
Come along with me

@monsterousarte / monsterousarte.tumblr.com

with the butterflies and bees 🐝

me: man this red light is taking forever

the guy inside the traffic light that flips the light switches: i love you red light. i would never betray your for the green or yellow light

200 cars behind me: *honking*


If you've ever been disappointed by dragonfruit, especially if you felt like it tasted like nothing, then I'm like 90% sure you had unripe dragonfruit, which tastes like nothing. There's a small window of time where it tastes amazing. You must have the patience of a hunter. Do not strike until your prey is at its most delicious


  1. You want PINK flesh not white flesh. It's sweeter. Pink pitaya never done me wrong.
  2. You want DENSE pitaya. It's like the watermelon rules, heft them and compare weight-to-size ratios.
  3. You want ROUND. I don't really know why but the longer ones ain't usually as sweet.
  4. You want SHORT petal tips not the longer ones, this usually tells you if it's pink on the inside or not.
  5. Once you have caught your sessile prey you will WAIT patiently for the petals dry out, until the TIPS of the petals have started to turn BROWN
  6. FEAST

Be free, I love you


someone rbing a post from me: #oh my goddd this is just like my ocs zapa and trunky

me on their blog now looking for pics of zapa and trunky:

The gif of Christina Aguilera with elaborate jewelry settling into her chair to better look at her computer screen, and then pointedly clicking a mouse.

This Friday's meme is: the perfect being

Have you seen fossilised crabs. They're hilarious they literally do just

Straight up they are just fully there. Shellfish are really fun like that, i have a shrimp fossil in my collection that's like. Yeah it's just 100% a shrimp, legs and antennae and all. When your skeleton is on the outside, it means your outside fossilises really well.


hey boss i can't come in today it's a sunny day and there's a lovely breeze coming in through my window, yeah it's rustling the branches of the tree outside that's finally bloomed so it's pretty serious

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