Cringe but free

@dreambones /

⭐️READ the PIN post for more⭐️
Current fixation: Cult of the Lamb I’m Dream, a 33yld self indulgent artist and indie video game dev


This is a Teen (T) +17 blog.

You may find moderate amounts of fictional/cartoon violence, mild to moderate use of language, suggestive jokes and partial nudity (All SFW).

I love horror, cliche romance scenarios, indulgent self-insert shipper, cringe but free.

If you got more questions check the links bellow

Anonymous asked:

Do you still offer commissions? I can’t see a current post linked in your description or pinned post and wanted to make sure I didn’t miss it somewhere!

Thank you for the interest! I’m currently in a hiatus but I really want to open commissions again.

Life has been a bit of a chaos and I haven’t open them again because I got to redo the examples and add a longer period of time for me to deliver the finished product (since life has been a mess).

I’ve been thinking of opening again with less options and build up from there, but I don’t know with which option to start with and I haven’t had time to even stop to think about it ahdj

If there is a specific type of commission you are interested in please let me know! I will prioritize the most wanted one for when I manage to make time for it.


hey dream!! will you be participating in artfight this year?


Hi hi, sorry but I think I’m gona skip it this year (and maybe all others unless there is some big changes).

Last year left me with a bittersweet taste with all the issues going on in the site (admins n mods keeping money donations, the prioritization of the discord server while the rest was left in the dark, people not respecting character rules and mods doing nothing about it, etc). I love and treasure all the art I got from the event, and it is a shame that it went downhill, so honest I hope this year they show they have really changed and improved.

But in the meantime I will be using July for a sort of, art exchange between friends and relax, while also focusing more on finishing games and getting some work done.

Community Label: Mature
Anonymous asked:

Sorry for being so forward, but do you draw NSFW?

I do! Sometimes I'm even more active there than in this blog lol.

I don't promote it often because I have a lot of minors following this blog, but if you look at my Pin Post, you can find a link to it neatly hidden among my other blogs.

I do check that everyone following/leaving likes/reblogging is over 18 and has their age visible, so if you are under 18 Im gonna ask you to please respect that boundary and wait till you are older to follow.

But otherwise, feel free to go hang around :)

Community Label: Mature

The author has indicated this post may contain content that may not be suitable for all audiences.

Anonymous asked:

How would Luka and Pride!Luka interact? Would they clash?

I think it would just be pretty much the same as Luka and Kind Dice interactions.

Luka would never abuse his abilities to hurt others much less manipulate them, his luck cart is a scam but a harmless one, and how he affects others luck is of a more cartoony harmless version. The only time he uses to mess with others is if they work for the casino and are hurting someone and things of that kind.

Meanwhile Dice (or Pride!Luka) believes its wasted potential to use such a big power to play tricks at a fair when he could be achieving bigger things, he could even have his own empire to rival the Devil’s Casino if he tried to, manipulate others with little effort and get whatever he wanted, but instead he prefers to go around playing the fool.

Long story short, yeah they would clash and hate each others guts.


after hearing about Luka, i’m wondering what would a soulless Bubbly Soda look like? :0


Honest I am not sure? Yesterday I was rambling with Fizz about soulless Luka, Goldie and a bit of Bebe.

I love Soda but he is more of a side character? I did draw him lots and gave more spotlight when I was going through a rough patch with Luka and Goldie, which was very nice to have cause eventually that helped me get the break I needed and back to track.

I can’t think a way Soda could end up selling his soul to the Devil, or loosing it, it’s not his character. Meanwhile Luka, Goldie and Barley are more prone to get in trouble, you could say they are “my cup, mugs n miss chalice” in a way.

I might do a soulless Soda just for the fun of it, but currently I got more ideas for the others.


i’m not sure if you talked about this before, but where’s the Peach girl from? she looks really pretty!!!


Peach is the protagonist for an Adult +18 game I started for the lols and then got very attached to, which is mainly the reason I don’t talk much about her in this blog except when it’s not explicit stuff.

She is roommates with Rana, they share a small apartment in a fictional city where crazy things happen ∩˙▿˙∩

I really love her so I want to develop her character a bit more so I can find ways of involving her in other things outside of my nsfw blog, she is so pretty and fun to draw she deserves to be seen in more places.


I would much rather deal with Luka than King Dice, I'll be real.


I mean same, also imagine how fast he would be getting people soul contracts, either by scamming or flirting.

Ohhhhhhhhh he would definitely manipulate toons luck so they sell their souls at the casino, he could make em super lucky until they get confident, make a bet for their souls, and then make it bad so he (or anyone else is working at the casino) wins and takes the soul.

He would be a pain in the ass.


I originally made this for something else but it's so mild I'm sharing it here too.

I sketched this popularity pic months ago and finally had time to finish it.

You can vote for more than one n I'll draw the one with the most votes 👀

Im closing this today!

I’m very happy with the interaction this has gotten and I am even thinking of maybe doing a guys version, just gotta pic whom.

Also I feel I should have clarified this at the start but altho I said you could vote for more than one, I didn’t specify that I am not counting more than one comment/reblog/like per person (mainly because you cant spam likes in the same post and my brain just forgot comments and reblogs work different).

I am still drawing the 3 of em! The main difference is 1st will be more detailed n stuff than 2nd and 2nd than 3rd.

Anonymous asked:

fr som reason i cant comment in ur most recent post

Should be fixed now, I dunno my settings were at "Only blogs following you for a week can reply" cause I do not remember setting them to that.

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