
Enter the Hunk™

@hunkiestpaladin-blog / hunkiestpaladin-blog.tumblr.com

Hunk here! Pidge and I finally got the space wifi to work, so here goes...
lance: hey dude
hunk: what's up bro?
lance: talk dirty to me ;)
hunk: i got u man
hunk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzVqkV_hQjc
lance: BRO 😫👌🏼


It’s a mark of how long they’ve been friends that Hunk bears Lance’s sighs with grace and patience. He knows how to play this game- Lance ‘claims’ he doesn’t want to talk, Hunk waits him out, and eventually Lance cracks just like the weird walnuts he’s preparing right now. It’s routine enough that Hunk knows they’ll eventually start talking, but until then he has plenty of time to worry about his best friend.

“A magician never reveals his secrets,” Hunk announces grandly, Simba-ing the tuber-like… thing he just finished cleaning. He deposits it reverently on the table next to the bowl. “But, since you are my assistant, I guess I can tell you.”

“I’m gonna try to make some… Y’know, comfort food.” Hunk shrugged, “I’m flying blind here, honestly. I know how everything smells and tastes individually but… That’s the whole point of experimenting! Trying out new combinations and seeing what sticks!”

Lances raises a brow at that, and half smiles as he rests a hand on the counter.

“So the plan is…. No plan.” Lance picks up the freshly peeled root and tosses it between his hands. Honestly, he thinks, anything is better than the literal sludge they’ve all been eating. It’s not even like commissary, oatmeal or grits sludge. His eyes watch the repetitive motion of Hunk’s wrist.

“Well, just tell me what to do, I guess.” He lolls his head back, brown babyhairs falling to one side of his brow and his arm– the one with the strangely colored potato, naked and all– raises it slowly to the flourescent lit ceiling, then around. “You can be the pilot on our ‘culinary odessey.’

“I don’t mind being engineer this time.” He gives Hunk a smile. Just being around Hunk, the two of them, eases his homesickness a little. He can, for the moment, pretend that maybe what’s in the bowl is orange sherbet, and Hunk is peeling potatoes– odd of combination as that might be. Time passes and before he realises it, he’s leaned with both elbows on the counter, watching hunk tend to the stove.

Hunk doesn’t really let him play around with the pans, or any of the cooking, since that one time. It smells good, though. Whatever’s frying in the skillet Hunk is shaking the handle of. Lance blinks, a tiredness washing over the corners of his eyes.

“Y’know, Hunk… we could leave. Like Pidge wanted to.”

“Well, since the plan is I have no plan, I guess you can argue I have a plan after all. It’s kinda like... Schrödinger's Plan. Sort of. If you squint.” Hunk hmms for a second as he looks over his assortment of pots and pans with a critical eye. He finally settles on a short and wide one that has a matching cover. For a moment Hunk wonders if Alteans ever got around to inventing non stick pans.

Lance offers to help, and Hunk immediately hikes his shoulders up to his ears. He stoops down to rummage through the island drawer filled with kitchen tools, and also to hide his embarrassment. “I, uh, don’t really have a job for you to do? I’m only like, 35% certain I know what I’m doing, and I don’t want you to get caught in the crossfire or something. I just...” Hunk pokes at the food in the bowl. It kind of looks like orange sherbet. “We’ve both been pretty busy lately, and I wanted to hang out again. Y’know, like normal.”

"Also, I’m sorry Mr. Ace Engineer but the last time you helped me cook, you melted my favorite spatula. My favorite one! It had polka dots! No, you’re sitting your butt down,” Hunk points his finger in Lance’s face, eyebrows wiggling seriously, “while I peel these funky looking potatoes.”

For a few minutes, the kitchen is quiet. Lance seems content to watch him, and Hunk falls into a rhythm of wash, peel, and cut. It’s good. For a second, Hunk almost feels like they’re back home on Earth in Hunk’s kitchen. The only thing missing is Hunk’s shitty radio that always blasted Lance’s customized playlists. But the quiet isn’t awful.

And then Lance drops a bomb.  

It’s a close shave, but Hunk avoids cutting himself with the peeler. He looks at his best friend, mouth comically open before he snaps it shut with a click. “Uh... I don’t...” Hunk cautiously puts the peeler down and begins to roll the potato between his hands as he contemplates his response. The Hunk from a few months ago, the Hunk from before Shay and the eye-opening experience that was the Balmera, would have jumped at the opportunity to go home. But that was past Hunk. Present day Hunk was much more reluctant.

“I don’t know dude... Yeah we could leave, but then what?”



Hunk has him shelling purple-ish walnuts that they’d harvested from the last planet. Sigh. He cracks the shell open with the weight of his palm and inside is something nougatty and deep violet. Sigh. He scoops it out and spoons it into a bowl.

A big, big, sigh that turns into a groan. It’s been like this for a while now. Hunk peeling and washing some kind of tuber and lance cracking, scooping, and sighing– Of course, Hunk had asked him if he’d wanted to talk, ad he said no, but clearly did and yet kept himself on the verge of actually whining and only sighing.

“Okay,” he’s shoveled all the cracked pieces of hull into the garbage and is poking his finger into the glass bowl with soft, round spoonfuls of purple. “So…what are we gonna do with this stuff?” He tastes it. It’s tangy, like a citrus.

“Well, I mean, what’re you gonna do with this stuff. You’re the magician.”

It’s a mark of how long they’ve been friends that Hunk bears Lance’s sighs with grace and patience. He knows how to play this game- Lance ‘claims’ he doesn’t want to talk, Hunk waits him out, and eventually Lance cracks just like the weird walnuts he’s preparing right now. It’s routine enough that Hunk knows they’ll eventually start talking, but until then he has plenty of time to worry about his best friend.

“A magician never reveals his secrets,” Hunk announces grandly, Simba-ing the tuber-like... thing he just finished cleaning. He deposits it reverently on the table next to the bowl. “But, since you are my assistant, I guess I can tell you.”

“I’m gonna try to make some... Y’know, comfort food.” Hunk shrugged, “I’m flying blind here, honestly. I know how everything smells and tastes individually but... That’s the whole point of experimenting! Trying out new combinations and seeing what sticks!”


Hey so Hawaiian!Hunk is becoming a really popular headcanon and I decided to give you some cool Hawaii facts from a real life Hawaiian™ so that way you don’t have to perpetuate stereotypes. I haven’t seen it too much yet, but I understand that it’s hard to find accurate stuff online if you don’t already know where to look. (Other Hawaiians feel free to add stuff)

  • It’s very rare to find a pure Hawaiian, there’s ~200 left. So when you’re making your Hunk keep that in mind. Here’s the formula for making a Hawaiian. Asian + Polynesian + Caucasian. For example, I am Hawaiian, Chinese, Filipino, Portuguese, and Swiss. And i had the smallest number of ethnicities out of my friend, I knew one dude with 15. That’s kinda a lot, but not uncommon. 
  • Also, it’s totally not weird to ask someone what they are. (something i needed to learn not to do in my college because apparently it’s rude??)
  • I personally would HC Hunk as being a mix of Hawaiian, Samoan, Tongan, Filipino, Portuguese, Chinese, and maybe some British.
  • Fun fact: the reason we are so mixed was because plantation workers were imported from around the pacific and they usually stayed for so long that they would end up marrying a Hawaiian. Tbh this is probably why we didn’t completely die out in the 1800s.
  • No one really speaks full Hawaiian anymore, our language is sadly dying out, but there have been efforts made (like charter schools where they only speak Hawaiian to the students) and everyone here knows at least 30 words in Hawaiian. However, we do speak pidgin very frequently, it’s basically a dialect of the islands evolved from the Hawaiians first learning the languages of the traders who came to Hawaii. Because of pidgin we call a lot things by a different name (and most of the time don’t even know it has a different word).
  • Examples: Mainland for the continent of America, chicken skin for goosebumps, rubber band for hair tie (i’m actually not sure what the real word is…), etc
  • Also this means that you’re constantly having to translate when you’re on the mainland. I never realized how much pidgin I used until my friends just kept giving me blank stares. It’s very frustrating, especially when you realize you have never known the translation and have to just hope the others will understand.
  • Hawaii is a very unique place. The culture, the people, the weather, the aloha spirit, etc. Any time you leave the islands for an extended periods you get very homesick because it’s difficult to find things that are authentically Hawaiian outside of Hawaii.
  • Some stereotypes:
  • Yes all of us do at least one of these things, surfing, hula, playing ukulele, singing, or swimming.
  • We do wear “Hawaiian shirts” and “muumuus”, however they are nothing like what you are probably thinking of. We call them aloha shirts and Mu'umu'us, and they are our formal wear. The designs are a lot more subtle and there really aren’t any crazy bright colors. The designs are usually quilt patterns of native flora and fauna
  • yeah we’re pretty chill with walking barefoot and in a bathing suit. The weather is very temperate and you don’t really need to wear clothes so it’s not really a big deal to see people in various stages of undress. We really don’t care about nudity that much…
  • Hawaiian Quirks:
  • we call everyone older than us Aunty or Uncle and pretty much everyone over 20 responds to that. It’s a sign of respect. It also confuses mainlanders a lot because they think we have super huge families, which we totally do, but still I’m not actually related to everyone on the island.
  • being on the verge of destroying the earth every time someone calls slippers “flip flops”. THEY SLIP ON AND THEY DO NOT MAKE A GODDAMN FLIP OR FLOP NOISE. it’s such a dumb name pls stop. I legitimately thought it was a dumb tv joke for 18 years of my life because tv has never been accurate with anything about Hawaii so there’s no way it was actually accurate with such a dumb name.
  • automatically judging someone based on their reaction to you saying you’re from Hawaii ex: “OH! You’re from Hawaii??!!!1!!!11 That’s so cool!!!11z!! Do you guys live in grass shacks?? is this the first time you’re wearing real clothes???? do you know what the internet is??!!??? How did you get here??” (yes these are real questions my friends and I have been asked) If you ask any of these we will probably avoid you forever
  • Using Hawaiian words to describe moral values because they hold so much more meaning than the English translations 
  • Having a list of local foods you’re gonna have when you get back
  • layering up once it gets into the 60s (15ish) because hello the coldest it ever gets in Hawaii is 60 and that’s only in the dead of winter.
  • Freaking out about seasons. We have no seasons here. It took me 18 years to see Fall and Spring and I can count on my hand how many times I’ve seen snow. So yeah, we lose it every time we see snow. Also we wish people a bright Christmas because we’ve really only experienced maybe one white Christmas
  • Although body image issues are still a thing in Hawaii they aren’t as bad as everywhere else. Hawaiian ads usually features locals without photoshop so we aren’t really bombarded with this “perfect” white body image

Feel free to come talk with me if you want to know more! I tried to keep this simple.

Anonymous asked:


Pidge… Nutella comes only to those who truly believe. We must be patient ✌🏼️


@lancecmcclain we should totally ask allura and coran about memes!! the castle probably has thousands of cultures entered in its database, we can access it and check out the space memes. we could see if there’s any meme convergent evolution going on… convergent memevolution….

hunk…. you beautiful genius. i love you. @theprincessallura ALLURAAA! ALLURA! PRINCESS! 

Of course! I’m so glad you paladins want to learn about new cultures! Although I’m not quite sure what this “memevolution” is.

well allura, first you need an eevee,


zarkon is literally RIGHT THERE and you guys are telling me NOT??? TO FIGHT HIM???


Keith, i love and believe in you buddy, but zarkon’s username has ‘6969′ in it i think we all need to leave. like, immediately.

why do you guys keep mentioning 6969 why is it so important

.......... @takashi--shirogane this battle falls to you i think coran set the kitchen on fire again gtg


zarkon is literally RIGHT THERE and you guys are telling me NOT??? TO FIGHT HIM???


Keith, i love and believe in you buddy, but zarkon’s username has ‘6969′ in it i think we all need to leave. like, immediately.

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