

@mandalora / mandalora.tumblr.com

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Josef Ruszkiewicz (1856-1925), 'Swieto Kupaly' (Kupala Day), ''Tygodnik Ilustrowany'', #26, 1902 Kupała Day leads into Kupala Night, the pagan festival of fertility, fire and water, a festival so popular the Catholic Church—during the "Christianization" of Poland—failed to destroy it through persuasion and violence, eventually conceding to the practice, tailoring and trimming it into a Catholic saint's day, namely St. John's Day/Eve (for John the Baptist). If you're interested in the history of the festival, I would suggest reading about it here and here (to provide two random sources for your convenience).


alt right movements in america have found such success bc of they r unified in their hatred. they got that brand loyalty level dedication to being evil. ppl on the left will spend five minutes giving a dissertation if u make the mistake of calling them a democrat

the amount of infighting and moral superiority and perfectionism drives me CRAZY bc girl u r not a better person bc u told people it wasn’t ethical to vote <3

“protests don’t do anything it’s just to make yourself feel better” “luigi mangione had conservative values so I don’t know if I can support him” “if you vote for kamala it’s a vote for genocide” “I can’t side with bernie sanders bc he still aligns with the democrats” “blue collars shouldn’t be allowed to…” BRO are you actually doing ANYTHING helpful or just alienating people that are offering to help bail out a sinking ship?


SHANNON TWEED as Allison Fowles in Baywatch 2.11 (1991)

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