


All things Dear Evan Hansen, Pretty Little Liars, Hamilton, Gravity Falls, and Riverdale

Farewell online privacy


What happened?

Trump happened.


just get a VPN?


You can’t just tell people to ‘get a VPN (Virtual Private Network)’. Buying a VPN is like buying a house. It’s very very important. Having no VPN or having a ‘wrong’ one can seriously damage your life. Especially for Americans because their privacy laws are garbage. I am going to try explain why you should get a VPN but bare with me, I am from Germany and my English is far from perfect. 

Let’s start with a simple test. Click this link here: https://whatismyipaddress.com/ It will tell your IP adres, your ISP (internet service provider), and your location. The location might not be very accurate, but then again, it’s just a simple website. Imagine what the government can do!

So basically, everyone can find out where you live. But there is more danger. Your ISP. Your ISP logs your every move online and they are required to keep it in case the government wants access to it (or if a 3rd party wants to buy your data (yikes). They have everything. What websites you visit. How long you stay on a website. What you download. Your search terms. European laws are more subtle on this but if you are from the US you are #@*#&, especially because Trump doesn’t support the open internet. It’s scary but maybe in the future you can’t get a job because the recruiter knows your searched on ‘how to deal with depression’ or anythings else that’s supposed to be private because it’s your f*cking right. Or you get a $100k fine because you pirated a movie 15 years ago. You need a VPN. You’re dumb for not using one. but what does a VPN do?

A VPN encrypts all your data so if it were be intercepted no one can ‘crack the code’ and damage your privacy. 

Usually being online goes like this (simplified): Your computer —-> ISP (—–> keeps data —–> sells it)

But with a VPN it goes like: Your computer —–> VPN (encrypts data)—–> ISP (ISP can’t see shit)

Furthermore, a VPN hides your IP address and location by giving you another IP address located in Spain for example (you can often choose from a list and change as many times as you want).  

Now that you know why you should get a VPN and what is does it is important to educate yourself because people often choose the wrong VPN. VPN providers are also businesses and have to obey the law. If you choose a VPN provider located in the US then you are throwing your money away because the laws in the US shits on your privacy. If the US gov wants the provider to give all their logs they have to obey.  The ISP  still can’t see what you are doing online and sell your data but the US gov can interfere with your VPN provider so NEVER CHOOSE A PROVIDER LOCATED IN THE US. 

I just wanted to make that very clear so my followers don’t buy false security.

There is still more danger!  Who says your VPN provider isn’t selling your data? You need to check their logging policy. Do they keep logs? If yes, what for? For how long do they keep them? Tip: Choose a provider who doesn’t keep logs

More about law  The US is part of the Five Eyes program (the worst):  

The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are bound by the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence (source)

There is also a Nine Eyes (bit better) and Fourteen Eyes Program (better).  You don’t want a VPN provider who is located in one the Five Eyes countries.  If you had to choose go for a provider located in a country that’s part of the Fourteen Eyes Program or even better, go for a country that isn’t part of any program! 

I know this is a shitty explanation and please pardon my english but now it’s time to do your own research. Take your privacy seriously. Maybe WWIII breaks out and you get killed for liking the ‘wrong’ FB-page.  

Make sure that your future VPN provider both has green boxes for Privacy Jurisdiction and Privacy Logging. 

I recommend ovpn.se and trust.zone. ovpn is located in Sweden so they are part of the 14 Eyes Program and they keep minimal logs. Their business ethics, however, are alright. 

Trustzone is located in the Seychelles. No country can interfere and their privacy jurisdiction is the best you can get. The US want your data but needs to get it from Trustzone? The Seychelles will simply give them the finger and wave them goodbye. However, this makes this provider very appealing for people who torrent and criminals because they keep no logs (and that is how it shoud be) Also,  there are almost no marketing efforts so this provider is one the cheapest)

Also, often providers such as ExpressVPN are being called ‘The Best’ on websites about VPNs but know that this is just marketing which also makes those provider more expensive (and they too shit on your privacy)

This must be the worst article you have ever read but please, please take your privacy very seriously.

EDIT: I got many people asking me which provider I use. For those who want to know, I use Trust Zone. They offer a free 3-day trial with no strings attached. But still do your own research! 

I am also with Trustzone but I think you forgot to explain one of it’s most important features. It protects you when you are using someone else’s Wi-Fi. If you are at Starbucks and you use their Wi-Fi your privacy is at risk. Anyone with ill intentions could steal your information. Especially if you are using an unsecured Wi-Fi hotspot. With a VPN your data gets encrypted so no one can steal it. 


Wait, what’s going, on? Did trump destroy internet privacy with a bill or something? Where’s the news? Oh wait, why am I getting visions of Alex Jones and selling water purifiers?

He hasn’t yet but he says he wants to. And if he is serious about it it would be really easy to do. Since all our data is already recorded, as the person above explained.


Trump wants more surveillance of Muslim Americans. This in a country where internet privacy is already close to non-existent. 

btw this post only has 11k notes? That’s quite disappointing for something this important. 

Don’t reblog this post to save a life. Reblog this to protect an entire family!

@earth-ruins @writing-prompt-s Should I get trustzone for my mobile device?

If you use public Wi-Fi, then yes. Which VPN you use is up to you, amigo. Take @earth-ruins advice. Do your own research first. 

@elvesfromthedeep​ just brought the current situation in the US to my attention (March 30, 2017). 



To all my friends in the US, please read this entire post. Making everyone aware of VPNs is going to be my mission. Your privacy matters. Please reblog this post.

Don’t tell me you just wanted to scroll past this. Stop looking at pictures of cats for a moment, okay? Don’t you realize how important this is? This is dangerous! ‘America, the best FREE country in the world’ my ass.

With this new law your ISP can sell your Internet history which could include passwords, usernames, religion, credit card numbers, race and much more to the highest bidder. So here is what I want you to do. You are going to read the whole thing and before you think ’this is so important. Let me reblog this real quick and go back to admiring cats again-NO! Don’t reblog this. Take action first. Then reblog. Sign up for a free trial! Trust.Zone offers one (here). Yes. It might be difficult to set up a VPN for some people. But is that going to stop you from protecting yourself and your family? 30 minutes. 30 minutes is all that it takes. 5 if you know how to install software. The problem with some of you is that you see ‘difficult’ as something negative. I want you to see difficult differently. I need you to push through this stuff. You are going to protect yourself. There is nothing negative about that. VPNs are fun and costsaving too! A VPN bypasses geographical restrictions so you can access websites you normally can’t or you could start Netflix’s one month free trial over and over again- forever. And it’s legal! (unless you use it to buy weapons etc.,) Don’t tell yourself that you are too tired and that you will do this tomorrow. Because that isn’t going to happen and you know it. You have to do this right now. You only have to click on it. Don’t let this/shit/life just happen to you. Take yourself seriously. Get a VPN.

Privacy is not a privilege, it’s a fundamental human right

Ok sorry that it’s so freaking long and also sorry for the language, but this is extremely important. Please reblog!

Reblogging again bc this is important


#same energy


because everyone should see this

[Image: a series of tweets by Courtney!!! Milan, twitter user @courtneymilan.

Transcribed: I know it may be futile to point this all out, but the Red Hen case (and resulting commentary) demonstrate that a lot of people don’t know the difference between prejudice and exercising judgement. It is huge.

Prejudice is literally prejudging people based on characteristics like race, gender, sexual orientation. It is abhorrent because it judges people as a group for the harms of others.

I am completely opposed to prejudice. I strongly believe in judging people for who they are.

Exercising judgement means you look at an individual and ask what that individual has done. You judge them on the basis of their actions. This is literally what we are striving for as a society - to judge on the basis of individual characteristics, instead of prejudging a person.

So let’s take a restaurant. If someone walks in and you say “I’m not serving you because you’re black” or “I’m not serving you because you’re Jewish” or “I’m not serving you because you’re gay,” that’s prejudice and it’s bad.

If someone walks in and starts cussing out your waitstaff, you have EVERY RIGHT to throw that person out. Even if they are also a black, Jewish, gay person. Why? Because you’re throwing them out for their *actions*. That’s not *pre* judging. That’s judging after the fact.

Okay, so take a step back. Someone walks in and your waiter says, “I’m not comfortable serving them. They accosted me on the street earlier and I don’t know what they’ll do now.” STILL not prejudice. That’s still judgement after the fact, based on actions the person took.

Okay, now let’s say that the waiter in question says, “this person says that people like me are ‘animals’ on national TV while representing the president of the United Stated, and I don’t feel comfortable serving her.”

That’s the Red Hen case. It’s judgement - based on her actions - after the fact. It’s not prejudice. She wasn’t thrown out because she was a woman. She wasn’t even thrown out because she was a Republican. She was thrown out because of what she did.

It is the literal opposite of prejudice to judge people on the basis of their own behaviour, It’s why MLK admonished us to judge people on the content of their character.

This is nothing like the Masterpiece Cake case. Nothing. Refusing to make cakes for gay people because they are gay is *prejudice* in action. Refusing to make a cake for Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she supports and upholds inhumane policies is judgement after the fact.

Transcription ends.]


so a racist got utterly demolished in less than 30 seconds on the New Zealand morning news on Monday and it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen

who knew a white guy could be capable of such an iconic response, he knows what’s up and is having none of that shit, every other white guy take notes tbh


I love that he said Pakeha

Can someone write what its being said in this?


Male co-host: We have had a whole heap of feedback regarding Te Tai Tokerau MP Kelvin Davis’s proposal to institute a prison run on Māori values into New Zealand. He’s looking at potentially establishing this prison up north. It isn’t Labour policy just yet, it’s just an idea of Kelvin Davis’s. And this has been really really divisive on our Facebook page this morning. (sarcastically) Here I think we have the single greatest email, the single greatest message we have ever had on breakfast.

(clears throat deliberately) “’Janice’ says: Good morning. I’m sick of hearing that Māori need different treatment. If they don’t want to live in our society, then maybe we should put them all on an island and leave them to it.”

Male co-host: “Janice. That is LITERALLY what happened! That is the history of our country. Last I checked, Māori WERE on an island, they were left to it, and then Pākehā (Māori term for white New Zealanders) turned up and look how that worked out. But thank you very much for that brilliant insight. Goodness me. Unbelievable. Unbelievable, they actually-“

Female co-host: “Actually, you can’t even get angry, you just actually need to laugh and then screw it up and put it under the desk. Just when you thought-“

Male co-host: (mimicking letter) “’Put them all on an island, leave them to it.’ Yeah. What a great idea that is Janice.

I really need “What a great idea that is, Janice.” to be a meme filled with those stupid complete cognitive dissonance bigoted statements.


Ben Wyatt + looking into the camera


I can’t believe you forgot the one where he looks int the camera and winks as he celebrates his success as an accountant with his coworkers and calzones.


brooklyn nine nine tackled more bi issues with ONE scene than every season of any other show i’ve ever seen, it really defeated all the typical biphobia/bi erasure comments that get thrown at bisexual people everyday, i’ve never felt as represented by a character as i do by rosa diaz… this show is so important to me and so many people PLEASE EVERYONE WATCH BROOKLYN NINE NINE

Brooklyn Nine Nine s05e10

1. This isn’t even an exaggeration, this is how straight people™ think. 2. If you need good bisexual representation in media, please watch this video. This episode made my bi heart very happy.


Please watch Brooklyn nine nine, this is the best bi coming out scene I’ve seen


I’m calling it right now...

The Black Hood is Chic Cooper, Betty’s brother. Think about it. 

  • The Black Hood has green eyes, similar to the Coopers. Also, guess who has green eyes as well? Hart Denton, who has been cast as Chic Cooper. 
  • The Black Hood tells Betty that if she saw him, she would recognize him. While this may mean that it’s someone she’s seen before, it could mean that she’d recognize him because they are siblings. Or even perhaps, because she saw him at the jubilee. We know the Black Hood was there, there’s a good chance he could have been in the audience.
  • It makes sense that Chic would want to cut Betty off from everyone she knew and doesn’t want to share her. He never got the near perfect life Betty got, and now he doesn’t want her to have that either. He doesn’t want to share her because he never got to talk to her or be her friend her entire life. This could be Chic’s creepy way of bonding with Betty and making up for lost time.
  • When Betty puts on the mask and the Black Hood tells her that ‘they’re not so different’, even though it’s a reflection of her own darkness, it may also be a hint from Chic telling her they’re not so different because they’re siblings.
  • It’s understandable that Chic would want to humiliate his mom by posting that article of her. After all, she put him up for adoption. Granted, this really isn’t a normal reason, but it’s safe to say that Chic may be mentally unstable, given that he’s going on a murdering spree.
  • Chic could have access to that document. That incident could have happened a little bit before or after Chic was born, more likely before. The sisters, who arranged for Chic’s adoption, could have done a background check on Alice or she could have told them this news herself.
  • In the scene where Betty thought of everything that happened to Polly and Jason and nearly drowned Chuck, it’s possible that it runs in the family. Chic could have the same thing, except more severe.

Think about it. There’s a reason that Betty has a secret brother, and also a reason that the writers chose to mention him, but then disregard his story line. This may be it.

There’s also supposed to be more incesty vibes this season. The Black Hood wants to separate her from her friends & family (like an abusive boyfriend) and called her beautiful in the next episode. If it’s Chic, this might be the incesty vibes that’s supposed to be happening.

Exactly, just makes more sense then if it’s Chic.


I’m calling it right now...

The Black Hood is Chic Cooper, Betty’s brother. Think about it. 

  • The Black Hood has green eyes, similar to the Coopers. Also, guess who has green eyes as well? Hart Denton, who has been cast as Chic Cooper. 
  • The Black Hood tells Betty that if she saw him, she would recognize him. While this may mean that it’s someone she’s seen before, it could mean that she’d recognize him because they are siblings. Or even perhaps, because she saw him at the jubilee. We know the Black Hood was there, there’s a good chance he could have been in the audience.
  • It makes sense that Chic would want to cut Betty off from everyone she knew and doesn’t want to share her. He never got the near perfect life Betty got, and now he doesn’t want her to have that either. He doesn’t want to share her because he never got to talk to her or be her friend her entire life. This could be Chic’s creepy way of bonding with Betty and making up for lost time.
  • When Betty puts on the mask and the Black Hood tells her that ‘they’re not so different’, even though it’s a reflection of her own darkness, it may also be a hint from Chic telling her they’re not so different because they’re siblings.
  • It’s understandable that Chic would want to humiliate his mom by posting that article of her. After all, she put him up for adoption. Granted, this really isn’t a normal reason, but it’s safe to say that Chic may be mentally unstable, given that he’s going on a murdering spree.
  • Chic could have access to that document. That incident could have happened a little bit before or after Chic was born, more likely before. The sisters, who arranged for Chic’s adoption, could have done a background check on Alice or she could have told them this news herself.
  • In the scene where Betty thought of everything that happened to Polly and Jason and nearly drowned Chuck, it’s possible that it runs in the family. Chic could have the same thing, except more severe.

Think about it. There’s a reason that Betty has a secret brother, and also a reason that the writers chose to mention him, but then disregard his story line. This may be it.

As much as I get this

Why Polly?

Why would he threaten her when she would also be his sister?

Well, because like I said about Alice Cooper, he might hate Polly too for similar reasons. She was born after him, but she never got put up for adoption and lived a happy life with her ‘perfect’ family. Chic might be jealous or angry in a twisted way. Also, I think he was only going to use this to threaten Betty. Think about it, if he hadn’t said that, she wouldn’t have wanted to follow his orders. Maybe he knew that she wouldn’t go against him if she feared for her sister’s life, and only used it as a threat to keep her under his control.


I’m calling it right now...

The Black Hood is Chic Cooper, Betty’s brother. Think about it. 

  • The Black Hood has green eyes, similar to the Coopers. Also, guess who has green eyes as well? Hart Denton, who has been cast as Chic Cooper. 
  • The Black Hood tells Betty that if she saw him, she would recognize him. While this may mean that it’s someone she’s seen before, it could mean that she’d recognize him because they are siblings. Or even perhaps, because she saw him at the jubilee. We know the Black Hood was there, there’s a good chance he could have been in the audience.
  • It makes sense that Chic would want to cut Betty off from everyone she knew and doesn’t want to share her. He never got the near perfect life Betty got, and now he doesn’t want her to have that either. He doesn’t want to share her because he never got to talk to her or be her friend her entire life. This could be Chic’s creepy way of bonding with Betty and making up for lost time.
  • When Betty puts on the mask and the Black Hood tells her that ‘they’re not so different’, even though it’s a reflection of her own darkness, it may also be a hint from Chic telling her they’re not so different because they’re siblings.
  • It’s understandable that Chic would want to humiliate his mom by posting that article of her. After all, she put him up for adoption. Granted, this really isn’t a normal reason, but it’s safe to say that Chic may be mentally unstable, given that he’s going on a murdering spree.
  • Chic could have access to that document. That incident could have happened a little bit before or after Chic was born, more likely before. The sisters, who arranged for Chic’s adoption, could have done a background check on Alice or she could have told them this news herself.
  • In the scene where Betty thought of everything that happened to Polly and Jason and nearly drowned Chuck, it’s possible that it runs in the family. Chic could have the same thing, except more severe.

Think about it. There’s a reason that Betty has a secret brother, and also a reason that the writers chose to mention him, but then disregard his story line. This may be it.

I honestly thought it was Betty. She thought she was Polly with Chuck. She could have DID or something like that, but then again Archie also heard the phone call, so she wouldn’t have been imagining the phone calls.

Same that’s what I thought originally, like a multiple personality thing. But then I remembered the secret siblings from Pretty Little Liars being evil and I realized that this show is going down a similar path.


I’m calling it right now...

The Black Hood is Chic Cooper, Betty’s brother. Think about it. 

  • The Black Hood has green eyes, similar to the Coopers. Also, guess who has green eyes as well? Hart Denton, who has been cast as Chic Cooper. 
  • The Black Hood tells Betty that if she saw him, she would recognize him. While this may mean that it’s someone she’s seen before, it could mean that she’d recognize him because they are siblings. Or even perhaps, because she saw him at the jubilee. We know the Black Hood was there, there’s a good chance he could have been in the audience.
  • It makes sense that Chic would want to cut Betty off from everyone she knew and doesn’t want to share her. He never got the near perfect life Betty got, and now he doesn’t want her to have that either. He doesn’t want to share her because he never got to talk to her or be her friend her entire life. This could be Chic’s creepy way of bonding with Betty and making up for lost time.
  • When Betty puts on the mask and the Black Hood tells her that ‘they’re not so different’, even though it’s a reflection of her own darkness, it may also be a hint from Chic telling her they’re not so different because they’re siblings.
  • It’s understandable that Chic would want to humiliate his mom by posting that article of her. After all, she put him up for adoption. Granted, this really isn’t a normal reason, but it’s safe to say that Chic may be mentally unstable, given that he’s going on a murdering spree.
  • Chic could have access to that document. That incident could have happened a little bit before or after Chic was born, more likely before. The sisters, who arranged for Chic’s adoption, could have done a background check on Alice or she could have told them this news herself.
  • In the scene where Betty thought of everything that happened to Polly and Jason and nearly drowned Chuck, it’s possible that it runs in the family. Chic could have the same thing, except more severe. 
  •  EDIT: A lot of you guys have pointed out that the guy in the mask looks way too old to be Chic, and I agree. I think that Chic isn’t working alone. If you recall, when the Black Hood calls her he says that he saw her parents working at the Register, but he also saw her talking to Archie at the exact same time. I think that Chic either has an accomplice or even a team working with him.

Think about it. There’s a reason that Betty has a secret brother, and also a reason that the writers chose to mention him, but then disregard his story line. This may be it.

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