too but its this small as fuck corner because they hardly exist anymore. it was the denver broncos who were able to even keep them in the game. theres this one steelers player who comes in about every 500 years or so and grabs a stool to sit on for an afternoon in their little territory and then leave

so thats whats left of the original teams themselves. this is like chromosomes everybody really only pays attention to two (x & y) but everything else is a mishmosh of whatever and arent as significant

territories 8, 9, 10, 11 were made in an attempt to connect the steelers to the broncos

the football rulebook is what prevented it from happening though. over the years shit got more and more precise and petty about game rules like what counts as holding a ball and this shit goes on for PAGES its like a dnd rulebook for football you can only have so many rules until they begin to contradict so one of the teams connected the dots of contradictory rules across the rulebook to claim that they owned a part of the field which the staff couldnt really deny

so the teams set off to claim as much territory as they possibly could it was like a splatoon turf war race

eventually players found, twisting the rulebook, that they legally could split into their own divisions independent of their original team. then there became 4 teams, 7, 25, and eventually 100 but some consolidated and now there are exactly 58 different teams. there were once two. who the fuck knows whos on the original broncos or steelers anymore

the territories originally made to connect the two teams, territories 8—11, were originally one single unified territory but even that got sliced into fractions territory 11 is now a storage unit. territory 13 is where the san fran 49ers tried to insert themselves as a third wheel like “anybody in this thread smoke weed”

territories 8, 9 and 10 became small apartment units because why the hell not. just buy a rent in the middle of an ongoing nfl game the people who live there can legally play too but their scores dont count

to make it even more of a clusterfuck there were a few players who stepped away from the main game make their own sub game within the game and they snagged their own shitty end zones territories. however they couldnt claim any territory between those two end zones so their sub-game isnt really played anymore especially because they put a bojangles restaurant smack in the middle

nobody knows where the football is on the field because theres a million nooks and crannies to hide in like this is the ideal spot for a game of hide and seek

anyway nobody really gives a fuck about the ball anymore and its more about territories and whos connected to who because one territory might have good resources and shit and its about dominance and property value. people be trading territories and making deals over this shit

and people buy tickets to see this. its like a soap opera thats not even football but people still go sit there and watch this

fans of territory 56 had one of the most crucial territories on the field and they demanded that brown mustard and were all negotiating and shit but they ended up just turning it into a lake because the officials werent buying it

so many resources were spent on this fucking field. it could have been amazing. the time and money put into all of this could have been used to make something spectacular. but no it turned into a circus and this is because nobody can work together

tl;dr: to put game 27 simply, imagine the apes at the beginning of 2001 but sports are involved, and the monolith instead of like being enlightening just drives everybody to greed, possession, and competition


Juice is not silly. He knows exactly what’s up, how humans are using games as an excuse to not think deeply about anything and as a way to distract themselves from the painful truth, so he does the same thing. Everyone who reduces him to just the meme goofball owns me 10 bucks.


Okay I know football is one of the biggest pastimes in 17776 but “mostly in the states”, so

I’m pretty sure there’s a country out there that’s just full of LARPers.

LARPers who started in the 2100s and have forgotten their real name by now since they’ve been going by their character name for so long

LARP sessions that started in a medieval setting and evolved naturally over hundreds of years into a sci-fi setting. Or, better yet, a sci-fi setting that devolved into a medieval setting

Cities, towns, and villages entirely dedicated to a single LARP session because that location is integral to the story

People randomly wandering into these towns and seamlessly being drawn into the session until they become a part of it in their state of confusion

Records of sessions of the past being kept like history books (because they ARE history books, tbh)

LARPers who aren’t related but their characters are related so they’ve spent a lot of time together and became the best of friends

The Gamemaster being this almost omnipresent entity that only communicates through mail / by phone, and is probably more important than the actual official leader of the country

Some of the space probes watching LARP sessions instead of football, and when they wake up from sleep mode, that excitement they feel when they’re catching up on how far their favorite characters have come

I dunno man, just. LARP country


Hey it’s another one of those sketch dumps woooo

1) My humanized versions of nine, ten, and juice from 17776 2) A giraffe I drew at the zoo 3-4) Concepts for a cool astronaut lady 5-6) Concepts for some aliens in a videogame, which includes said cool astronaut lady 7) Messin around with some different styles, featuring my favorite Trash Goblin™ and some other doods

This dump ain’t that good but I felt like I had to post something since it’s been a lil while

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