
Let's escape to a beautiful place

@cafelatte100 / cafelatte100.tumblr.com


All the Kingdoms of the World - Good Omens Fanfic by Raphaela Crowley

This is a gift fic for @lady-wallace​ by Raphaela Crowley.  

I think Raphaela did such a beautiful job with my request, and I hope you guys will enjoy this fanfiction. Also, Raphaela really appreciates reviews so if you feel inclined to do so, please give her your feedback. :-) 

Lady-Wallace, hope you will enjoy this story. <3

This angel was not Crawley. Not quite. But it was somebody Crawley had once been. Somebody long dead.

And this – what he was seeing as if from another pair of eyes – was that angel's death.

And what actually happened is it hurt. Outside and inside, it hurt.

The first water to fall from the eyes of man followed the rain over Eden, it followed the temptation of the apple, it followed human failure, but where had the tears of angels – the tears that tormented the red-haired angel – come from?

From the rebellion. The first mistake.

The Heart of Heaven torn apart, shattered like a mirror in millions of shining pieces. Pieces which, one day, would be called shooting stars.

The red-haired angel felt every moment of it. Not just the burn, but the change in his heart, the dimming and cracking and finally the breaking of his halo.

Why? Why go on existing after something like that?

You can't – at least not in the same way.

The angel who would be Crawley couldn't.

The stars – seen through his tears – were a foothold after all. Of a sort. He looked up at them, unable to turn his head or close his eyes, holding on against the dizzying pain as he sank down into the fire.

The angel was like an amputee, but what he had lost was so, so much worse than any mere limb. 

[[Link to the story below]]

“Crowley? Crowley, it’s time to wake up.”
Crowley heard the familiar voice calling him, but didn’t quite want to open his eyes yet. He had the distinct impression that he’d been having a lovely dream, and even now the echo of a nearly forgotten melody played in his head. Soft breeze brushed his cheek, lifting the hair from off his forehead.
“Crowley, you’re safe now. Please, I need to see you open your eyes.”
It was a voice he could never resist, and so he forced his eyes open.
He was greeted with the light of thousands of stars, covering his body, and emitting a warm luminescence that caused the face of the angel bending over him to glow. Crowley was tucked safely into Aziraphale’s arms, the angel’s wings curled around him, those, too, decorated with starlight.
(Link to the fic below)
Keep reading

Thank you, @gemennair for this perfection! If I could, I would weave a laurel wreath out of the starlight gathered from the Fields of Gold for you, Gemennair. Thank you again, to @lady-wallace for your writing and @29-pieces for your “Goodnight, my Angel” performance. You are both such lovely, talented, and beautiful people. <3 

Source: gemennair

Where We Wake Sobbing For Joy -- Raphaela Crowley

“Where We Wake Sobbing for Joy” is a Good Omens story Raphaela Crowley from fanfiction.net recently wrote that I found to be intensely moving. In case anyone has concerns, I received her permission to post it here on Tumblr. Also, feel free to reblog if you want to! 

I suggest you have Kleenex on hand if you're going to read it, however. You've been warned! But if you don't mind reading about trauma/comfort and would like to see how the stars and literature became healing languages between Aziraphale and Crowley at some of the darkest moments in the plot, you will not regret checking this story out. 

The ending of this story will leave its beauty mark on you :). It absolutely burned me for sure.


A Mid-Millenia Crisis (Good Omens)

This is a gift fic for @cafelatte100​ commissioned by @3skydream3​ 

I hope you both enjoy this ^_^

The apocalypse is off, Aziraphale and Crowley are out of a job, and now they have nothing to do. Until Aziraphale discovers something that might help them through their own immortal brand of midlife crisis.

Cafelatte100, hope you forgive me that I couldn’t choreograph any detailed plots or visions that are comparable to some I’ve seen you submit like the Forgotten Lullaby, Owl and Blackbird, and Deep Down Good. But Lady-wallace has been so incredibly nice even if I’m not a prompt architect like you. xD Just tells you how amazing Lady Wallace really is. I hope this gift makes you smile and I have no doubt it will because you can’t go wrong with anything Lady-wallace does. @lady-wallace you’re simply AWESOME and thank you for making this gift for cafelatte. Also if I haven’t said it already, I absolutely adore your non-commissions too. Some of my all time favorites of your original stories are Above and Below and Upward and Downward. We just adore you and your works, and please also stay well and healthy!  


wow, thank you! @3skydream3, why are you apologizing for a gift I'm sure I will love it! Lady-Wallace writes beautifully, always! This is such a wonderful gift, I am so touched! I can't wait to read it! Thank you so much @lady-wallace and @3skydream3

The Ache. The ache, if it were music, it would be in a minor key and sung by sirens in a dark sea, in still waters with a moon reflected off its surface.

AnonAngelicDemon (via anonangelicdemon)

@anonangelicdemon your quote reminds me of Mozart’s piano concerto No.23 2nd movement, --Adagio. I totally love this quote! But I think a major key can make you ache deeply as well...  like in a huge sad brightness kind of way... I’m no writer but this is the best I can do lol 


Forgotten Lullaby Pt. 2 (Good Omens)

The final part is now up!

“Just a second, alright? You’ll be fine soon enough. Just…”        

    Something hot burned through his middle, and at first, he had no idea what had happened. Even when he looked down and saw what had happened, his mind refused to process it.       

      In Aziraphale’s hand was a small blade of shimmering angelic steel. It was a holy blade, burning through Crowley’s very soul where it was buried in his gut.



Forgotten Lullaby Pt. 1 (Good Omens)

Commission fic for @cafelatte100 Hope you enjoy! 

Part 2 will be up Sunday.


It’s been many years since Aziraphale and Crowley stopped the apocalypse but both Heaven and Hell are looking for round two and they’re not going to let these two get in the way again. When they set a trap, kidnapping the child who is destined to stop WWIII it’s everything Crowley and Aziraphale can do to stay together and get out alive. (Gen)


Gestures - Good Omens Story

Guys, check this out! Raphaela Crowley asked if she could write a story based off of my post requesting someone to write a poem about Crowley sheltering Aziraphale under his star-tree. Of course I was more than thrilled to say yes!  While @whiskerdrops​ and @lady-wallace​ did not get to see @gemennair​‘s completed artworks until they were finished with their respective poems, this story was written after @gemennair​'s art was posted publicly. 

Anyway, if you are a Good Omens fan, I really hope you will check out her story in the link below because in addition to the fact that her rendition is humorous and elegant, Aziraphale just acts too darn cute and Crowley is so merciless. :)))))  

Also, Raphaela really loves feedbacks and reviews, so if you have time, write her a review if you feel compelled to do so. Feel free to reblog this post. If anyone is wondering, Raphaela Crowley gave me permission to post her story here because she isn't very comfortable with using Tumblr. Hope you enjoy this story below as much as I did. <3

“The constellations shown like gems when the Demon pulled the Angel toward the stars,
Past the firmament, past the Earth, past the glowing Moon and Mars,
And far past anything the human eye could see
Sat, in a nebula all alone, one glistering, starry tree.
And as the Angel had sheltered him in the Garden on that day,
This tree was a Heavenly wing saying what the Demon could not say.
But the Angel understood; no words were needed here!
And the Demon relaxed, and smiled softly, washing away his own fear.
On opposite sides they might be, but of the same stars they were both made:
When a Demon shelters an Angel, even Hell’s darkest soul could be saved.”

A commissioned gift from @cafelatte100 to @lady-wallace

This is a short excerpt from “Heavenly Light” by @lady-wallace

You can read the full version of Lady-wallace’s exquisitely beautiful poem at:  


Gemennair and Lady-wallace, you already know how much I value your artistry and poetry. @gemennair, @lady-wallace, and @whiskerdrops, thank you for giving me such wholesome joy... a moment perhaps that is ineffably beautiful <3 

Source: gemennair
“When the storm clouds broke and the first rain fell,
I did not know whether the drops were blessed or cursed.
But before even one drop could land there you were,
Your feathers and your wing sheltered me.
Thus I formed this celestial tree of stars,
See how it reaches into the firmament?  
As you shielded me once with your wing,
So have I done the same with these stars.
The tree and its branches are my wings,
These stars are my feathers stretching over you.”

A commissioned gift from @cafelatte100​ to @whiskerdrops​!

This is a short excerpt from “Branches of Heaven” by @whiskerdrops​

You can read the full version of her stunningly impressive poem here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23254750


Thank you, @gemennair! I don’t think Crowley can yell at that starry tree to grow any better! Thank you also to @whiskerdrops for your beautiful poetry! <3

Source: gemennair

Heavenly Light (A Good Omens Poem)

So this is in answer to this prompt from @cafelatte100 It’s been quite a while since I’ve done any poetry, but I do hope you enjoy this anyway ^_^

(Also, check out @whiskerdrops fill for the same prompt HERE)


It was in the eve of Eden where in the garden green

The Serpent and the Angel met under that first rain’s silver sheen.

It was as unlikely a friendship as ever was found

And yet the two from Heaven and Hell were as one soul bound.

It was while under the Angel’s wing where the Demon shelter took

From the cool silvery droplets as thunder the Heavens shook

That he began to think of a memory from long ago;

Of a place among the stars where a heavenly tree did grow.

For under Heaven’s protection from the droplets from above

It reminded the Demon yet of another place he loved.

A place that offered shelter, from storm, anger and wrath,

A place he visited many times before straying from Heavenly path.

Amidst the budding friendship that encompassed these two beings,

The Demon called the Angel toward that Heavenly scene.

The Angel was always curious, so eagerly he went;

The Demon’s heart was filled with joy to show the Angel his testament.

For a testament it was to the friendship the Demon had—

Despite the fact that others would think his choice quite mad.

For he had felt something different under the Angel’s pearly wing,

Something he hadn’t known since he’d heard Heaven’s warm lights sing.

The constellations shown like gems when the Demon pulled the Angel toward the stars,

Past the firmament, past the Earth, past the glowing Moon and Mars,

And far past anything the human eye could see

Sat, in a nebula all alone, one glistering, starry tree.

The light from those stars was gentle and soft

Like a sweet Summer breeze that lifted a bird aloft.

It’s branches, its trunk, its leaves—all made from Heavenly Light

And never, in all of Creation, had the Angel seen such a beautiful sight.

The Angel was speechless, and the Demon as well,

For nothing like this had come from Heaven, and certainly not from Hell.

And yet the Angel felt, as he reached out with gentle finger,

That the Demon’s life, his creative touch, upon those stars did linger.

The Demon stood by silently, unable to form a word,

For what he felt about those stars the Angel surely, in their singing, heard.

For the Demon’s intention was clear in what this tree did mean

And the Angel felt his friendship grow with everything he’d seen.

This starry tree the Demon made was watching over all

And nothing about that had changed, no matter he’d taken a Fall.

And as the Angel had sheltered him in the Garden on that day,

This tree was a Heavenly wing saying what the Demon could not say.

But the Angel understood; no words were needed here!

And the Demon relaxed, and smiled softly, washing away his own fear.

On opposite sides they might be, but of the same stars they were both made:

When a Demon shelters an Angel, even Hell’s darkest soul could be saved.


@lady-wallace and @whiskerdrops I'm absolutely moved to tears. You two took me to a place of such heights where I don't know how to come back down to earth and I don't know if I want to right now! Thank you so much, both of you! :’) :’) <3!!!!!!!!!!


Good Omens Poem: Branches of Heaven

Written for Cafelatte100′s request for Good Omens poetry; the prompt may be found in full here.  Also, I didn’t know this, but today is World Poetry Day!  How awesome is that?  :D

Summary:  Long ago, Crowley used his talent for building nebulae to create something special for the angel who had sheltered him under his wing. Written in honour of World Poetry Day.

Some poetry links:


Thank you so much, Whiskerdrops!

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