
sour candy

@awaregei / awaregei.tumblr.com

♡ · babi, she/her | read the pinned, pls. enjoy it!!

♡ · read this please

  • Ask is open for suggestions, but I give priority to what I want to edit at the moment.
  • Remembering that these are just suggestions, I can do it or not, whether I have a specific reason or not.
  • I post layouts sometimes, but as they require work and there are several styles and I don't do them all, I chose not to accept layout suggestions. I only accept suggestions for icons.
  • If you want me to make some headers, please send your suggestion on @artiemisia.
  • Do not submit the same suggestion multiple times.
  • Be kind when sending an ask or your ask will be deleted. Use words like "please?" and "thank you". Remembering that my education depends on yours.
  • A suggestion per ask.
  • Edits only with psd and action.
  • Check the tag before submitting your suggestion. See if the icons were recently posted or, if the suggestion is specific, see if I already made the icons. Tip: open your browser and put https://awaregei.tumblr.com/ and add tagged/name icons, example https://awaregei.tumblr.com/tagged/jisoo icons.
  • I don't allow to repost my edits even with credits. If I see something like this, I will report it and block it.
  • I include the resources I use in the description and when I don't include them it's because I used a resource that I created but didn't make available.
Source: awaregei
Anonymous asked:

amiga faz icons da anya taylor joy por favor? obrigadaaaa gosto mt daqui, só uso icons seus!!!

prontinho, espero que você goste!!! muito obrigada 💕



The state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil is currently facing a climate catastrophe that resulted in the flooding of several towns, including RS’s capital Porto Alegre, leaving many dead, missing, and displaced after losing everything.

Even if you’re not Brazilian, please consider helping by donating:

➡️ Euro Zone

Standard Chartered Bank Frankfurt Bank


Bank Account: 007358304

➡️ Dollar Zone

Standard Chartered Bank New York Bank

Swift: SCBLUS33

Bank Account: 3544032986001

⚠️ For both banks, please additionally inform:

IBAN Code: BR5392702067001000645423206C1

Name: Associação dos Bancos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

CNPJ: 92.958.800/0001-38

➡️For donations over USD 10,000.00 or operational clarifications, see:


Verno Kirst f. 55 51 32152928

Edoardo Rossi f. 55 51 32152548


Fabíola Thiele made her PayPal available to receive donations and pass them on to the RS Civil Defense.

PayPal: Fathiele14@gmail.com

If can't help by donating, then help by sharing this please 🙏🏼


A little atention please!

Southern Brasil is once more suffering with heavy torrential rains, being mentioned even in NYTimes, the situation is very dire and closely replicates last years situation, please if possible, try to donate on found raisers and if you pass by a brazilian donation link and you're foreigner maybe the currency you donate from is more valuable than reais(R$) so even $1 or €1 or £1 is good enough for us! Bit by bit we can overcome this obstacle! There are many forces joining the rescue teams is the areas most affected by the floods, images like the ones in this post aren't that rare at this point and i hope people will understand the urgency of it all! Bellow i will leave the donation pix for other brasilians to be to help and in this

for foreingners to donate!

i will keep updating this post with donation links that i find that will be useful to ppl outside from brasil!


Many parts of the state of RS are under water, there are thousands of people trapped inside their homes, stranded waiting for rescue, with water up to their necks and many others on the roofs of their lost homes.

There are many people rescuing these people and animals (which many people left behind in their homes, some trapped in chains) and there are several ways to help these people who are doing everything they can to help with food, clothes, blankets, diapers, everything they need in this most desperate moment.

And here I need to leave an additional note, for those from other countries who want and can help: if you can help with 1 dollar, for us it means 5, helping with 5 means 25. Your little bit has a lot of value, and it helps gigantic.

I have only found this woman that has a Paypal and will pass the donations to the Civil Defense. But I'll keep searching!!! HER PAYPAL: Fathiele14@gmail.com

PIX PARA BRASILEIROS: priback07@gmail.com e ktrine.costa@hotmail.com ajudando com compras de cestas basicas e todo tipo de mantimentos! p.saldivia@hotmail.com e Deisefalci@gmail.com estão resgatando animais abandonados na enchente! Aqui você pode encontrar VARIAS formas de ajuda: https://bento.me/ajudars?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaYkg_6tae3M7R4K2fVASOqvSpxoHdi0q5hZ2jWv6aFeJXsaz3DK7Dvb8zY_aem_AYcxJMOHqKcfKNnXPrRAE4N-AfAwEb9mQwuFn_D4ExIR2uzzT9V9-hCyATLQrFmYLa4sDCyimafg7ZeDBIMzIc4Y


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