
The Silent Water Drop

@pjcmfalcon / pjcmfalcon.tumblr.com

All Arrowverse shows: Oliver Queen SUCKS and he's the cause for all things gone wrong
Arrow Season 8 : Oliver Queen is the only hope for all creation and a fucking hero and its high time you shows show him some bloody respect!
Here's hoping you've not failed this show, writers.

“The best kind of friendships are fierce lady friendships where you aggressively believe in each other, defend each other and think the other deserves the world” I’m thankful for a lot of things, my parents, my children and my work. For all the friends that wished me a happy birthday,  I’m most thankful for you.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to send me well wishes of a spectacular year to come, for the beautiful art, for the fluffy stories.  But thank you most of all for writing, reading and listening! Hugs and kisses to you all!

To all my friends celebrating Thanksgiving today I send you the best of wishes!  

May your stuffing be tasty. May your turkey be plump, may your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious, and your pies take the prize, and may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs.”


@almondblossomme thank you so much dear. Hugs and kisses back and a happy belated Thanksgiving.



Memphis was my 1st cat ever. He came to my life on late September 2015. I was blessed, despite that he had VIF and Leukemia, to be with him for almost 3 years until yesterday. 

He crossed the rainbow bridge... I'm devastated. He's gonna be missed.

First encounter:

Later on....


Avoidant (or Anxious) Personality Disorder

This is very similar to generalized social phobia. Those with the disorder think of themselves as being inadequate, unlikeable and socially inept. They fear being rejected, criticised or ridiculed and would rather avoid most social situations. The reasons can differ may be related to emotional neglect and peer group rejection in childhood and/ or adolescence. Symptoms may include the following:

- Hypersensitivity to rejection/criticism

- Self-imposed social isolation

- Extreme shyness or anxiety in social situations. (However, the person still has a strong desire for close and meaningful relationships)

- Painful feelings of inadequacy

- Poor self-esteem

- Intense feelings of self consciousness

- Self hatred or self-loathing

- Mistrust of others

- Emotional distancing/ fear of intimacy

- Highly critical of their ability to relate naturally and appropriately to others

- Do not feel they can connect with others (although others may view them as easy to relate to)

- Intense feelings of inferiority.

- In more extreme cases, may suffer from agoraphobia.

Treatment approaches include social skills training, cognitive therapy, gradually increasing exposure to social situations, group therapy and, occasionally, drug therapy. Gaining and keeping the client’s trust is essential for progress to be made.


maladaptive daydreaming things

  • constantly muttering things under ur breath
  • pulling weird facial extressions while daydreaming
  • pacing
  • when u cant sleep cuz ur daydreaming so good
  • being genuinely upset/happy/angry about things that happen in ur daydreams
  • “helloooo?? you spacing out??”

Yeah!!!! That’s me

Anyone interested in hearing me sing? Ok... me with my choir ... I'm the one who does the solo in the minute 11:20 (Still don't understand why the cameraman focused me so much)


Can you help me, please!!!!

Hi.... my brother is doing a research for his Master Tesis about "Understanding Workplace Bullying Bystander Behaviour". This study looks into developing an improved understanding about bystander behaviour in relation to workplace bullying events.

Since he is developing his studies at  Murdoch University in Perth, he needs help from people working in Australia that can help us by answering some short questions. The survey is completely anonymous. Although the findings of the survey may be published, none of the information you provide will be linked back to you as an individual. 

Dear all, please consider giving my brother a hand in his research by answering the following short survey. Feel free to share the link with family and friends.

Witnesses play an important role in the dynamics of bullying, since the decision to intervene or not can make a difference in terms of allowing a bullying incident to escalate or be avoided and also influences whether it develops as an acceptable behaviour within the organisational culture.

Thanks in advance for your collaboration!

@aussieforgood I don’t know more people of the fandom from Australia... so if you can help us spreading this info, I will be forever thankful

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