

@gruesim / gruesim.tumblr.com

Frankie's Blog.

hello, I'm converting a jumpsuit to ts3, I open it in the workshop and the colors look normal, I made the mask correctly but in cas the color appears covering the whole body from the neck down with just one color, what could I do?



This is super weird, but you can send the file over and I can take a look!


Hello, Frankie! 🖤 Happy New Year 🖤 thank you so much for your tutorial hub! I've been reading it a lot (because it's very useful and easy to understand) and I've seen you mention that you have a portable version of the old TSRW. I wanted to ask if you can share it, by any chance. Sorry if that's been asked already, I searched 'TSRW' and didn't find anything like that.


Its on the resource page of the sims3tutorialhub! And happy new year to you too!


Hello frankie i hope you’re doing well <3 so i’ve downloaded your rosewood oark a long time ago & i’m sad to say that i’m to intimidated to install all of them bc I don’t have the best computer & i’ve been stealing your cc of the stuff i think is essential. The problem is, i just for the life of me can’t figure out the file name of those tall telephone poles that you put in your neighborhood & makes your town so realistic and charming. May i ask wcif them? Or the name of the object since i have your cc folder already? Hehe <3



Those are in the boroughsburg merged CC file! They sadly dont have a single file as the original world only comes with a merged file.


Hello! I've used your worlds before (Dreamer's Bay), but I'm not able to use Rockwood Island :(. I can open the world, edit the town, etc and save it, which saves to the Saves folder, but the saves don't show up in the main menu to select to play. I've tested this with and without the required mods/CC, and I only have this problem with this particular world. Any tips?


Rockwood Island - attempt to delete the beach lot and then save. Not sure why it would not show up in the saves but that beach lot hates a lot of people!


Simblr Gratitude Day! - I can imagine you're busy but I hope it's fine that I send you some words. I think we can all agree that you hold this community together. Your blog saved so many games, mine included, and with you you always learn something new. Your tutorials are so helpful and you try to help all of us. I fondly remember your simblr collab challenge. That was a beautiful idea and brought me closer to people who are now mutuals. There's nothing else to say but -THANK YOU. We apprec. U🙏


Aww that you so much for this, super sweet! That feels like a lifetime ago to be honest ;) The community has changed so much now and I wish I had time to play but sadly havent opened my game in years -.-


Hello Frankie! Could you please tell me where I cam find "bones". On milkshape?? Im trying to convert ts4 to ts3 object. Thank you


Bones can be found in the groups tab in milkshape, however the only show up once you open an object that already has bones so import a .wso from another similar object first to make them show!


do you know where we could download the Illawara lots/cc for Dreamer's Bay? I've been looking for it everywhere, I even tried using the wayback machine and nothing works.

Thank you for your amazing creations!


Sadly no! I checked if I had them backed up but I do not :/ But I do have an old save file, I think it may have them in just without CC. If you want that just DM me!


Hi! I just found out while using your skintones that some of them don't show up correctly - especially those which are lighter. Darker ones have all the details, shades and shadows, but the lighter ones just look as basic sims3 skins - every inch is the same, one color distributed on the whole body... :( Have you by any chance any idea what might cause such a problem? Thank you!


Hi !

I actually have no idea, nobody has ever had this issue before. They look fine for me in game and people have used them. It could be your graphic settings maybe? Only other issue people have found is sometimes they go shiny but that is it!

Let me know if you find a fix though!


Hii Frankie! Send love for your creations! I was hanging around in Rosewood Park and noticed there is ts4 conversion garage. I googled just to find link with dl, but couldn't find. Wasn't public cc? 👀Maybe **if you feel like that ofc** can you share this conversion? Thank you for answer! 💕


It has some issues though with animations just beware!


hello! i was just wondering if you could please upload the skins juana, lumi, and mig? im so sorry if you already have, i couldnt see them anywhere! <3



I no longer play the game so I do not mind uploading all my old skins, but I just need to find the time and motivation to do so!


roockwood not have sims3pack???



No I do not do sims3packs as they can mess up your game and are hard to uninstall. It is a lot better to use the world file. The sims3pack would not include CC anyway so there is no benefit of it!


Rockwood Island Furnished Savefile

Hello everyone i’m here to drop off another long overdue save lol

in this save all I did was furnish homes so you won’t have to and I love this world and wanted to play in it lol

you will need:
Things to know:
  • majority of the bathrooms are not recolored i hate doing bathrooms
  • theres a house with a white bedframe you are not missing a cc pattern lol
  • There are three lots I did not furnish because I didnt know how or it was just too much to do.

other than that theres nothing else to say Hope you enjoy and Let me know if theres anything that looks like its missing. *thumbs up*

Download - SF - Dropbox

I do NOT take credit for any cc used.

lots i didnt furnish


How cool!!

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