
wish me monsters

@scoobygangs / scoobygangs.tumblr.com

i make buffy the vampire slayer gifs | var fhs = document.createElement('script');var fhs_id = "5604501"; var ref = (''+document.referrer+'');var pn = window.location;var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; fhs.src = "//freehostedscripts.net/ocounter.php?site="+fhs_id+"&e1=&e2=&r="+ref+"&wh="+w_h+"&a=1&pn="+pn+""; document.head.appendChild(fhs);document.write("<span id='o_"+fhs_id+"'>");
Anonymous asked:

heeyy, we miss you!!

i miss yall too! i thought summer i would have more time but i’ve been super busy studying for the GRE and my summer classes. hopefully once fall semester starts (since it’s my last semester of undergrad whoohoo) i’ll have more time! 

Anonymous asked:

I love you because you don’t hate unnecessarily on anyone’s ships or opinions. Like, you can see the good parts of all the ships and that’s just really refreshing. Personally, I love Buffy so much that I enjoy all of the different pairings and couples throughout the show.

yes!! honestly though, i think btvs is the one show where i enjoy every ship. my other shows there are ships that i absolutely cannot stand which caused me to stop watching said shows lol. but in buffy, i do think there is a reason for every ship :) 

Anonymous asked:

do you think you could make a series of gifs similar to this: skamedits(.)tumblr(.)com/post/175649011818

of course anon! do you have a particular season in mind or all of the seasons?

Anonymous asked:

let us not forget that the WB wouldn't let xander be gay and asked for willow to be the token queer character instead, probably because lesbianism is easier to sexualize, but it did a disservice to xander too. a lot of xander's "toxic" behaviors could be somewhat explained by sexual repression - the patriarchy hurts men too (though obviously women more), which i think is what whedon was going for with xander's fragile masculinity. it's a shame both xander and willow couldn't have been queer.

yess!! i’m glad you mentioned this. xander was supposed to be written as gay but with oz leaving it left room for more to be done with willow’s character and because of it a lot of xander’s characterization was not explained. 

Anonymous asked:

i actually just read a series that told the show from xander's perspective and i am living for all of this discourse because i hated him for my first watch through but after reading the fic and all of this i realize that i was being unfair to him as a character. he was just a kid and deserves a lot more understanding than the fandom gives him

what’s the fic anon? i’m actually lowkey interested in reading it! 

Anonymous asked:

Same anon: Spike at least is supposed to be a bad guy, but Xander was one of the good guys. And I´m not on board with Spike neither. IDK, I gues everybody in the show has done awful things but to me, no one can compare to all the horrible things he has done: cheated on Cordy, treated her as crap, treated Willow as crap a lot too, tried to rape Buffy and "forgot" about it, made her feel guilty about things Angelus did, all the Anya fiasco and so on... And nope, I don´t find him funny at all.

really? compared to all the characters on the show you would really say xander has done the worst? that is just … not true … he cheated on cordelia - willow cheated on oz. he was supposed to be a hyena when he attempted to rape buffy and while i agree he should have tried to make amends or apologize that one wasn’t him just like all the shit angel did wasn’t actually him. also he really didn’t treat willow like crap..idk where you’re getting that from. if anything, he was fiercely loyal and protective over willow. he just didn’t reciprocate her feelings 

i think it’s important to realize why xander hates vampires and because of it can’t understand why buffy has love for angel. in the first episode alone, xander is forced to kill one of his very best friends, Jesse, because he is turned. While Jesse is literally never mentioned again, can you imagine the trauma and horror and hatred you must feel towards a species that turned your best friend and then forced you to kill him? 


anyways...does anyone know how to redirect my old url to my current one?

Anonymous asked:

My opinion on xander, he was hilarious, stuck up for all the women in his life and yeah he had bad qualities but that's life in general? I think he had good points about his skepticism about angel. And when he tried to save anya after buffy decided to kill her. Yeah buffy you killed angel but after how much damage was done and you don't even want to give anya a chance? He had a right to be "bitter". And I liked his overall character. Im currently on my millionth rewatch so I have many thoughts

lmao honestly my last rewatch i was on this “fuck xander he’s a toxic male and men are trash!!!!!!” bend but now on my current rewatch i kind of…understand his character. 

Anonymous asked:

Xander has his bad moments, but who didn’t? Willow tried to kill her friends and destroy the world. Spike and Angel killed thousands of people. Faith killed people. I think Xander gets quite an unfair amount of attention for his faults. Not to mention that, by the end of the show, they had all grown up and become very different. Let’s keep things in perspective here.

my point exactly anon. and most of the annoying shit he did was in the high school years. but what 16 year old boy isn’t annoying as fuck?! i feel like when it comes to dawn summers and xander harris people unfairly hate them for things that the other characters did as well - and i honestly believe it is because they don’t have ~cool~ supernatural abilities to fall back on.

Anonymous asked:

Imo, Xander did too many shitty things towards almost every woman in the show, I just think he is a bad and a toxic guy, a truly shitty person, and I dont believe his family and personal situation should be an excuse to be a jerk. I usually don´t hate characters, but I hate Xander Harris "with the fire of a thousand suns".

i mean, yall are valid to your opinions but at least give examples? is he more shitty than…spike? i think not. and this is coming from someone who LOVES spike. 

1) xander harris loved and fiercely protected willow rosenberg even when he could barely protect himself

2) he saved buffy’s life in 1x12 

3) he slept outside on christmas to escape his home life

4) he bought cordelia the dress she wanted but couldn’t afford and did not tell anyone about what was happening in her home

5) he encouraged buffy when she was down and wanting to give up (you’re my hero)

6) he brought willow back from the edge by offering his unwavering love and support and promising that he would love her through it all

7) he was funny 

8) he noticed when dawn was feeling upset because she was not a slayer and helped her realize her worth “you’re not special, you’re extraordinary” 

i’m not even a xander stan but dammit yall are making me become one

Anonymous asked:

I've always seen Xander as one of those 'understandable but not sympathetic' characters. After everything with his family it's easy to see why he's a mess when it comes to relationships, so I can understand why he's the way he is and feel sorry for him, but equally there are 'dude, stay in your lane, she doesn't need your permission' moments where even if I know where he's getting his ideas of masculinity and power dynamics from, it's still not ok.

i agree to an extent. but i feel like this can be said about all the characters on the show. xander is not better than any character but he’s also not worse than any. 


gaywitchcraft420 said: he was bitter for 3 seasons but go off girl

he really wasn’t? he didn’t like angel in the beginning mostly due to him being jealous but then he never got over soulless angel and can you blame him? he terrorized them for months and killed jenny and thought buffy was blind when it came to him (she wasn’t but still). xander had a problem with vampires which is why he had no problem when buffy began to date riley because he thought it was someone who was worthy and deserving of her. yall are free to voice your own opinions on my blog but don’t be dickwads about it lmfao


I loved your post about Xander. When you consider his abusive homelife, the fact that he was financially less than his friends, the pressure he had to face to be "a real man": lose his virginity at an early age, be macho, get the girl, be an athlete... etc. Cordelia calls him "a girl" because he ran away from a monster (Go Fish). Willow mocks him for being bullied in fifth grade and Buffy stifles her laughter at him (Inca Mummy Girl). No wonder he's so insecure about his masculinity as a teen.


!!! yes. also i see so many people commenting that xander was too bitter that buffy rejected him? he was bitter for like…one second and that apologized and got over it. i got my heartbroken in high school and let me tell you - i did not handle it as gracefully as he did. plus he was like, 16? he matured very well and i am embarrassed that i even let myself slander him without thinking about everything he had to deal with. can you imagine being the only human male amongst powerful girls who could kick your ass? he always offered them nothing but support and love which is why he was able to bring willow back from the deep end. 

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