
Welcome to the 1st Pairing Week Event hosted by us! We're setting off with Zhanyi Week, which will take place from November 29th to December 5th.

Check out this year's prompts below and also our very important rules and guidelines.

Every drabble and doodle - not matter how short or small - is precious so please consider participating and contributing with fresh content to the fandom! 💪🏼


Day 1 - ZZX gets seriously hurt in his initial fight with MGS
Day 2 - SL hits on JY
Day 3 - ZhanYi's first consensual kiss
Day 4 - ZZX explains his relationship with JY to ZZQ
Day 3 - JY grows up to inherit his father's mafia business and/or ZZX to become a policeman
Day 6 - JY's / ZZX's future drinking problem
Day 7 - ZhanYis's first time

ZHANYI week, day 2 PROMPT, SFW

Here it isssss~

I am late but here’s the first half of my little comic for the second prompt : SL hits on JY

I figured I should at least post this half for now *sweats profusely* ⊙﹏⊙ . I’m sorry the week is already gone and i haven’t been able to finish it. Work is going to kill me lol

I had a lot of fun doing this, I hope you will enjoy it ! :>

I’ll post the second half as soon as I am done with it ❤️ Also, by the end of it all, i might add some little text but i’m not sure if it is worth it so let me know if i should or not 👀

Thank you @zhanyi-week for holding this event🙏💙

Anonymous asked:

Is there a submission tab for the ZY week prompts or do we have to post it on our regular tumblrs? (I have a specific themed tumblr i dont like to stray from by posting other fandom stuff thats why i ask)

There is indeed a submission tab, so people can always choose to either submit their fanworks directly with us or post it in one of their blogs. Participants are welcome to do it however they wish.



As expected, I am LATE for the Zhanyi’s Week 

I’ve started a micro-mini-tiny comic for the second prompt but i won’t be able to finish it on time. 

Sorry @zhanyi-week, as an apology for my lateness, here’s a litlle crying Jian Yi in the meantime (which happens to be a sneak pic of what i’m working on ^^)

i’ll try to finish my smole thing as soon as i can~


@ichigotonyu Please don't worry about not meeting the deadline! Take all the time you need, we welcome your work no matter when! 🍓 💛

1 week left...

We're so close to that dreaded moment, aren't we?

This panel nearly kills me yesterday. No lucky charm or talisman is going to protect your baby from the heartbreak of you disappearing into thin air honey.

Whatever happens to JY, whatever harsh training he’ll face in that island, or who knows where it’s only to hone down what’s always been there.

The cinnamon roll monster.

Brother Q notices his physical weakness and tells him he needs to get stronger because he's in a dangerous position. Simply by bearing that name. This is implied.

He already saved him from one kidnapping not too long prior to this.

I always wonder what sort of training and/or life circumstances did Q himself went through to be saying such things to a fifteen-year-old.

But then again, he obviously knows more than he let slip. This scene is foretelling of many things. Old Xian enjoys a little mind game or two. Don't they. That bastard.

So the clever perceptive fucker who's naturally capable of scanning two people he doesn't know very well manipulating them to do what he wants. Yes, I'm talking about Tianshan and the picnic scenario.

The caring and loving GOOD friend that doesn't doubt for a second to stand up for others altruistically. Or maybe to impress ZXX but well who can blame him.

The weak clingy pain in the ass who couldn't run the whole middle school circuit without nearly dying in his best friend’s arms in just a few years has gained enough strength to hold said childhood friend up in the air... while wearing high heels, fuck you very much.

Let alone rocking that amazing outfit in front of people other than ZXX.

Plus a future dog (??)

Is that Tianshan's future doggie? Are they doggy-sitting? Is it their own?

I'm so curious about 19+yold JY and how the newly acquired boss abilities meet his nature 🍭

Check out the prompts here.
Please don't forget to always read and follow our rules and guidelines! ❤️💛💚💙💜🖤
Come hang out with other 19 Days fans on Discord here!

Original screen shot here


Glad you asked @mopillow


Day 1 - ZZX gets seriously hurt in his initial fight with MGS
Day 2 - SL hits on JY
Day 3 - ZhanYi's first consensual kiss
Day 4 - ZZX explains his relationship with JY to ZZQ
Day 5 - JY grows up to inherit his father's mafia business and/or ZZX to become a policeman
Day 6 - JY's / ZZX's future drinking problem
Day 7 - ZhanYis's first time
Please don’t forget to always read and follow our rules and guidelines! ❤️💛💚💙💜🖤
3 weeks left...

ch 48-161.

Started thinking about your contribution yet?

📝 🎨🎶🎬🐻📏✂️🏺🖼️💍


Day 1 - ZZX gets seriously hurt in his initial fight with MGS
Day 2 - SL hits on JY
Day 3 - ZhanYi's first consensual kiss
Day 4 - ZZX explains his relationship with JY to ZZQ
Day 5 - JY grows up to inherit his father's mafia business and/or ZZX to become a policeman
Day 6 - JY's / ZZX's future drinking problem
Day 7 - ZhanYis's first time

Please don't forget to always read and follow our rules and guidelines! ❤️💛💚💙💜🖤

Thanks for reading. See you on the next countdown post.


It's 30 days to Zhanyi Week!

Ch 156-371

Is JY kidding here? Or is he still showing off his insecurities while trying to get a reaction from ZXX after all they've been through?

That tone~ might mean perhaps it's a little bit of both.

Good thing The Saint has always known how to deal with his bullshit. He's perfect husbando material after all.

Please don't forget to always read and follow our rules and guidelines! ❤️💛💚💙💜🖤

It's 40 days to Zhanyi Week!

Let's talk about our loving idiots because yesterday we were watching this beautiful panel again:

It's difficult to concentrate, there's a lot going on and as usual.

Tianshan stealing all that blessed thunder. The sweet ass grabbing, Mo's dimples, those unbelievably long amazing legs, the black shorts, Mo's broad back, his blushing face, that hand that doesn't know where to go, the other around He Tian's neck, the happy puppy face.

That wholesome let's be crazy, we only live once.

But there in the background is a butt-naked Jian Yi very casually humping ZXX, would you look at that?

ZXX blushing hardcore. Gay panic creeping up his spine.

This is the first time he feels JY's smooth skin against his bare back. That we know of. JY is moving so lots of rubbing. His squishy and tender bits pressing against him...

What do you think ZXX is thinking? (We encourage horny comments please).

Let's backtrack a little:

Standing up in ZXX's face like that, intendedly displaying all the goods... Could JY be behaving naively here? Or not...?

But most importantly, would you look at that reaction.

Time to refresh the prompts for the upcoming event:

Day 1 - ZZX gets seriously hurt in his initial fight with MGS
Day 2 - SL hits on JY
Day 3 - ZhanYi's first consensual kiss
Day 4 - ZZX explains his relationship with JY to ZZQ
Day 5 - JY grows up to inherit his father's mafia business and/or ZZX to become a policeman
Day 6 - JY's / ZZX's future drinking problem
Day 7 - ZhanYis's first time

Don't forget our very important rules and guidelines.

Thanks for reading. See you on the next countdown post.

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