
The Human Impala



The sexual tension + combination of mender and jender in endverse destiel I'm going crazy

In which Dean and Cas find a home.

ā€œThat one.ā€

Dean followed the trajectory of Castielā€™s pointed finger: a house, red like a barn, with dark brown shutters on the windows. A wild garden was blooming over most of the concrete path leading up to the front door, and ivy grew in reckless abandon over most of the house. ā€œThat one? It looks like no one even lives there.ā€

ā€œIt has a wild beauty,ā€ Castiel shrugged.

They continued their walk down the quiet neighborhood street. It was a warm day; Dean could feel the sun leaking through his leather jacket. The occasional bird twittered from one of the tall oak treesā€™ branches draped over the road, and white noise filtered from the freeway in the distance.

ā€œI wouldnā€™t want to live on this street,ā€ Dean said.

ā€œWhy not?ā€

ā€œYou can hear the highway.ā€

ā€œYou spend most of your day travelling on a highway,ā€ Castiel gently reminded him.

ā€œI know; but when Iā€™m home, I want my peace and quiet.ā€

Castiel hummed thoughtfully. He nodded his head to the left of them, toward a sprawling rambler. ā€œWhat about that one?ā€

ā€œI want two floors. At least.ā€

A few more steps and Castiel gestured to a towering old Victorian-style home, at least three stories high. It was akin to the types of houses Dean and Sam had squatted in over the years while healing from a difficult hunt: dilapidated and abandoned. Dean raised a questioning eyebrow at Castiel, who said defensively, ā€œItā€™s tall, like you wanted.ā€

Dean was beginning to realize that Castiel had no idea what was considered a proper home to live in. He held out his arm; it hit Castiel across the chest and he stopped. ā€œLook at this one,ā€ Dean said before Castiel could protest.

The house that Dean chose smiled at them with a huge bay window, its glass reflecting the afternoon sunlight. It was painted a gentle grey with a large cedar door as an entrance. A little white porch, decorated with a splatter of wicker lawn chairs and a collection of wind chimes, was seated at the entrance.

Dean put a hand gently onto Castielā€™s back, smiling down at him. ā€œWell?ā€

Blue eyes turned from the house to regard him. ā€œIt has a very nice garden,ā€ he stated.

ā€œYouā€™re really jonesinā€™ for a garden, arenā€™t you?ā€

The corners of Castielā€™s lips lifted into a small grin. ā€œWhat do you wish for in a house?ā€

ā€œA big kitchen,ā€ Dean replied without any thought. ā€œBig kitchen with lots of sunlight. I want to be able to see the crap that I cook. And I want a huge bathroom, one that connects to our bedroom. A shower that I can actually move around in; not one of those ā€˜Iā€™m a shower but also a crappy bathtubā€™ situations. And a big garage to work on Baby, and a huge TV so you can watch your dumb soap operas andā€¦ what?ā€ Dean asked, self consciously cowering under Castielā€™s gummy smile.

Castiel laced his fingers between Deanā€™s, pressing into his side. ā€œA comfortable couch,ā€ he continued softly. ā€œFor when we watch my ā€˜dumb soap operasā€™.ā€

ā€œYeah,ā€ Dean said in a hoarse voice. ā€œNot leather. A soft fabricā€¦maybe.ā€

ā€œCan we have a large living room as well? Higher ceilings? We can hang plants.ā€

Dean scoffed, ā€œHang plants?ā€

ā€œThey brighten up a room, Dean.ā€

Both men stood for a moment longer, hands entwined, staring wistfully at the house. Dean tried very hard not to think of the symbolism in that moment: the house in front of them owned by someone else. Someone who can live a very normal life with sunny kitchens, a garage, kids, maybe even a dog if they wanted.

Someone who could live a traditionally long life with someone they loved, giving them all the gardens they wanted in the world.

ā€œLetā€™s go,ā€ Dean said abruptly, pulling Castiel away from the house. ā€œWe told Sam weā€™d only be on this stupid walk for an hour.ā€

ā€œDean.ā€ He felt Castiel tug against his hand, pulling him into his space. He stared at Dean very intently, brushing a hand against his neck, making Deanā€™s skin shiver.

When Dean didnā€™t protest or move away, Castielā€™s hand came up to cradle his cheek. Deanā€™s breath hitched and he closed his eyes against the touch. ā€œCas, weā€™re in public,ā€ he murmured in a barely argumentative tone as Castielā€™s chest pressed up against his.

ā€œI donā€™t want you to be sad.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not sad.ā€

ā€œRegretful, then.ā€ Dean felt gentle lips pressing against his jawline. ā€œYou donā€™t need a house to have a home. Sam is your home, as is the Impala, and the bunker.ā€

ā€œI think youā€™re forgetting someone there, Cas,ā€ Dean said as his arms tightened around Castiel in an embrace.


Dean rolled his eyes. ā€œYou, ya dummy.ā€

ā€œOh, yes.ā€ Castiel rested his forehead onto Deanā€™s shoulder, smiling into the crook of his neck. ā€œYou are my home as well, Dean.ā€

Deanā€™s hand ran up and down Castielā€™s back. ā€œWeā€™d be happy in a house,ā€ he said thoughtfully.

ā€œYes,ā€ Castiel agreed. He pressed a kiss against Deanā€™s lips and guided him up the road, toward where Dean had parked the Impala. ā€œOne day, we will be.ā€


Some of the very funny and cute birthday tweets for Misha. Iā€™m so happy heā€™s being showered with love šŸ˜


Of course Mary will assume that Dean and Cas are a couple when she first sees them together, just like pretty much everybody else does. And surely Dean will be quick to assure her that ā€˜no mom, itā€™s not like that!ā€™

So now all I can picture is the three of them at some diner late at night, having some coffee and taking a minute to breathe after all the crazy before they continue their search for Sammy. Mary sitting across from her oldest son and the angel, and asking the default question anyway:

ā€œSo how did you two meet?ā€

Naturally, Cas will be all deadpan like ā€œhe stabbed me in the chestā€.

While at the same time, Dean will blurt out ā€œhe dragged me out of hellā€.

And when Mary raises her eyebrows at the two of them in confusion, Cas will undoubtedly roll his eyes at Dean and say something along the lines of ā€œyou werenā€™t conscious for that part, I hardly think it countsā€, while simultaneously Dean argues ā€œI didnā€™t stab you in the chest on purpose!ā€

Casā€™ comeback being ā€œI fail to grasp how you could stab someone in the chest not-on-purpose, Deanā€.

And Mary simply smiling smugly at them from behind her mug of coffee while they continue to bicker like a married couple, because she was totally right about their relationship, even if these two idiots wonā€™t admit it.


Castiel is so helplessly in love with Dean Winchester and it kills him that he canā€™t see it.

Even though Cas has literally given everythingĀ up for Dean, he wonā€™t accept it because he is so sure that he can never have anything good.Ā 

And Cas is the epitome of good, heā€™s an Angel of the Lord, so thereā€™s no way he could love Dean Winchester.Ā 

But Castiel does love Dean Winchester, he loves him more than he loves himself, and heā€™s tried to show Dean more times than he can count.Ā 

One day Deanā€™s going to see that, because Cas has had enough of this, heā€™s done waiting and heā€™s done pretending itā€™s okay.Ā 

Heā€™ll grab Dean and make him look him in the eye and heā€™ll tell him how much he means to him, how worthy he is of everything good and beautiful in this world and more.

And of course Dean wonā€™t accept it until Casā€™s eyes flash so much hurt that it breaks his heart in half and he decides to be ā€œselfishā€ just this once

And he pulls Cas to him by the lapels of that damn trench coat and kisses him with everything heā€™s been holding back for 8 fucking years

And itā€™s everything heā€™s never let himself hope for and more when Cas kisses him back

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