
Targaryen Apologist


✨live, laugh, loathe✨

This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual

I love how gay people do it too. Just… really? You’re literally saying the same shit to bisexuals that straight people say to you, and you don’t see the hypocrisy? 

If youre biphobic or hate bisexuals, fucking unfollow me, for serious.


If youre biphobic or hate bisexuals, fucking unfollow me, for serious.

Why is this a thing like really? Homosextual people of ALL beings should understand that you like what you like and if the answer multiple choice then that’s just more love to go around non?


support 👏 or 👏 die 👏

As a bi person I’m obligated to rb


HELP ME!!! (sorry in advance- TW homophobia, abuse) URGENT NEWS!!!

Here goes everything. It’s 4am. I’m not home

Things at home got BAD tonight. Long story short, my conservative mom found out that I’m a lesbian in a happy relationship and fucking lost it

I’m absolutely devastated at what happened yesterday/earlier in the night. For the first time ever, I stood up to my mom when she was physically assaulted me. She attacked me past the point of me begging her to get off and I had enough when she brought my girlfriend into it. I’m fucking scared she’s driving around looking for me just to yell at me from her car and then leave me in the street to hopefully die

For those of you who don’t know, my mom is an unpredictable, manipulative woman that has abused me over half my life….. She blames my developed sexuality on my CSA. The past three hours of my life have consisted of her trying to hammer heterosexuality back into me demanding that I knock my BS off and it simply isn’t happening. She went as far as to out me to my dad who has already threatened/held me up by my collar against the wall for even looking like a “dyke”…. I believe she’s in the process of calling the rest of my family to let them know not to let me in or talk to me which is fine since they were all kind of assholes (homophobic) anyways

I think it’s officially time to move the hell out. IDC where. I’m currently trying to arrange for housing by couch hopping. Sadly that will only last so long

I don’t have a bag packed; maybe tomorrow if I’m lucky I can beg my sister to leave a bag of important belongings outside or down the street. My SSC isn’t in my possession and IDK the # off the top of my head. I’m going to get it back to apply for jobs ASAP. I’ll need to work to raise money for my Rx meds, phone bill, a bus pass (no car rip), rent, food and monthly feminine products

Please help me. I don’t wish this kind of mistreatment upon anybody and yet it’s something that the LGBT community faces commonly. Homophobia from family members is a terrible thing…. No one should be abused because they happen to love the same sex as them. I hope that somewhere out there people will hear my cry for help and donate something, anything if it’s within their financial means to do so. To anyone in the same position, stay hopeful and strong

I know this is a long shot but please signal boost this if you read!!! I’m going to be offline for a bit because I don’t have WiFi and I can’t afford data!!! Thank you for reading my post

(seriously even $2 will help me to get back on my feet….)

It’s now 6am. Little past two hours since leaving. I just wanted to add that this post was created on May 10th. So far I gained $2 to my name, thank you. It helps to know help is out there and within arms reach

Signal boosting here!

@wemonz I’ve tried twice and the damn transactions won’t go through. I’m tagging everyone I can think of right now @iamanartichoke @raven-the-gay-trash @alstee @nikkoliferous @littlefrogstuff @lokiloveforever @blacksuitofdoom @bluestaratsunrise @magicmastered @mastreworld @latent-thoughts @lasimo74allmyworld @dangertoozmanykids101 @miskiett reblogging this in case anyone else has better luck

Thank you for tagging me @blueeyedjaguar !

Even if you can’t help, BOOST!!!!


I'd very much like to punch a feminist.

I’d never, ever hurt a lady but I’d be happy to punch a feminist. It’d bring me great joy.


I’m 6’2 and weigh 180lbs

ready when you are

Or if you’d like to have some more options….

I’m 6’4” 228 pounds and have 9 years of combined martial arts training and 3 years of being a Line Backer in football. Just in case you are looking for variety.

what about a lady and a feminist. warning, combatives certified soldier.

im tiny, i’m like 5′4 and 130 lbs but u can fight me too

Reblogging for the last one cuz that’s adorable



The Fantastic 4 we deserve


We will all protect the small one.

I stan

it got better!!

plot-twist: the small one could actually kick everyone’s ass

If one day I see this on my dash and DON’T reblog it assume I’m dead.

the small one is hiding an absolutely ripped torso under that shirt 

This made my heart warm!!!

Can’t believe I found this



y’all: peter was able to stop bucky’s fist in civil war bc bucky heard peter’s voice, realized he was a child, then weakened his punch bc he was so worried about hurting a child uwu

me, eating pistachios: y’all know peter can canonically lift up to 75 tons, right. y’all know bucky’s fist is easy as hell for peter to block, right. y’all know bucky didn’t know shit about peter being a child and was just shocked that someone was able to so easily block his punch, right. y’all know that, right.

naw fuck that bucky’s punches aren’t easy to block, it’s WAY funnier if peter blocked a full force punch from bucky, who only a few seconds later realizes he’s a kid as soon as peter opens his mouth

that’s the face of a man who went from “holy shit he blocked my punch?” to holY SHiT a 12 YEARoLD BLOCKED mY PUNCH???” in 3 seconds flat.

Next second is “i triED TO PUNCH A CHILD”


i physically can’t scroll past this post


“Girls want a Superman, but they walk past a Clark Kent every day”

You fuckin CLOWNS think you’re a CLARK KENT? Not on my fuckin watch. You dumb, headass motherfuckers are barely a Guy Gardner and you think you’re a CLARK KENT? The amount of disrespect is unreal.


Listen here, wannabes: My boi Clark is 240 lbs of PURE KANSAS BEEF trained from a young age by Ma Kent to Love and Respect women as the Intelligent, Independent beings they are.  He is shy rambling about tractors and casually moving the copy machine when my pen falls behind it and he would NEVER demand I be sexually or romantically interested just because he’s nice.

Y’all ain’t Clark Kent.

I have never hit the reblog button so damn fast.

“barely a Guy Gardner” is the sickest comics related burn I’ve heard to date. 

They might walk past a Clark Kent every day but Clark Kent doesn’t actually mind because he respects their decisions


Happiness Will Come To You.

when tho

When You Least Expect It. Probably Late March


reblog for happiness to come for you in late march!


I reblogged this last year and I hung out with blink-182 backstage on March 30. Reblogging again because it worked the first time.


honestly, last year one of the best days of my life happened in late March

I’m not going to risk it lmao


i did the same and got with my crush in Paris when we wound up on the same vacation (yes so much like a fanfic)… can’t see how it’ll be topped this year but LETS GO BOI



Please 🙁

I’m so in need of something good. 😰


@staff are you fucking kidding me right now?! You’re limiting text posts to 100 text blocks (aka paragraphs). What the absolute fuck.

Since you couldn’t take out fanfic writers with the purge so you’re just fucking up formatting for text posts until they leave? Is that your plan?

Would this count as a text block?

100 is a lot unless you write a lot of dialogue.  I wonder if just linking fics on my word press would work because god damn this site is making things difficult.  It’s like they’re trying to have people not use it.

I’m so over this shithole

Does Tumblr just have it out for Fanfic writers? Is the Tumblr staff secretly Anne Rice or something?

FFS you’re joking me?

yeah I noticed this, and I completely hate it lmao because I do write a lot of dialogue and I write small paragraphs for easy readability ): I might have to post everything on AO3 and just link it on here :/


Well, this is the new tea and I hate it.

Gettin’ real tired of your shit, Tumblr.

FUCK YOU @staff

Welp. So this is a thing now.

The title apparently counts as one line since it wouldn’t let me go past 99.

Seriously @staff ????



I tried this on desktop and did not hit a limit. It looks like a limitation of mobile posts.

I didn’t bother going past 543 because ain’t nobody got time for that, but there is no 100 block limit on desktop. You’re just going to have to post your fics on your computer or through your mobile web browser instead of the app.

Please reblog this version of the post so that people don’t totally freak out

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