
bunny enthusiast

@pipedream-darling / pipedream-darling.tumblr.com

Joanne aka lady_flash on ao3 and lady__flash on Twitter. Bad at tumblr. Trying to learn. (Art in my header by @mostlymaudlin!)

nora sakavic was so unbelievably real for assigning two lesbians to help look after jean. she knew what had to be done and did it.

Like I said, you don't know me. Sex ain't the only thing I'm good at
Good to know. 'Cause this guy ain't half bad

I've see a lot of people taking about Jeans prospective of Andrew hauling ass to get to neil to save him. People saying that he can tell that Riko was going to hit Neil because he's been in foster homes and such but I just know that Andrew took one look at Neil and Riko together and was like yup he's gonna run his mouth shit shit 🏃 shit 🏃 shit 🏃


Wait this part after the whole “every inch of you” it’s so funny

Kevin: wow that seemed intense, Im going to ask him if he’s okay


Kevin: Nevermind



hi its ly, the aftg zine guy. after the success of the mxtx gotcha for gaza projects and other fandoms running some, I'm looking for thoughts on running an aftg gotcha for gaza!

please spread the word if you can, I'll set up official things if there's enough interest from this tumblr poll. feel free to message if you'd like to help organize as well.

for those wondering what this entails: basically creators sign up to participate then people can submit prompts (this includes any ship, content, etc) by donating specific small amounts (ie $5) to specific palestine focused organizations, funds, etc! there would ideally be one week for creator sign ups, 1-2 weeks for donations, and then 2ish weeks afterwards for finishing creations. I participated in the TGCF one which sort of set this in motion and has good info about it and others actively happening!

I’d donate and participate tbh!


Andrew’s chest is tight with a pressure he cannot name. It began when he got the call, but the choke on his lungs only escalated when he found Neil on the curb. Again, squeeze, upon finding Neil still slumped in the back seat of the rental car. Again, crush, each time he looked in the rear-view to see Neil following him home.

Now Neil is on the roof, hair whipping in the wind and saying he’s nothing. Andrew knows how it feels to fade from the page, but Neil’s words live in contradiction to his suffocating presence.

Andrew thinks, you are like me. And also, you could not be more different.

He is not thoughtless when he puts out his cigarette, says “no one asked you,” takes Neil’s confused face in his hands, and kisses him.

It’s a spark that ignites the pressure in Andrew’s chest, starting a fire that feels like relief, but also like rage. Neil’s hand clasps gently at Andrew’s sleeve, and now it is definitely rage, but turned in on himself — on an impulse Andrew could have stifled, on a choice he should have given. Neil speaks with ice water, so Andrew lights cigarettes in search of a new burn strong enough to cauterize the old wounds ripping open in his now-hollow core.

Neil’s feet are planted solidly to the ground by the time Andrew tells him to go. He thinks, well, that’s one problem solved, and stays on the roof until he finally stops bleeding.


“Andrew couldn’t have piercings because he couldn’t wear them on the court” Andrew canonically carries knives under his uniform

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