
Where did my glasses go?



Fox DCW Series

a part masterlist for my small tumblr series on Marinette's (a.k.a. Inari's) adventures and batfam shenanigans

Check out the original prompt here

For Bio-Dad Bruce Wayne Month



Sick Arc: Part 71


Calm After the Storm Pt. 3

Bio-dad Bruce Wayne

This a really short chapter, written a couple months ago now, i went through a pretty mentally taxing time and lost track of the fic itself. Ill have more up soon, so keep an eye on that! I’m also moving this fic to AO3 after this chapter, and the tag list on tumblr will be utilized to let everyone know when an update is added to the fic!


Marinette had been right. The walk to the restaurant had been much longer than promised. Lila had broken down in tears when questioned, explaining how she was ‘so sorry, I didn’t mean to drag you all this far!’ 

Everyone rushed to reassure her that they don’t mind, and the class continued. After a long day of walking around the Wayne Enterprises Building and not being given time to adjust, by the time the class finally got to the restaurant, Marinette’s side was aching. Chloe had had to press the Blunette to her own side to support the girl when her side tensed up and she began limping.

Sitting and ordering had been a relief. But the break had barely lasted an hour, before another long walk back to the hotel commenced.

It was dark out now. Ms., Bustier, suddenly acting like a responsible teacher, began ushering her students to move quickly. Marinette, with her side stiffening up and her limp beginning to worsen, wouldn’t be able to keep up. Chloe, refusing to leave her friend’s side, helping to support her friend, frowned at the classes back as they turned the corner, several blocks ahead of her and Marinette, and vanishing from their point of view, leaving the two girls behind. At night. Alone.

Marinette was simply breathing through the pain, blinking away tears as the dull ache spread through her waist, down her hip and up her rib cage slowly. She needed to get back to the hotel as quickly as she could, she had a Healing Balm from the Grimoire of the Guardian, several doses ready for exactly this reason. She couldn’t do much beyond limping forward, leaving heavily on the tall form of Chloe, who was snarling under her breath, in French, about their class and useless teacher.

The cracked sidewalk stretched on before the two young women, the stuttering steps of one echoing down every alley they passed, and Chloe kept a sharp eye out. In the two blocks they had to travel, Marinette was too distracted to help keep an eye on the surrounding area. As the two girls passed each alley, Chloe tensed, hauling Marinette higher up so she could move faster past the openings, eyeing the shadows she could see in the darkness further in. The Hotel was in sight, less than four buildings away, when a figure stepped out of the alley, putting themselves between the two girls and their safety.

Marinette looked up when Chloe stopped and tensed up further, and tightened her arm around Chloe’s waist as she took in the man in front of her. He was large, both tall and in width, and imposing. He had a slimy smirk on his face, eyeing up Marinette’s body as Chloe took a couple steps backwards, trying to put more distance between her and her friend, and the man.

“Well, well, well.” His voice was scratchy, catching on the ‘W’ as he leered at the two. “What have we here? A pretty blonde girl, and a little dark haired one! Aren’t you two just, … perfect”

Neither of the two girls said anything as Chloe slowly lowered Marinette to her feet, stepping in front of the smaller, injured girl. Chloe brought her hands up, lowering her body into a mock stance just to keep herself loose and ready for whatever this man was going to do.

His grin widened and he started laughing, his eyes lighting up like he was excited as he moved his hand to his back and withdrew a gun. Chloe’s eyes were trained on the man’s face, but Marinettes were narrowed, looking into the direction of the alley. She placed one of her hands on Chloe’s shoulder and squeezed.

“Oh, I love it when they fight back.” 

“Well” interjected a new voice, from somewhere in deeper into the alley,

“So do I.”

A gun shot rang out, and the mugger or whatever let out a yell as he was forced to drop his own gun. He brought it back close to his chest as he stumbled away from the alley way, away from the even taller figure stepping out of the darkness. His gloved hands holding a gun, pointed at the fleeing man. He had on a brown leather jacket, armored gray shirt below the jacket, emblazoned with a red bat across his chest, dark pants and plenty of pouches along his hips and thighs. The leather jacket had a red fabric hood hanging down from the collar, and a full face helmet of the same color covered his head.

As soon as the loud noise rang out and she registered the movement from beside her, Chloe whipped around and scooped up Marinette, carrying the smaller girl back a couple steps into the indented doorway of a café, hovering over Marinette as the exhausted girl leaned against the door frame.

A couple more gunshots rang out before the two girls heard the sounds of running. The heavily modulated voice from before lets out a string of curses before a dull GA-CHUNK rang out, and the man/hero was whisked off by the whirr of a grapple. There was another thud as someone else impacted onto the sidewalk by the two girls hiding spot.

“Hey, it’s alright you two, you’re safe now! The Red Hood is pursuing your attacker.” It was a cheery voice compared to the one of their attacker. Chloe leaned around the corner to get a look at him. Only slightly taller than her, roughly 6’ compared to her 5’9. He had darker skin, his hair cut short and black domino around his eyes, white lenses blocking out his actual eyes. He had on a tight, lightly armored suit with blue highlights and a blue bird insignia across his chest, two batons strapped to his thigh, and a slim belt with small pouches along his hips.

She narrowed her eyes at him before moving forward. With all the walking done today, and the stairs and the sudden move that they had to do to get away, Marinette was exhausted and her scar hypersensitive. Chloe kneeled down in front of Marinette and hoisted her up into a piggyback before turning and facing the hero who stopped to help them.

“Are you two alright? Is she hurt?” his hand was moving up and towards them and his brow furrowed in concern as the hero began moving towards them. Chloe raised her chin, eyes narrowed.

“She has an old wound. It scarred badly and she has difficulty moving. We were trying to get back to our hotel after dinner with our class, but she was moving too slow to keep up, and I refused to leave her behind- I’m sorry, who are you?” Chloe took one step back, angling herself so she was between the hero and her friend.

The man in front of them had a dark look on his face for a second as Chloe spoke, before clearing his face of emotions and taking a deep breath.

“My name is Nightwing, I’m a local vigilante working under Batman, that man was a smuggler we were tracking, and we stepped in when we saw him holding you two at gunpoint,” the newly introduced Nightwing held his hands up in front of him, “ I’m going to escort you back to your hotel, alright?”

Chloe eyed Nightwing suspiciously before turning her head, looking at the top of Marinette’s head as the smaller girl rested her head in the crook of her neck, before looking back at the vigilante.

“Our hotel is just right down there,” the blonde girl gestured with her chin, before walking towards Nightwing, warily passing him as the man grinned, turning as Chloe walked past and keeping some distance between himself and the girls.

“So,” he began, glancing at Marinette as they walked. “You mentioned you were walking with a class? I can’t imagine you’re from Gotham, what with your lovely accents!” He gave a joking wink as he said it, bouncing slightly.

“We’re not.” Marinette lifted her head, giving the vigilante a look, “we’re here on a class trip, for a month.” The Bluenette gives a pained smile as she speaks. The small group reaches the steps for the girls hotel, but before Chloe could carry Marinette up the stairs Nightwing placed a hand on Chloe’s arm.

“Just, one last thing. Please, keep in mind that Gotham is not Paris, it’s much more dangerous.

He shakes his head before giving one last smile, turning to start running away and pulling a Grapple on his belt, looking back one last time he waves a goodbye before swinging off, into the night.

Due to Lila getting the class to go out for dinner, dinner itself going long, and the walk back to the hotel, by the time the two girls got back into their hotel rooms, all the rest of the class was settled in. Madame Bustier hadn’t even responded to the message Chloe sent to let her know that the two girls had returned safely.

Before Chloe and Marinette could go to bed, they had to call Luka and Kagami. That discussion lasted an hour, and another 45 minutes was spent massaging the excess healing balm into Marinette’s scars and doing short pain reduction spells. By the time the two girls fell asleep, they barely had four hours left to rest.


@too0bsessedformyowngood @thecc11andme @ramos123 @eyeballing-stuff @atramentias @dorkus-minimus @wegetitethan @liawinchester67 @alyssadeliv @thewitchwhowaited @superbwhispersconnoisseur @kitsunebell @aestheticnpoetic @officiallydarkgeek @night-fallz @literaryhiraeth @poodapup @iamablinkmarvelarmy @spider-person95 @roseisred

I’ve learned that only the first 20 tags actually work, if any of you aren’t interested in being tagged anymore let me know and ill swap you out with other people! so currently, Tag List is closed for Calm After the Storm 


CHANGING FACES Chapter 6: Arrival

[ Prefer to read on Archive of Our Own? Link HERE! ]

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After years of dealing with each other Lila Rossi win’s when she  convinces Hawkmoth that Marinette is Ladybug. In order to throw off  suspicion and keep the Miracle Box safe Marinette and her supportive parents leave Paris and head to Gotham of all places. In this new place  away from her friends and her unhealthy routines Marinette is forced to  confront herself and change for the better. Helping her on her journey  is a surprising new friend and potential ally. When Alya missing her  friend learns about the chance to win a free trip to Gotham she  convinces the class to work hard to qualify. When her new life clashes  with her old one will Marinette be able to hold on strong to her new  confidence or will she crumble under the pressure?

( This fic will be for the most part comedic, fluffy, and sweet, with only a bit of seriousness to tie it together. With only the mildest salt  because I don’t think the class or Adrien are bad people just that they  can be naive and selfish thanks to the canon writing. I hope you enjoy  reading this work and have fun with me on this journey. )




Even the Losers

Chapter 36

The sound of the alarm rang through the visiting room, disrupting the inhabitants’ already fitful rest.  Groans and scuffles from the majority of the people sounded throughout the room, but Conner jumped up immediately, his head whipped around for the source of the alarm. His body immediately, naturally eased into a defensive stance while straining his super hearing, trying to figure out if it was in their room, Adrien’s room, or Roy’s apartment, which he was also trying to keep a watch on.

Bruce joined him just a few beats slower, jumping up and scanning the room with an intense gaze, brain immediately launching into action to isolate the source of the Code Red that awoke him, heart pounding in his chest at the thought that it might be Marinette’s room.  He quickly furrowed his brow and when he could no longer hear the noise, his brain still running too slowly to process what was happening despite the massive surge of adrenaline flowing through his system. Surely, a code red doesn’t just shut off so quickly.

His entire body lurched when the noise sounded again and realization hit a second later, allowing the rigidity to ease out of his frame.  He groaned deeply and dragged his hand down his face, before clumsily grabbing his phone with one hand and massaging the kink in his neck with the other.  The rigidity that had just left his muscles rapidly returned upon seeing the name on his screen.  He mentally cursed.  He was definitely not awake enough for this conversation.  “Sabine, good morning,” he offered, his voice still gruff with sleep.


Even the Losers

Chapter 1

“You can do this Marinette,” Adrien whispered encouragingly, echoing the mantra she’d been whispering to herself for the past two days.  She could do this.  She could manage.  This was for Max.  She could handle it.  He couldn’t be here but she could.  She could be strong for him.  She gave Adrien a shaky smile and nodded.  “We just have to find him and we can leave,” he reminded her.

Marinette took a breath and let it out slowly. She’d dealt with far, far worse than a few judgmental, heartless asses who had no real interest in her.  But seas of artificial smiles had always unsettled her and currently she was surrounded with so much artificial sweetness she felt like she was walking through a kid’s cereal aisle.  That added onto her already existing anxiety had her ready to bolt at the slightest provocation.

She ran her hand over the skirt of her dress, letting the feeling of the fabric and the knowledge of all that had gone into it soothe her.  She was especially proud of her dress and the work that had gone into it.  It was a black so dark it almost appeared to draw in the light around it.  A mesh with strategically placed blood red decorations overlaid the dress, hugging her bodice until it reached her hips then dropped into a flowing skirt that ended just before it could pool on the ground.

She fought the urge to fiddle with the belt in her nervousness.  She couldn’t show weakness like that, not here.  She looked up at Adrien again in search of an anchor to reality.  She took in his expression and had to stifle the laugh that resulted.  He had his own artificially sweet smile on but his eyes quite clearly begged for a quick death.  He glanced down to her and nudged her discreetly, his artificial smile becoming wide and real.  “Shhhh,” he hushed her under his breath.  “We’re trying not to attract attention to ourselves, remember?  We’re ghosts.”  He looked around to make sure nobody was looking at them.


𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 | a maribat fanfic

girl·friend /ˈɡərlˌfrend/ noun a regular female companion with whom a person has a romantic or sexual relationship

being a lesbian wasn’t something delilah wayne liked sharing, except when she met marinette dupain-cheng.

her 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝.

i don’t own dc or mlb characters, all rights go to respected owners.

Words: 1585, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English

Fri, 17 Mar 2023 12:32:23 +0100 https://archiveofourown.org/works/45810739

Anonymous asked:

#miraculous ladybug #bio dad bruce wayne #maribat #batman

Please help, I can't find this fic. I'm 85% certain I read it here on tumblr, but it could have been on ao3. ;-;

Marinette is Bruce Wayne's biological daughter, and when she was born, Sabine sent a letter with a picture of her newborn and a letter to Bruce, but he was on his training tour before becoming Batman. Sabine lost his number because I think her purse was stolen? So she couldn't call him.

The letter was stored with all the other ones Bruce got during that time, which was accidentally blown up by Dick when he was Robin by a stray exploding batarang.

Marinette grows up knowing who her birth father is, wanting a relationship with him, and researches everything about him and the kids he adopts.

Unfortunately, since Bruce never read the letter, he has no idea she exists, while Marinette watches over the years as he adopts more and more kids (her siblings!). She's hurt because what about her?

She's watched as he adopted everyone since Dick, and at first she thought he didn't want a girl, then he adopted Babs, Cass, and Stephanie. Then she thought he didn't want a biological kid, then he took in Damian.

But that was the last straw. Marinette realized he just didn't want her. Soon after that, Marinette asks her stepfather, Tom, if she could take his last name. Marinette's name is changed from Cheng to Dupain-Cheng.

Thank you for your help!


We Should Have Stayed in Gotham ch2

(Almost every Maribat fic I read has the akuma class going to Gotham. But tell me which is more likely, a class touring the city of crime, or a class touring the city of lights? So here it is, the Daminette fic that only I asked for, where Gotham goes to Paris, and the poor students have to grapple with the fact that they have competition for the most dangerous city in the world. I wonder what will happen?)

Once all the Parisians were gone, the mutterings began. It seemed to Damian that the class was divided into three groups. One was the group who were actually taking the threat seriously. The other was the group that still thought this was all some sort of massive joke, or prank. And then there was the group in the middle, who simply didn’t care. “We’re from Gotham!” a girl from this group said. “We can handle whatever magical bullshit this is. Whether it’s a prank or not doesn’t matter! Just download the apps and let’s go.”


Best Maribat Rated M Fic Nominees

Waiting for the Worms by SoupboneClavicle

A Welcoming Change by Brinxiethebear

A Little Birdy Told Me by Goggles_McGee

You've Got Me Hooked by Brinxiethebear

Canary by Oliviaandersonisntmyrealnamelol @olivia-anderson-fanfic

Gotham's Bug by TerressaWinner

Seeing Green by LadyAnput

Ready to vote? Click HERE!

Or check out the Nominations Masterlist HERE


Bruce Wayne's Headache Classification System Chapter 4

IKEA Verse

AN: I'm so sorry for disappearing for months again, things have been very hectic for me, but I finally got this done so at least I'm starting off the new year strong. No promises as to when the next one comes out. I hope y'all enjoyed this fun little look at the girls. I wish I included them in the first story, but I wasn't thinking at the time. I choose Steph for the POV because I felt her internal snide commentary could help balance Cass's more quiet reserve. There was an alternative ending for this that had Marinette using her powers more, but I decided to go with something softer and mushy. It felt in line with where Marinette would be comfortable showing the depths of her powers and continuing to drive the Batfam insane by not finding out how her powers work.

Slate grey skies hang heavy over Gotham promising rain. The city isn’t any less busy for it, especially not during the day when most sane people agree, on average, it’s safer to conduct one’s business. Steph thinks that’s boring of them, but eh, she parkours over rooftops and punches goons as a night job, so maybe she’s the crazy one.

Wait. Weather. Grey Skies. Rain on the horizon and all that jazz.

Not the best of circumstances for a stakeout, but they’ve survived worse.

The rooftop they posted themselves on is comfy at least. No bird’s nests, piles of beer bottles, or scattered needles. Not too high they can’t observe the streets below. But not too low to the ground for people to notice they’re hanging out up here. Which is, strictly speaking, not exactly legal.

Also, they don’t want Damian to spot them.

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