it's a classic scam. you buy cheap ingredients, renovate them using heat and other ingredients and flip em. by the time the cops catch up you've moved on to another dish
Something that really stuck with me while I was playing Mass Effect 2, and that I feel was so important to understanding the relationship between Shepard and Garrus, whether you romance him or not, is that Garrus is your only companion from ME1 who never moved on.
You died. The crew watched you die. Assumedly they grieved you, there was a funeral service, there were tears and all five stages of grief. Things were rough, but eventually life took on a shade of normalcy again.
Kaiden/Ashley got reassigned and continued their work for the alliance. Liara fights tooth and nail to get your body to Cerberus, but then it’s out of her hands and she becomes an information broker. Tali goes back to the Floatilla, like she was always supposed to. Wrex becomes a clan leader. And yes, they’re all fundamentally changed by their time on the Normandy, but no one seems as stuck as Garrus Vakarian.
Because he doesn’t go back to the Citadel. He doesn’t join the Turian Hierarchy. He ships himself off to Omega, one of the most dangerous places he could be, and makes a life out of pissing off the most dangerous people there. It’s kind of a suicide mission, especially after what happened with Sidonis. He kind of figures he’s going to die doing this, but what else can he do?
There is no normalcy for Garrus in a world without Shepard, and I think that’s why he’s always immediately ready to come back to the Normandy. The Normandy, and Shepard, are home for Garrus and that’s why I think romancing him feels like the natural conclusion for so many femme Sheps, because Shepard feels that way too.
Of all the companions, no one needs Shepard to live more than Garrus, and no one needs Garrus more than Shepard. They’re perfectly matched, as lovers, as friends, as soldiers, as whatever they are in your universe and when you’re that perfectly matched with someone, you never quite feel whole without them.
No Shepard without Vakarian.
The Shape of Ideas
Is anyone else just... exhausted?
Everyone living in the USA needs to inform themselves about "crisis pregnancy centers." They're not legitimate medical facilities and typically only have a nurse on staff, if even that.
"Crisis pregnancy centers" are UNREGULATED organizations that present themselves like medical facilities and often offer medical advice and information, but they are staffed by volunteers many of whom are not medical professionals, typically funded by churches and pro-life orgs, and exist to convince people not to have abortions. They often give "patients" misinformation and lies about abortion, contraception, and pregnancy.
These organizations often take the place of legitimate medical facilities particularly in impoverished areas despite being essentially fake medical clinics that offer few services and that are not bound to ethical or sanitary guidelines of real clinics.
A "crisis pregnancy center" in Kentucky was recently in the news because a nurse who volunteered there found that trans-vaginal ultrasound probes were being sanitized using disinfectant that was both expired and totally ineffective against HPV, a common sexually transmitted infection, meaning the clinic could have given their clients STIs with their shitty unregulated sanitation practices.
My MOM visited one of these "centers" when she was pregnant with me (a planned and wanted pregnancy) because she didn't know it was fake and unregulated!
People deserve real healthcare, not lies, randos dressed up in white coats, and disease-spreading, unsterilized equipment like it's the 1700s.
Reblog to come play this stupid homemade board game we're all making.
The rule #1 is that the winner adds a new rule to the game
its been p common knowledge for decades that light pollution can be massively reduced by just putting shades on streetlamps, and that doing that would save energy, help wildlife, and let us see the stars better, but are society says if u wanna change any minor little tiny thing u gotta dedicate ur whole life to campaigning for it and this is a good ways down the list of priorities for most ppl, so instead i gotta walk past newly-installed streetlamps that are just dumb glass globes that use half their electricity to blast half their light directly into the sky where it does only bad things for no reason and think "we should overthrow the government"
had to clip this because jesus CHRIST
Tumblr is my alert system for when new dropout episodes are out
Constantly waiting for that dopamine hit from someone interacting with your posts but realizing you haven’t been on the site long enough/don’t have enough followers for that to happen often be like:
This is how Superhero v. Supervillain dynamics form.
gamechanger has 2 storylines. one is the episode to episode shenanigans, the escalation of games. the other is an extremely slow psychological thriller that exists only between Brennan Lee Mulligan and Sam Reich.
what if instead of being under the impression that Darth Vader killed his father someone told Luke that Vader killed his mother and then Luke hit him w that accusation in the middle of their confrontation and Vader just started crying
i just walked past the apartment beneath mine and through an open window i could hear my downstairs neighbor crying faintly while the song jolene played in the background and im just like… bitch are you okay…?
I actually ended up going back downstairs to check on her and brought some leftover cookies I baked this afternoon. she’s very sweet and going through a Breakup Mood™️ after being cheated on. she’s coming over to my gf and I’s annual bad movie night on Friday and she even let me pet her cat named Clarence
my gf thinks it’s funny but very fitting that our downstairs neighbor was able to summon a concerned lesbian just by playing jolene while crying about being done dirty by a man
reblog to summon a concerned lesbian in your hour of need
reblog to summon
a concerned lesbian in
your hour of need
Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.
like i do get why the OT having characters describe the jedi as an 'ancient religion' when they were an active and significant political presence within living memory annoys people. but honestly i think making the fall of the jedi so recent just ramps up how idk. sinister the whole thing is to me?
like the Jedi weren't just wiped out physically; their memory has been flat out obliterated. let's not forget Palpatine didn't just have the Jedi order destroyed, he got the senate to cheer for him while he did it.
we live in an age of alternative facts - it's not difficult to imagine. oh you remember seeing the Jedi using the force live on space TV? no you didn't. the Jedi order is ancient history, they fell a really long time ago. 50 years? a hundred? something like that. we don't believe in that kind of superstition anymore. kinda sad that they're gone i guess but it was progress.
like 'the government massacres thousands of people including children and then 20 years later everyone acts like it didn't happen' isn't an implausible series of events c'mon
The guy who made it was literally watching it happen in real time with Vietnam. They didn’t need the internet or social media or fake news. Lucas watched the government change the narrative on the war as it was happening, so he knew full well the power of propaganda and state media. It’s not a plot hole, it’s scarily accurate.
some of my fav 'inconsistencies' between the prequel trilogy & the OT and by fav i mean i genuinely think these were good calls:
- it is NOT normal for Jedi to become force ghosts when they die. that's like a brand new skill Yoda just unlocked. if Luke tried to tell ppl about Obi-wan's force ghost literally no-one, even ppl who were familiar w the Jedi when they were around, would know wtf he was talking about
- R2-D2 knew everything that went down during the prequels and just opted not to tell anyone ever which is fully in-character for him
- becoming a Jedi was a whole process involving 15+ years of training and formal trials to determine if you were ready for knighthood and then with Luke Yoda was just like 'yeah fuck it you're a jedi knight now. burn the jedi temple did. made up all the rules are. gives a shit who does.'
- everyone just kind of forgot who the Jedi were within the span of a generation. love that.
why is this the hottest thing i've ever seen
I need everyone to know that I looked it up, and Noah Lyles is doing this as part of an ongoing bet he has with shotput competitor Chase Jackson. She's wearing Naruto accessories every day, and if Lyles whips out Yugioh cards at every race, then for the shotput finals Jackson will re-enact the scene of Rock Lee dropping his weights.
This is now the only part of the Olympics that I care about.
edit: this is not the olympics. I'm an idiot. it's the USA qualifiers for the olympics, but our boy Lyles has won every race so he's definitely going to be taking Exodia to the Olympics, and i for one cannot wait