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Ring Doorbell Intruder Alert: A Squirrel.

Ring Doorbell Intruder Alert: UPS Delivery.

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I hate so much that professors who still can't figure out how to send messages on Zoom think they're capable of spotting AI writing. Professors are just feeding essays into AI detectors with massive fail rates with absolutely zero critical thought about the tools they're using. I moved across state lines. I've spent years of my life trying to get this degree. But at any moment I could be expelled because I got a false positive from a detector that tells you ChatGPT wrote Anna Karenina.

My friend was placed on academic probation because their essay tripped the automated AI detectors. His probation only lasted until the humans in the community standards office made time to manually review his essay -- that wound up being sixteen whole days.

There's a scholarship for our school's study abroad program, but you can't apply if you're on probation. And there's a strict deadline. My friend wasn't able to apply, even though he would have been perfect for the program, because the mindless program started beeping, and the humans in charge didn't care enough to come check until after the scholarship deadline had already passed. He can't afford to go on his own. This likely means he won't be able to attend classes during the summer even domestically, which means he won't earn credits during those three months. That pushes back his graduation timeline by a whole semester. I cannot stress enough that these crazy arbitrary braindead-version-of-HAL "detectors" are wreaking havoc with real people's lives.

[Image ID: A comment by catsruleokay that says "This is a big problem with international students. My friend was accused of using AI because 'his english doesn't sound natural'. People who use translation software often get accused of it as well. /end ID]


I’ve been obsessed with this for like 20 straight hours now

So if anyone is curious this is more or less true. (Except he didn’t say ‘effeminate boys’ he said the six-letter f word, because of course.)   https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/jan/16/what-orson-welles-really-thought-about-ernest-hemingway

But the funny thing is, this happened when Orson Welles was 22 (before he made any of his films) so this dumb-ass piece of shit:

decided to get into it with this 38 year old established American writer and war veteran:

Like, dude. He really was just like that.


Orson Wells was fully convinced he could fight god and nothing that ever happened in his life could’ve convinced him otherwise


So a bit of a contemplative piece today.

I am gonna have a partial nephrectomy for what is very probably kidney cancer in the next few weeks. I’m kinda just resigned to it, not really afraid but not thrilled about the surgery.

But it did lead to this art.

An update to this one, Surgery was a week ago. Pathology came back, it was indeed cancer. Surgery was very successful but I had a bit of a heart scare. I’m doing much better with getting up and walking etc!

The hospital lost one of my SPOP shirts… boo.

Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive!


|Love from the Stars| Adjusting to somewhere new is challenging. But they found a new roof to sit on and just watch the world go by together. No one knows what the future will hold (except maybe Razz), but they have each other and that's all that matters. And that marks the end of Love from the stars month! Starting Friday will be Devil I know ~

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