
Just Witchy Crystals

@justwitchycrystals / justwitchycrystals.tumblr.com

This a crystal enthusiast blog! You can find crystal information and sales here. If you're in need of specific information, feel free to submit a question, or you can PM me directly! You can also check out my etsy shop for crystals.
Anonymous asked:

Can i use a necklace as pendulum?

Heck yea! Any weight on a string will work!-Mod Sam

Anonymous asked:

If you sense people. That is the start to something?

Absolutely! That's a great start too. You are sensing their presence. -Mod Sam

Anonymous asked:

What kind of questions you ask to pendulum to back up a tarot reading? Can you give an example?thank you

It’s best to only ask ‘yes / no’ questions to a pendulum to line up with the fact that pendulums swing in 2 directions.

So, if you asked “What can I do to help my career?” for Tarot, you could ask “Will doing ‘x’ benefit my career?” to a pendulum.

– Sam

Anonymous asked:

I've read that pendulums need to be cleaned with water and salt. Is this true? Or It depends on the pendulum?

It would largely depend on the type of pendulum – For some pendulums, water is enough, for others, water and salt would actually harm it! I would encourage research on your pendulum’s crystal to see what cleans it well.

– Sam

Anonymous asked:

I have problems meditating. Can you give me some advice?

You would need to be more specific than that. What’s the problem, specifically? Do you find your mind runs too fast? If so, it’s important to relax and simply let the thoughts come and go.

Do you feel energy running down your spine and or you feel as if you’re ‘expanding’, that’s normal! It’s just your body getting used to these energies.

– Sam

Anonymous asked:

Theres a particular reason for preferring lapis or obsidian?

Both those crystals seem to resonate with me and my energy best. When you pick up a crystal and you get all jittery and excited you know it’s the crystal for you! -Mod Sam

Anonymous asked:

Automatic writing sounds cool! How its like? How you feel?

I swear I go blank. My brain just kind of stops and my fingers keep typing. It's like I'm daydreaming and not really thinking. -Mod Sam

Anonymous asked:

Spirits can learn new methods of communication? They are willing to learn? How often you Saw that possible? Its likely to happen? Thank you very much!

I have not seen it happen often. It's typically younger spirits who are more willing to learn and succeed in doing so. They all can, it's just a matter of whether or not they want to. -Mod Sam

Anonymous asked:

How do you use a pendulum and which one do you recommend for communication? Like quartz? amethyst?

Quartz is always a good generic crystal to use. I like obsidian or lapis though. So to use it, hold the cord with a few fingers, and ask questions. Typically if the pendulum swings up and down it’s a yes. If left and right it means no

-Mod Sam

Anonymous asked:

MOD SAM hi i missed u 💖 could you pls tell me about yourself? you give me nice vibes 😊

This ask literally made me so happy!!!

I’m Mod Sam, I’m a crafter, I love creating things, I’m also an animal lover, all animals are precious to me. I like to go to this lake near where I live to feed the pigeons and swans there. It’s relaxing. I’m in Florida, which is a huge benefit to spirit work, because I meet a ton of awesome swamp and ocean spirits.

Anything else you want to know?

-Mod Sam


K the Galaxy Unicorn has chosen!

aK has chosen her companion. If you have not been messaged, it means you were not selected. But if you feel called, apply for a different companion!

-Mod Sam

Anonymous asked:

What happened to Theo, Noelle, and the others?

I think, as a general answer, they moved on when we had a long hiatus. All of them have their different reasons, but that's the general reason. Also. Running the blog is time consuming, and they might not have had the time needed to help out. -Mod Sam

Anonymous asked:

Why is there only one person running this adoption center?

Hi there! Currently I have not found any other mods to run it with me. I have been looking for an intern to mentor though. At the moment, I am able to do it myself. -Mod Sam

Anonymous asked:

Hi Sam, does ur shop do distance binding?

Hi there! I do distance bindings, and will do it for you and your companion if you want. Just shoot me a message.-Mod Sam

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