
art is pain

@nyaarigatou / nyaarigatou.tumblr.com

Hiya, I'm Llor! and I'm in love with anime | Kekkai Sensen | BSD | HNK | Art can be found at: @llortastic

apologize to him


jerry was in my elder scrolls online guild, and he's one of the sweetest guys I've ever known. i feel sick every time i come across his image online because it's almost always the exact same baseless derision and shitty implications about him because he's fat and wearing a fedora for a photoshoot. the photoshoot this image is from was leaked from his private facebook. the harassment that he's faced from his memeification is worse than anyone knows.


god some of you are just so weird about having content on this site

"justify"?! babes it's a bullshit internet scrapbook not a fucking phd thesis


You know the thing where you find something funny and you hold out your phone to your friend so they can see it too?

Reblogging is just you holding out your phone to show us the neat thing you found


Some people: I won't reblog something unless it's deeply meaningful and I can contribute.

Me: time to reblog fifteen pictures of frogs, three pieces of fanart, twelve shitposts, and six political posts about somewhat niche issues!


if you’re gonna have a big celebrity voice a character in your animated movie you should show it to a test audience and if they can correctly guess who the celebrity is you need to fire the celebrity and hire a real va


"ai is making it so everyone can make art" Everyone can make art dipshit it came free with your fucking humanity

Oh gee, you're right! Why didn't the people who can't even move their arms think of just making a painting? /s

And before anyone starts spouting some "art is more than just painting" spiel, you don't know what kind of art someone might need to make in order to express their vision. An artist may have a very specific idea in mind to create the perfect piece of graphic art, and using music, performance, etc. just won't cut it for them. AI is a tool that can help the disabled in so many ways. Not even just with art. Get off your high horse and accept that disabled people have different needs and, guess what, ABILITIES than you do. Fuck you, asshole.

you are a tar pit.

and you are ableist.

you're fighting against a tool that makes art more accessible, and actively dismissing the notion that it could even possibly be doing that. this IS ableist. YOU are the tar pit in this situation.

L+Ratio+It doesn't+i slept w your mom


Hi I’m disabled I’m crippled I have a disorder that makes my fingers suddenly dislocate while I’m holding my pencil I have a spinal issue that makes it hard for me to bend over a desk half of the time I have leg issues that make it difficult for me to get around etc etc etc. I also have a bunch of other issues I don’t want to tell you about.

I’m also in art college. And even if I wasn’t, I’ve been doing art for almost a decade now. I’ve been disabled the whole bloody time.

AI, isn’t art.

There are many disabled artists and we have adapted our own ways of dealing with how we create. Fuck you, we have been doing this forever.

Vincent Van Gogh had temporal lobe epilepsy; Henri Matisse became a wheelchair user after surgery for cancer; Michelangelo had osteoarthritis, limiting mobility and causing pain in his hands and feet.

Paul Smith had a severe case of cerebral palsy and created art using typewriters.

Peter Longstaff has no arms due to Thalidomide, and paints with his feet.

Frida Kahlo not only had polio that disabled her as a child, but of course as we all know was injured in a bus accident at the age of 18, which caused her lifelong pain and medical problems.

Fuck, you want a personal annecdote? I knew a girl (we have lost touch since) who was paralysed from the neck down and she painted with her mouth and there are other artists who do so too! And with eye tracking technology I’m sure disabled artists will be getting more and more tools as the years pass. But we do NOT condone AI art. All that does is put us, real disabled artists, who exist and need support, out of jobs and commissions.

Fuck you.

hi, another disabled person here for more personal anecdotes! here is an art piece i made entirely with my non dominant hand 1 week before my most recent shoulder surgery on that same arm. i also wear splint rings to keep my fingers from dislocating while painting (or playing bass guitar cause i do that too). i make most of my income off hand painted art despite having hand tremors, frequent wrist dislocations/subluxations, and migraines.

my friend and her wife also make their incomes off wig making, leatherwork, and digital collage prints. both have chronic pain as well.

our lines arent perfect because we have shaky hands but thats ok, make it a feature not a flaw in your art. fuck AI.


Anyone who thinks physically disabled people need to use art stealing AI to make our own art is the ableist, actually.

Mine isn't as drastic (yet) but I've been having to wear wrist braces and finger splints since childhood off and on because using my hands in a repetitive motions causes them to be in pretty excruciating pain.

What is my art medium of choice? Knitting. You know, that thing where you have to do a repetitive motion over and over again. I hold my needles a bit strange, I knit through the pain, I sometimes have to give up working on it for weeks at a time. But I will not stop because it's what makes my heart sing.

Disabled artists don't need your pity, we've been getting by, doing what makes us happy despite the pain and hardships for thousands of years, probably longer, I bet there were neolithic disabled artists.

No actual real artist wants or uses AI, including disabled artists. AI is for losers who are scared of the extremely important phase in art where you suck and want to skip it by stealing and not even in a cool "I'm emulating your style because I wanna learn from it" way.

Go suck at art for a couple years like the rest of us and stop talking over disabled artists.


i love being in dead fandoms/smaller like. a total of five people will see my posts and thats totally alright. because we are a teeny tiny community filled with peoples passion for things filling the void of millions

we are a TINY and POWERFUL army


Going feral thinking about how we have to pay for the privilege to NOT have to listen to nonstop sales pitches.

"What would your ancestors think of your whole gender thing-" What would YOURS think of being told to buy things every two minutes. I think they would kill CEOs in the streets for being annoying. They were known to do that.


Fun Fact: Sword and Shield are the only mainline Pokemon games without an Electric type Gym Leader. Similarly, X and Y are the only mainline Pokemon games without a Water type Gym Leader, however they do have a Water Type Elite Four Member.


ppl in the age of cell phones: fucking up their necks

ppl in the age of books: fucking up their necks

ppl in the age of textile art: fucking up their necks

ppl in the age of picking lice: fucking up their necks

ppl in the age of cooking: fucking up their necks

in the age of keyboards: carpel tunnel

in the age of writing by hand: carpel tunnel

in the age of squeezing water out of wet clothes after cleaning them by hand: carpel tunnel

in the age of using hand-sized stone tools: carpel tunnel

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