


Am I Bi or Pan, idek ๐ŸŒˆ | Hufflepuff ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ–ค | 20 | Flower Admirer ๐Ÿ’ | Soft! Loki | Ahkmenrah | Matt Murdock

love how every character falls in love with edwin. that man has the charisma of a wet cat. he is actively trying to bite you, what are you doing

Precisely why everyone just likes him even more T_T. I'd still pet a biting, scratching cat, like, what do you mean you don't wanna be cuddled? Yes you do, you're so cutee!


This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years.ย 

If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life.ย 

I reblogged her late last year and my 2024 has been very satisfying work-wise and (secure enough to not stress out) money-wise so far. Money Snake is wise and good.


Did you know? Tumblr DOES have a post length limit. Strangely, though, it's based on how many blocks of text you have. Supposedly this implies that you can have any length post so long as it's one block of text? Very strange, will have to investigate further.

Two limits! You can have a maximum of 4,096,000 characters in 1 [one] tumblr post. I would work out how many combinations this is, but 26^6,000 is already considered to be "Infinity" by most calculators, and a program I wrote threw an error code.

26^95,000 is already over 134,000 characters long - which would take 33 different text blocks to convey via tumblr. Whenever somebody says we're running out of posts, don't forget that tumblr is needlessly designed for MASSIVE amounts of information [no matter how detrimental it may be for mobile phones].

There are SOME works of fanfiction which are lengthy enough that you couldn't fit the whole thing into one tumblr post, but this is enough to fit Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy in it about 14 times over.

Don't hide that in the tags

I'm going to post the entirety of Dracula.

the Constance Garnett translation of The Brothers Karamazov is too long for a single post, apropos of nothing

Gonna need a few posts if we want to do anything by Tolstoy, might be fun to try

Surprised no one has posted the entire Bee Movie script yet already

We did that when we got the cursive option however many years back that was.



This potato works. Every. Fucking. Time.

Then bring me luck

the day after I posted this last time I was notified that I was selected for a really cool mentorship gig and got an unrelated glowing review at work

I have a job interview tomorrow. I can't risk it.


I can't let this pass without reblogging it. I'm so sorry.


sirius sending remus an "i love you" text and getting an "i love you too?" back only to realise he'd accidentally texted regulus instead of remus bc their names are too close in his contact list and now he feels bad bc he hadn't meant to text regulus and regulus not only replied but said it back and goddamn it now he's crying


LIKE REAL PEOPLE DO - c. rowland

content; gn reader, spoiler free, lowk soulmate au but also not,, 3.0k

honey just put your sweet lips on my lips / we should just kiss like real people do - hozier

Charles has never been in a gallery quite like this before. The walls are a deep teal, the same shade of a sea past its shallows, mounted with smudgy paintings like globs of kelp floating flaccid over the waves.

Everythingโ€™s grainy, edges soft and bleeding, too muddled to make sense of anything much. There are shapes moving too, dark things in his peripheral, wading slow in the eddy of colors.

He catches something at the edge of nothing, a glimpse of clarity. A frame of a person, white shirt, black tie, inky slacks. Indiscriminate, plain. Someone he could pass by every day and never spare a second glance.


pour one out for all those fic readers who found one author who wrote one really good fic for their fandom then clicked on their profile to find they wrote exactly one fic for that fandom and the rest for, like, csi or something


My thighs are huge cuz theyโ€™re full of secrets

Wrap them around my ears and let me hear them all

You smooth motherfucker


Frollo, upon meeting Gaston for the first time. True story.

No oooneโ€™s thick like Gaston/Moves those hips like Gaston/No one makes an old priest want some dick like Gaston

I choked on my drink


Iโ€™m in tears holy shit

I ship it

They deserve each other.

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