
The Blog Formerly Known As Karmasdollface



y’all know that whole “zeus is my sky dad” thing, does that work with Hera too??? cause my actual mom sucks and it’d be nice for Hera to be my mom

Yes, Hera is Cloud Mom as well



No harm to any religion. It’s just a lamp ads by an Australian company. However, it’s funny!

I’m going to cry 😂😂


Ahaha, the reason why Mohammad is specifically mentioned as not being able to be there is because in Islam, portrayals and portraits of Mohammad are forbidden.  But they didn’t want to be seen as either hand waving him as at the table but not shown or as explicitly omitted.

Very smart move there advertising script writers.

This is so wholesome

Who was the geisha though??? Someone identify them all for me, this was cool

Pusheen is on it!


Jesus, obvs

Zeus, obvs












L Ron Hubbard









Lao Tzu/ Laozi

this is so wholesome

It is better, I think, to grab at the stars than to sit flustered because you know you cannot reach them… At least he who reaches will get a good stretch, a good view, and perhaps even a low-hanging apple for his efforts

R. A. Salvatore, Sojourn (via aliceinrivendell)


I love how they left out the part about them giving out the lesbian couple’s personal information to send them death threats, running them out of their home, and encouraging other fundies to petition to have their children taken away. **examines fingernails**

Also the fact that they raised half million dollars from other raging homophobes to fund this bigotry. I hope the dickholes lose the shirts off their backs and have to live out of a van. But that’s too much to hope for.

I just wanna add that the lesbian couple were getting married because their mutual friend had just died of cancer and they were adopting her two daughters… and that the death threats were so bad that they had to quit their jobs and move. it’s never just about a cake. it’s about the precedent you set when you allow ppl to discriminate. it’s about all the disgusting bigots that crawl out of the woodwork when they feel like they have the right to hate.


20 Tips to being a Safe Witch

Altar Safety

  • When burning anything always keep a glass of water near you, unless you are working with burning oils, then keep a fire extinguisher or baking soda on hand.
  • When working with essential oils(EO), do not burn them they are highly flammable 
  • Never leave anything burning unattended, be it a burn bowl, candle, incense. DON’T LEAVE IT!
  • Please remove anything flammable such as paper or string from the candle, it will ignite and you will be alarmed.
  • Make sure that what you’re burning your candle in is fire safe, metal and cast iron are good bets. Do NOT burn in a glass, if you have to put it out and dump water on it, it will explode. 
  • Make sure you tie back loose hair and don’t have any floppy sleeves or necklaces to get in the way. 
  • When putting out a candle it is best to use a candle snuffer and do not use water. 
  • Don’t burn kitchen sage, it gives off a toxic smoke. Not something you wanna inhale.

Essential Oil Safety

  • Please, please dilute them properly. I have a chemical burn scar I can never get rid of due to undiluted cinnamon bark oil. The proper dilution is one drop per teaspoon.
  • Never ingest EO, there are some that are now generally recognized as safe by the FDA, but the quality of EO are not regulated. Who knows what a bad quality EO could do to your internal organs, not something I wanna test.
  • Essential Oils are photosensitive, meaning they deteriorate in light store them in a dark area to prevent them from spoiling.
  • DO NOT put them near on your skin and get in the sun or a tanning bed, especially citrus oils, they will blister.
  • Water will not dilute essential oils, only other oils(canola, olive, sweet almond, olive will all dilute). If you want to use them in a bath it is one drop per a teaspoon of oil.
  • Please seek medical attention if anything seems off after using EO, they seem harmless but can be very dangerous
  • Pets can be very sensitive to essential oils(particularly cats) and it is almost impossible to cover all my bases here. The sources provided below have some great resources.
  • Always go by the scientific name, German and Roman chamomile are very different products.

Kitchen Magic Safety

  • Wear shoes if you’re doing anything, I nearly lost a toe the other day cause I dropped a knife. I got lucky I was wearing boots. 
  • Wear correct clothing, and tie back hair. No matter if you have a gas, electric or induction stove, I’ve caught a lab coat sleeve on fire thanks to a torch while making a creme brulee. 
  • Use your knives correctly, learn about the pinch grip and use the correct knife for the job. Using a paring knife for chopping potatoes is asking for trouble. There are tons of videos online, I like the ones from Alton Brown and Jamie Oliver.
  • As a side note use sharp knives, a blunt knife will do more damage than a sharp one.
  • Don’t leave knives in the sink, someone could begin to wash dishes and cut themselves. 
  • Watch the steam. Steam can give a worse burn than dry heat, open pot lids away from you and don’t stick your face and phalanges in steam. 
  • Don’t leave food products unattended. 
  • Use your damn pot holders, they protect you and your counters. 
  • Store raw meat on the lowest shelves, and never store cooked meat on the same shelf
  • Wash your hands before, wash your hands after handling raw meats, wash your hands after. 
  • Don’t leave food that is meant to be cold or hot out for more than 2 hours, this is to decrease foodborne illness. 
  • When using the store turn handles in, to keep yourself from bumping them off the stove. 
  • Cook meats to proper temps(there is a chart in the sources)
  • If you are using herbs be sure to use kitchen grade herbs, those that are not kitchen grade are not held up to the same purity standards and could have more pesticide residue.

Herbal Safety

  • Please be aware a lot of herbs can work against prescription medications, or should only be taken in very specific doses( St. John’s Wort I’m looking at you.) Check in with your doctor or a licensed herbalist or naturopath before ingesting herbs.

Crystal Safety

  • Identify your crystals, some are water solvent some are not and it matters
  • Some that aren’t safe in water include malachite and selenite. They have copper and if aren’t sealed they can become toxic. There is no way to know for sure if it was sealed or not keep -ite crystals dry as a good rule of thumb. 
  • Some crystals fade in sunlight like rose quartz, amethyst and citrine, in order to prevent fading try cleansing them with sound, flower petals, moonlight and energy.

VIV Sassmaster, WHC Blog Manager, WHC Moderator @thestudiouswitch



if an archaeologist says an artifact was probably for “ritual purposes” it means “i have no fuckin clue”

but if they say it was for “fertility rituals” they mean “i know exactly what it was for but i dont want to say ‘ancient dildo’”

Back in the day I worked at a certain very famous and very high caste art museum in the US as a junior curator. Part of my job was to catalog the objects in the museum database. This includes details like provenance, measurements, and a visual description of what the object looked like.

Like I said, the museum was a pretty snotty institution. It’s got a LOT of objects it’s way famous for possessing, but nobody knew about the absolutely massive collection of Moche erotic pottery it had because the curators were totally embarrassed by this stuff.

Some examples:


Pretty hot shit, right? They never, ever put any of this stuff on public view or published it in any catalogues but - we legit had like several hundred pieces of Moche ceramics in the “dirty pots” category. Anyway, I was left alone to just do my job with regard to the database for several years, ok? And I figured, well, these’re accessioned objects in the museum’s collection - better get down to bidness. 

I catalogued every goddamn bestiality, necrophiliac, cocksucking, buttfucking, detached penis, and giant vulva drinking cup in that collection. I’d be like, 

A drinking vessel in form of a standing man wearing a tunic and cap. He holds an oversized erection in his hands and stares into the distance (note I did not say “like he’s hella-constipated”). The vessel has a hole at both the tip of the penis as well as around the rim of the figure’s head, thus forcing the drinker to drink only from the penis or risk spilling wine all over themselves from the top of the vessel. Red and orange slip covers the surface of the piece.

Pretty straightforward, right? Apparently the deep seated fear of these objects that the curators exhibited was meant to spread to me as well, but - no one ever gave me that memo, because I guess Midwesterners reproduce asexually. When the curators understood that I had catalogued all of these objects in addition to the other, non-sexy pieces in the collection, they were apparently livid, but knew they had no legs to stand on in terms of getting pissed at me for it. 

I visited the museum’s online public access database a few years back and - every single description I wrote of these pieces has been totally neutered to say something like Male figural vase

Long story short? Just call a dildo a fucking dildo. It’s all gonna be ok, I swear.


This is absolutely the MOST unusual reblog I have ever tagged with what is probably my second-favorite tag, “talk to me about your work.”

Plus it’s hilarious.


I love ancient art history !!!!!

Museums should have sections dedicated to artifacts like these with a warning that says “There’s a lot of private parts in here but we’re dedicated to displaying history so we won’t censor these. Enter at your own risk” or something. It’s prudish to deliberately hide history because of some ding dongs.


Now might be a good time to mention I dated a guy when I was in uni

He worked in the student union and happened to have access to one of the tvs and used to turn on women’s sports and pretend he didn’t have control over the tv when people would complain.

This was the sole reason I chatted him up - I watched him look a dudebro dead in the eye and claim he didn’t have control of the tv and they were stuck watching women’s MMA all afternoon when I had literally watched him clock in and turn it on.


My DM has mentioned the possibility of my character’s death as a few too many NPC’s who can see the future so I’m worried that he might kill him off. So just in case he does and I’m not happy with it, I have some truly awful backup characters to pull out such as:

  • A half-orc barbarian who’s just Shrek
  • A Kenku that only communicates via a Duke Nukem soundboard
  • Paul of House Blart, Paladin of Ma’all, God of Justice and Mercantile
  • A gnome bard who exclusively plays Crazy Frog songs
  • And a Teenage Mutant Ninja Tortle

I gotta know what happened, which you went with, and what the original doomed character’s gimmick was

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