
Legacy of Rassilon

@legacy-of-rassilon / legacy-of-rassilon.tumblr.com

Doctor Who: Legacy of Rasilon is an ongoing collaborative fan project featuring work from various creators, including Ben Coombs and Jordan Bickimer.

So here’s a sheet of the Yth Doctor I made for @legacy-of-rassilon, (run by @bickpen) plus K9 and an extra Companion, Suzanna Ramez, a Latino Jewish Trans-Woman who used to work with Anti-Fa and Food not Bombs before she met the Doctor, and seeing as she was pretty much homeless anyway, it was probably better that she traveled with him.

I love it! Man I hope I can get some time to give this project some love soon.


And here’s some more concept art for @legacy-of-rassilon, this time for the Doctor’s well-know robotic dog K-9!

Formerly serving under Luke Smith (Son of Sarah Jane Smith), K9 (Mark IV) joined the Doctor on his travels soon after his regeneration and now generally serves as his ever reliable robotic assistant. As is inevitable around the Yth Doctor, K9 has underwent several modifications, including a new control panel, an extendable manipulator arm, and even his own pocket dimension akin to the TARDIS for portable storage. He also had the Xth Doctor’s 3DS database installed into him so that he could provide a list of attributes and weaknesses for each being encountered, as well as a stun blaster that leaves their target disoriented and confused for 10 - 60 min.

Being a Mark IV model, K9 still maintains his personality from his time with Sarah Jane Smith, including a rivalrous streak when confronting other sentient robot companions and more independence in his actions, resulting in disagreements and conflict between him and the Doctor.


Here is my submission to the @legacy-of-rassilon​ fan project. They’ve been on the backburner for a year now, but ever since I approached them interest in the project has been revitalised. If you’re interested in Doctor Who, I’d definitely recommend that you go check them out. Any support would definitely be appreciated. 


The Yth Incarnation of the Doctor can be described as closest, personality wise, to the 3rd and 5th Doctors. Lacking both the brash sarcasm of his predecessor and the distant mystique of his successor, the Yth Doctor is instead a humble and down to earth scientist with a passion for gadgets and gizmos of all kind. 

This Doctor constantly tinkers around with electronics, creating lots of inventions (Many of which appear to have no known purpose) and can often be seen messing around with the TARDIS console, experimenting with it’s innards to see what happens. He is accompanied on his adventures by everyone’s favourite robotic assistant, K-9.

A near-pacifist who’s repulsed by the idea of violence and willing to see the good in everyone, the Yth Doctor’s default approach when in a troublesome situation is either to use the diplomatic approach or one of his various contraptions he carries with him.

Unlike the Xth and Zth Doctors, the Yth Doctor has a more personal bond with his companions, which is both a blessing and a curse. As well as that, he will more than often explain something to his companions in detail and with enthusiasm. He is a massive fan of the Afrofuturist aesthetic and experiments often with Aboriginal/African music and instruments. He also likes to relax and meditate on the highest peaks he can find.

*Stay Tuned for More Concept Art*

Ah, I love this concept! And the idea of K9 making a comeback warms my heart!

The Yth Doctor, everybody!


Time and space stretch on for what seems like forever. In every corner, in every era, one name is known sooner or later to all: The Doctor. This renegade Time Lord has lived more lives than even they can count, each with its own gamut of joy and sorrow, and each with its own lessons learned. This one may be the strangest.

Introducing the Zth Doctor, designed by cyborgnecromancer!

The Doctor has always been an enigmatic persona, but this regeneration may be the most mysterious yet. This Doctor weaves in and out of events all over the Universe, even to the corners as yet untouched by other beings, and always with a mysterious purpose. Those who have met this incarnation are left bewildered and in awe - the Doctor arrives unannounced, seemingly many steps ahead, and seldom sees fit to explain.

Once, when asked what was going on, the Doctor answered, "Time, space, the whole Universe, it's all connected. All my lives I've been catching glimpses of that web - a thread here, a knot there. Some lives saw more than others, but always from where I was tangled up. But when these eyes opened, they saw everything, the whole shebang - and there's an awful lot of tidying up to do."

Notes about the Zth Doctor:

  • No one knows the physical sex or gender of this regeneration. The Doctor tends to run with whatever assumptions are made at the time, usually being more preoccupied with whatever it is they're doing than with how someone identifies them. This of course has lead to many confused encounters when one companion insists that they are female and the other that they are male, and the Doctor can't be arsed to settle the argument. They may in fact be neither.
  • This Doctor can be rather distant - while they care as much as they always have for sentient life, after uncountable years of living, mortal people have begun to feel like small, fragile creatures to the Time Lord, and now they have bigger fish to fry.
  • Of all the incarnations, this Doctor has spent the most time traveling alone, but when they do take a companion, it is a sign of trust. However, these companions must often learn from the TARDIS in order to keep up to speed.
  • Speaking of the TARDIS, she is more vast and labyrinthine than ever. Indeed, she resembles an entire world more than a ship now. Only the Doctor seems fully able to navigate it.

I just want to express my love for this project, and hope to se much good stuff in the future :) this is so awesome


Thank you so very much! 8D There will definitely be more very soon - Ben has done some awesome artwork for the Zth Doctor that I (Jordan) am currently working on write-up for.

This project has also sort of become a part of the Time Lady PROTP, which is another project that is working on creating a Female Doctor podcast series. The PROTP may very well be using some designs based on the Xth Doctor, so we're super excited!

Thank you again!


Hey anon who wants to be the Doctor, you and I should totally team up because my dream is to be a female showrunner of Doctor Who


I ship it.

…can you ship a professional relationship?

Don’t care I ship it.


Yeah totally. They can be your protp.

*cut for length*

Wow. This grew beyond my wildest imaginings last night.

I have probably two dozen asks in my inbox right now, with people volunteering their skills as actors, prop designers, and costume designers. In the notes of this post we have people volunteering to do special effects, write and edit scrips, direct the show, and we even have an aspiring astrobiologist offering their services. Some people wrote in to show off their conceptual designs of a female doctor, and others volunteered their poetry.


Sunsofgallifreywrote in to say:

I just want to thank you and the whole whovian feminism community for making possible communication about our dreams to be part of Doctor Who. I don’t even know what I’m trying to say but this whole forming-an-entire-cast-and-crew-for-a-female-led-Doctor-Who thing has made my day/life a million times better! And it’s really made me more hopeful about the future of the show.

And apparently they’ve already got some ideas. occupyvillengard wrote in to tell me:

I’ve been pitching episode ideas to Future Exec Producer sunsofgallifrey about some awesome women from history, and thought I’d share with the team. There’s Noor Inayat Khan, an Indian princess who spied on the Gestapo during WWII; Mariam Al-Ijliya, 10th century Syrian astronomer; and Julie D’Aubigny, ‘the most badass swashbuckler of 17th-century France.’ And I’d be happy to hear about anyone else’s favourite women in history, ‘cause there are some wonderful stories that aren’t being told.

And then the original anon who started this PROTP wrote back to me:

Oh my lord. I think I accidentally started something just by asking for a bit of advice. The response to my question is making me tear up. So many people would support me in being The Doctor. To all the people willing to be in the cast in crew with a female Doctor, I say: Allons-Y

But all this enthusiasm for the PROTP brings up a rather interesting question, summed up by thingsithinkaboutstuff:

I know that we’re all having fun going ‘wouldn’t this be cool’ but I’m sort of sitting here going ‘my dream for years has been to write for Doctor Who, but thanks to Moffat that doesn’t feel like fun anymore’. 
So could we actually? Could we really? Could we go from talk to action?
Due to geographical constraints it would probably wind up being a podcast series, unless we have some very committed animators on board, but even so. I really, really, want this.

So what do you all think? Do we want to make this into something real? Can we make this into something real? Send your suggestions/comments/ideas either to my ask box, my email, or add them when you reblog this post.

Count us in! This blog started out with the goal of giving fans a new Doctor to tell their stories with. As part of the PROTP, it can happen.

Logistically speaking, a combination of audio adventure podcasts, prose, and comics is probably the most feasible solution. Our Doctor actress could provide photos with which to make Big Finish-style covers for each episode, as well as the face to base any comic character designs on.


Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire, 1985. The film set of Aliens. A strange blue box appears amidst the props, followed by a horrendous series of injuries and disappearances amidst the cast.

Through the course of events, a man calling himself the Doctor comes to the rescue. With the help of his new friend Sigourney Weaver, whom he met on set, the Doctor sets things right again, but at the cost of his own life.

As he lays amidst the facehugger egg props, eyes fluttering, his skin begins to glow. A blinding burst of golden light obscures his figure, and when it fades, a dark-skinned woman, Indian in appearance, lays in his place.

Introducing The Xth Doctor!

Made in the eighties, the Xth Doctor loves bright colors, day-glo patterns, and arcade games. She sports a pair of Reebok Alien Stompers and a nifty Sonic reminiscent of the one she carried in her tenth incarnation. The Doctor is quick on her feet, brash, sarcastic, and not a little scatterbrained. (She's been looking for her spare TARDIS key for two hundred years.)

During this regeneration, the Doctor pops by 2013 at some point to pick up a Nintendo 3DS, which according to her is "the greatest hand-held entertainment device ever created." She later modifies it to act as a sort of Pokedex for all the various creatures and species she encountered, which saves her the time of getting her companions up to speed every time they run into one age-old nemesis or the other.

Coming Soon: A look at the Xth Doctor's TARDIS, and a glimpse into the Doctor's distant future, where we will meet the mysterious Zth Doctor!


A Doctor of Infinite Possibility

The Day and Time of the Doctor have come and gone, setting the stage for years and years of adventure to come. More people than ever watch the show, read the books, listen to the audio dramas, and sit and dream of hearing the haunting sound of the TARDIS landing in their back yard. At this auspicious hour, the Doctor stands as a hero and a role model to many. People over this planet, of every shape and size and color, are looking to the Doctor. Our beloved madman with a box has become a Time Lord of infinite possibility.

However, only a fraction of that possibility has been explored thus far. While the show will undoubtedly continue to awe and inspire whovians world wide, and the Doctor's next face will surely come to be loved as much as his others, the time has come for a new adventure. We, as ardent fans and supporters of the Doctor, see it as our duty to take him and the TARDIS farther than they have ever gone.

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