

instagram & twitter : christianshimar

🎾 858 wins.

🏆 73 singles titles.

💪🏿 23 at the majors.

🥇 4 Olympic gold medals.

1⃣ ONE Serena Williams.


I fucking LOVE purple and green I fucking LOVE evil scientist color palette I fucking LOVE the color of TOXIC SLUDGE and CHEMICALS and MYSTERY CONCOCTIONS I WANT TO DRINK


Reading A Candle

Watch your candles closely and learn to read them to help you with your practice.

The Flame

A strong flame: It means that your energies are raised. There is a lot of power behind your spell and little to no resistance. Indicates that all your power and energy is focused on your manifestation. This is a good sign. If a candle shaped into a figure is used and has a strong flame it means that whoever it represents is either angry, winning, or using authority over another. When their are two figures the candle with the higher flame has authority over the other person.   

A weak flame: Indicates that the magick you cast is facing a heavy opposition and is a sign that you may need to recast your spell in order to overcome the opposing force. On a figure candle this may indicate that the representative may be loosing a battle or an argument. 

A jumping flame: This indicates strong emotions. There may also be some sort of resistance against you. Maybe close your circle and bring your mind back to focus before continuing. It may also mean an explosion of energy. When two figure candles are being used it often means that an energetic or a heated argument is taking place between them.  

A noisy candle: Indicates a conversation. It may may that a spirit is trying to send you a message or get in contact with you. The louder the noises get the more urgent communication must be. 

The flame catches something on fire: Someone one may be using malicious magick against you.  

A clean even burning candle: Means your spell and manifestations are likely to come true.

Fast Burn: The results of your spell will happen quickly.

Flickering Flame: If there is no breeze then it means a spirit is near by. If it is a devotional flame it means you were able to get in contact with your deity.

Cannot blow the flame out: A spirit may not be finished its conversation with you or you did not complete a spell. The spirit needs to complete its work, something may be may in the works that you do not want to interrupt. 

A flame goes out while burning: This means the spirits cannot help you and the answer you seek is already determined.  

The Smoke

Black smoke/soot: Your energy and magick is being blocked. Negative energy is being sent your way, whether as a curse or hex. You may soon be faced with tough challenges and a hard road ahead of you. 

Smoke wafts towards you: It means your call will likely be answered or your spell has been cast successfully. You will get results quickly.

Smoke wafts away from you: You must work harder in order for your calls to be answered.

Watch the direction the smoke wafts: East - Something powerful is assisting you, North - You are ready to begin your ritual and get results, South - The spell will be successful, West - A powerful interference from an outside force.

Smoking Candle: Negative energy is being burned away.

The Wax

When a candle leaves wax residue: Your spell may need to be repeated.

Look for symbols in the candle wax, like reading tea leaves.

Resources: askanthony.weebly.com, anamericanwitch.wordpress.com,   

May the Moon light you path!

☾ Moonlight Academy ☽ 

Class and Confidence:

In this #DreamGirlJourney post, I’ll be discussing everything I’ve done and do regularly to remain elegant and sure of myself. Self confidence takes time but these things make the journey much more easy, until it just feels natural. Keep reading if you’re interested on the very necessary foundation to reaching your highest self.

Stop caring what others say or think about you.

They’re thinking about you. You’re doing something right. Take that as a compliment keep it pushing. Don’t let anyone see you sweat. When I was in high school, girls would always tell me how so and so had this and that to say about me. And I don’t even know so and so. I’m sure it was to break me down but I never confronted anyone or threw a fit. I just didn’t care. I’d just think I don’t even know these b*tches’ names, but they’re having conferences about me. It actually boosted my ego and made the girls SICK.

Be seen and not heard.

Women who feel the need to always be the center of attention often lack confidence and couth. This usually results in short lived attention and it’s commonly negative. Women who know how to sit back, observe, and mind their business draw interest appear put more together, and kindle a little jealousy even because many want to be this unbothered woman but can’t because... well, they’re bothered. Some women get offended by the header statement which is understandable in the appropriate setting; no one needs to hear your voice in the grocery store or during class lectures. Also try not to curse so much. Those with vulgar language lack an adequate vocabulary. It’s not classy. Don’t be that loud girl in the morning, already eating hot chips with an Arizona tea in high school.

Don’t take the bait.

It’s inevitable that negativity will meet you. Whether it be physical violence, bullying, immaturity, etc., a woman with class chooses not to be lured into this interaction. A woman who knows she’s top tier knows these encounters can drop her stock, hurt her mind and/or pretty face. Just walk away with a quick read if you must respond. If met with violence, defend yourself and invest in devices of protection. Also, depending on circumstances, take him/her to court. We don’t fight, honey. 💅🏾

Get physical.

Baby, you can just be walking down the street. Get up and move. It’s revitalizing and strengthening. Give your fingers a rest and move your limbs. I personally love jumping jacks to get the blood flowing and cardio is my preferred workout. You’ll become more healthy and look better. You’ll get better sleep also. (luv sleep)

Primp and pamper yourself.

Make yourself pretty. Carry a mirror to remind yourself who you are: your own dream girl. Apply your lipgloss and pout. Fluff your hair in the mirror. There’s nothing wrong with a little vanity. Don’t feel guilty or ridiculous about this. You have a responsibility to make your vessel feel good about herself. You’ve gotta look good to feel good in my humble opinion. Go get your lashes and nails done. Keep up with yourself at home. Walk with one foot in front of the other, head up, shoulders back, hips swaying. Just a strut makes a woman feel amazing.

Set goals and stick to them.

This is the biggest confidence booster I’ve implemented in my life. Figure out what you want to accomplish in life. Outline the necessary steps. Write them and set deadlines. @angeldiscovery has a great post on scripting. Then do the work. Don’t sit on visions or just say “I manifest a luxury home,” girl, work for that. People confuse the phrase “don’t worry about the how” when it comes to manifestation, with not aligning your actions with your wishes. If you want a luxury home, NO, don’t stress about getting from A to Z, but YES, make plans to get from A to B, B to C, and so on and so forth. Make some boss girl moves.

Best of luck,

Send messages on your progress or any questions

Hope you enjoy,



No one else cares for your success, so you have to care. You have to force yourself to get up early, you have to force yourself to turn your phone off and revise, you have to force yourself to workout, you have to care for the whole world because no one else cares until they start seeing results. And they won’t ever see your results if you don’t care enough first. It’s your life, they are your goals, your dreams, it will be your success but it has to be your effort and your work first and foremost x

repost 🤍✨


Nicki Minaj Shares Advice for Women Struggling to Find Their Self-Worth | Women In Music 2019

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