


Grateful For my Girls Love and Strength

Paring: Dean xfem Reader

Prompt: The reader takes care of a very sick Dean.

⚠️Warnings⚠️: Mentions/non explicit description of vomiting, mention of painkillers, injured Dean/sick Dean, fluff, clingy Dean?(maybe I don't know), maybe a tiny bit of language. Maybe slightly out of character Dean(I'm not sure).

Word count: 4286

Grateful For my Girls Love and Strength

Dean’s POV

Sitting down on the bench in the kitchen as you walk in, throwing your arms around my neck and placing your chin on top of my head, Surprised at how chipper you are this morning as you greet me.

“Hey Dean”

Letting out a sigh as I respond to you, at the slight headache that is slowly building.

“Hey Sweetheart”

“How are you doing this morning Dean?”

“I’m fine, how are you?” Trying hard to not let my tiredness show through in my voice.


“I’m fine”

“That’s good, so what are you planning on doing today Y/N, since we kinda have the day off?” I ask. Secretly hoping you don’t have some big plan for an adventure, because I really don’t feel like doing much today, if anything I’ll be happy just going back to bed. You walk away from me and to my side sitting down next to me, folding your arms in front of you placing them on the table, as you lay your head on top of them look over at me, getting me lost in your enchanting y/e/c eyes, breaking me from my trance as you speak.

“I don’t know I was hoping I could spend it hanging out with you babe.”

“You want to spend all day with me? Won’t it be kinda boring for you?” I ask; shocked that you would want to do nothing but hang around me, I mean I’m not that interesting, or fun. With a soft smile and a giggle you assure me of what you want.

“Yup I do, you could never bore me my big cuddly teddy bear.”

“If you say so; Hold one your what now Y/N?”

“My big cuddly teddy bear, Dean Winchester, Y/F/N, Y/L/N’s big cuddly teddy bear.”

“Why on earth have you decided to call me your big cuddly teddy bear Y/N?”

“Well first of all Dean, you are big I mean you're like 6’1, second you're warm like a teddy bear and you can’t deny it you do get very cuddly when you lay in bed with me, especially when you’re sick, or don’t feel well.”

My head bothering me too much to argue with you. I drop it asking if you want to help me with baby.

“Ok fine whatever, why don’t you come outside and help me change the Impala’s oil, and then we can lay in bed and watch a movie or something?”

“Okay sure Dean I’d love to!”

Excited, you said yes, I grabbed your hand pulling you quickly as I  led you to the garage eager to work on baby. A couple hours later after changing the Impala’s oil and enjoying some sandwiches on the wooden work bench in the garage, we walked back inside your hand holding mine, thanking me for letting you help.

“Thanks for letting me help you even though I kind of just watched you most of the time.”

“No problem Y/N, besides it was kind of fun teaching you how to change her oil.” Returning your smile.

“So do you still want to watch a movie or something or are you too tired Dean?”

Trying to hide my yawn as I speak but failing as it comes in the middle of my sentence.

“We can, I... yawn... sorry if you want.”

“Dean are you tired?”

yawning again knowing that I can’t hide it from you.

“Ya, a little, for some reason I don’t have a lot of energy today.” as you were still holding my hands, you pull me into your embrace, letting go of my hands and sliding yours inside my leather jacket wrapping your arms around my waist, commenting how very warm I am, as my cheek that I know is on fire, slides over your cool one as my head drops to your shoulder.


Feeling his cheek burn against mine, I lead Dean over to one of the chairs in the kitchen, sitting him down, I run and go grab a thermometer. Coming back, I place the thermometer under his tongue, walking around to his back and softly rub Dean’s shoulder blades trying to ease some of the tension he has built up. After a couple minutes still rubbing his back with one hand and removing the thermometer with the other, reading out his temperature.

“Okay it’s not too bad Dean, you do have a fever but it’s only about 100.3.”

He mumbles lightly about it being a low grade one before spinning around dubbing over as pain sets fire to some part of his body, 


I wince slightly as Dean smashes his head against the table, and groans deeply as pain shoots through him. Instantly I wrap my arms around his neck from behind, soothingly rubbing my hands up and down his chest, placing gentle kisses to the side of his head, as soft barely noticeable whimpers of pain escape from Dean’s lips. Continuing to rub his chest and kiss the side of his head I softly whisper to him.

“Dean sweetheart, what’s wrong? Can you tell me what’s bothering you darling?”

Dean lets out a shaky breath before answering through his slight sobs and grunting.

“ I don’t Know what’s Wrong Y/N, I don’t know it hurts, augh it hurts bad.”

Still gently kissing his head I respond to his cry.

“Okay, babe okay, what hurts honey?” Sobs escaping his body as the pain is still coursing through him, He lets out a slow shaky and filled with pain reply.

“My abdomen it’s killing me!”

Dean’s POV

Still running your hands up a down my chest trying to comfort me as best you can, as you ask me which side hurts, before I can respond to you though, a horrible feeling of nausea rips threw me launching me out of my chair, accidentally knocking you to the floor in the process as you were still holding me, running across the bunker to our shared bathroom a couple doors down from our room, you trailing close behind me, I fall forcefully to my knees, lifting the lid, sinking my head into the bowl arms rested around the rim, as soon as you get to me dropping to your own knees behind me pressing your body against my back wrapping one arm around my waist and the other one sliding to my hair running your hand through it, soothingly dragging your nails along my scalp,

I lose it all, from lunch that afternoon to the medicine you had given me for my fever not even a minute ago, heaving painfully as you try to comfort me. Feeling your slightly warm mint breath from the gum you were chewing earlier, on my neck, as you move your hands to my shoulder blades gently rubbing them before sliding a hand to my neck playing with my hair at the base pressing a soft kiss to the side of my head, as you whisper softly in my ear.

“Okay, babe okay, it’s okay, your okay, I’m hear, I got you sweetheart.”

leaning back into you slightly taking in a slow breath,weakly sliding off my leather jacket hoping I didn't get anything on it, before being launched back over the toilet having nothing left to throw up all that comes out is a train of coughs and painful dry heaves,sending more tears streaming down my face, your hands still rubbing up and down my back soothingly. Removing your hands from my back you pick up my jacket examining probably knowing what the main thought on my mind was. I smile slightly when you let me know the jackets clean, finally done puking my guts out I weakly swing my legs out from under me and scot back towards where you are sitting against the bathtub sliding up onto your lap leaning back against your chest. I smile slightly as I feel you plant a small kiss to my cheek wrapping your arms around my waist. As I drop my head onto your shoulder you place another kiss to my cheek, holding your lips there for a few seconds, holding me tight to your body rocking me slightly. I give you a small smile, groaning harshly as my abdomen starts killing me again, turning my body sideways sliding my legs over yours wrapping my arms around you, I kissing your cheek hiding my forehead in the nape of your neck, my tears falling on your skin as I silently sobb at my aching side, gaining some comfort from being held tightly in your arms. After a couple minutes you break the silence asking how I’m doing.

“Dean, prince, can you tell me what’s hurting you”?

My reply is barely audible as I mumble into your neck, “my side y/n/n it's the side of my abdomen it's killing me.”

“The side of your abdomen hurts?” You ask. Confirming you had heard my mumble correctly. I turn my body towards you so I can rest my chin on your shoulder, sort of straddling you my chest pressed against yours, effectively sitting in your lap, tears still silently falling. Shakely I let out a quite,

“ Ya”

Rubbing my back, and running a hand through my hair you ask me what side hurts.

“Okay what side hurts Dean?”

I let out another sob, I start crying again, tears flowing down my cheeks, my voice unrecognizable as it breaks in between my words.

“It hurts so bad, my right side, it’s killing me.”

continuing to rub my back you ask how I’m doing.

“Dean Sweetie, do you still feel nauseous or like you need to throw up again?”

Exhaustion clear in my voice. I let out a breath as I respond.

“No, I don’t think so, I’m just really tired and in a lot of pain.”

“Okay, Dean, do you want me to carry you to our room so you can try and get some rest my little Prince?” Smile at your nickname for me that I love. I don't get it but I love it, yawning slightly my energy drained from the day I nod my head. Letting out a soft

“yes please.”  

Gently you pick up my week body, making sure I'm holding on tight before carrying me carefully down the hall to our room, putting down the covers before sitting down on the bed placing me on your lap lifting my arms up and removing my shirt then laying me down and removing my Jeans, you slid in next to me letting me lay on top of you quickly falling asleep to your fingers running threw my hair your nails soothingly sliding along my scalp.

Later the next morning I wake up Stiffly needing to take a leak, my side killing me worse that yesterday, noticing you calmly asleep under me realizing that after getting off of the phone with Sam and assuring him that you were fine to continuing to take care of me on your own you must have drifted off yourself. Not wanting to wake you feeling bad since you were up with me until like midnight rubbing my back as I threw up again from a failed attempt to get something in my stomach at 9 last night, I shakily slid off you and off the bed not even making it a step before my legs give out and I collapse banging into the end table waking you up. Concerned you bolt up out off bed calling my name.


Embarrassed and feeling awful as hell, lunching in extreme pain, I respond to you.

“Ya Y/N/N I'm down here.”

Seeing me on the floor concern lacing your face you ask if I am okay.

“What happened, why are you on the floor honey? Are you still in pain?”

I let out a deep breath as I gave you an explanation for being on the floor.

“Sorry I have to pee really bad and you were up late with me while I was throwing up and you were calmly sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you up, but that didn't work. I fell and woke you up anyway.” You smile softly at me assuring me it was okay.

“It's fine Dean. I don't care. Do you need me to help you to the bathroom? Oh and how are you feeling does you stomach still hurt babe?”

“Ya my stomach is still killing me, and If you could help me up and to the bathroom as I really do need to pee that would be awesome, Y/N/N”

“Of course little Prince.”

Nodding you move off the bed carefully picking me up again and placing me back down in the bathroom, standing behind me holding me so I don’t go crashing down to the floor again.

“So how's your side this morning Little prince?”

Finishing up I walk over with you to the sink washing my hands and then I sling my arm over your shoulder leaning on you as we head back to our room settling back on the bed I lay down back in your arms. “Fine I guess it still hurts like hell, Hey Y/N/N can I ask you something?”

“Oh ok I'm sorry sweetie, Yes of course what is it you want to ask your small fox, Little Prince?”

“Actually its about that, why do you call me little prince and I guess yourself small fox?”

“Idk its from a book that was written in 1953 and then made into a movie in 2015, called The Little Prince.”

“Oh that movie that's one of your favorite movies isn't it?”

“Ya I saw it when I was little but I haven't seen it since.”

“Why don't we rent it and we can watch it?”

“you sure it's a kids movie?”

“Ya.” You pass me the remote I rent the movie, settling in as comfortably as I can in your lap I push play and we watch The Little Prince. As the credits roll you get up from your position curled up against me head in my lap to grab the crackers I promised I would try, and see if I could keep down. Coming back into the room you hand me one taking and eating the cracker you give me I lean back against the headboard rubbing my side looking over at you.

“How does that feel for your stomach Dean?”

As I place a kiss to your temple I grab your hand that's on my thigh and lace my fingers with yours dropping both our hands in my lap. “If I’m being honest it didn’t make it feel very good”

“Dean sweetie the pain in your right side is it continuing to get worse?”

I nod tears forming in my eyes. “Ya.”

“Dean babe don't get mad at me baby but I think we should take you to the ER”

Shaking my head I tearfully let out a “No”

“Dean please” you beg.

“Y/N…” Not even letting me finish you cut me off, holding my hand while you try to reason with my stubborn sick ass.

“Dean please let me take you to the ER, you're practically curling in pain Dean! You can't keep anything down, it has been 2 days, you look like the ghost we hunt babe.”

A little hurt I crack a small smile mumbling, “ouch that stung” giving me a soft smile squeezing my hand not letting up.

“I'm sorry, but it's true Dean you're white as a sheet and look like you might pass out.”

I take a deep breath nodding my head at you certainly feeling like I might pass out.

“Dean this is not normal especially for you pain bringing you to tears like that sobbing practically hysterical tears Something is wrong please babe let me take you to the ER.”

Sighing knowing that your right something is definitely wrong for me to be in this much pain I agree to let you take me.

Grabbing baby's keys and my jacket you slip a pair of flip flops on my feet much to my disapproval. Putting on your own jacket and sneakers, you help me out to the car carefully sliding me in, before sliding in yourself igniting the ignition and setting off to the hospital.


Arriving at the Hospital I carefully help Dean out of the car. As we walk into the sliding doors turning right we make our way over to the front desk to get him checked in, walking him over to the side of the desk helping him into the chair, the check in nurse takes his vitals and sends us over to the waiting room informing us that the doctor will call us back shortly to take a look at him. Sitting down in the waiting area Dean grabs my hand laying his head on my shoulder closing his eyes. Placing my other hand on top of his, placing a quick kiss to the top of his, resting my own head on top of his. After what felt like a century the doctor finally calls out Mr. Winchester. Helping Dean up we follow the doctor back to a room that smelled strongly of lavender and disinfectant. Once Dean settles on the bed holding my hand and placing it in his lap, the Doctor who introduced himself as Dr. Fingledot, looks over at Dean asking what brings him in today. Looking over at me Dean gives me a look begging for me to explain for him, nodding, I explain to the Doc that Dean’s right side hurts really bad, and has only been getting worse and that he hasn’t been able to keep anything down, as well as the fact that he has had a low grade fever for the past couple of days.

Dean’s POV

writing notes on his clipboard about what you said, the doctor nods and explains that they are going to run some test, but first he needs to do a physical examination of the area causing me pain, which entails feeling my abdomen an apply a small amount of pressure to it, nodding, I swallowing hard as you lift up my shirt. The Doc looks at me asking me if I’m ready, taking in a shaky breath I nod signaling the doc to go for it I squeeze your hand with a death grip, arching my back up from the bed as the doctor pushes down on my lower abdomen a little above my V-line, grunting,

I mumble “sorry babe” knowing I probably just destroyed every bone in your hand. You bring my hand up to your lips placing soft quick kisses to my knuckles speaking soft praises of

“You're doing so well, you're almost done” trying your best to ease me and keep me calm.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding as the doctor removed his hands from my abdomen. I squeeze your hand interlocking my fingers with yours letting our hands fall upon my chest, as the Doctor apologizes for causing me discomfort, nodding I weakly telling him it's all good. Nodding Doctor Fingledot says he’ll be back later after the nurse that I just now realized had entered the room takes a blood sample and it’s run by the lab. As he leaves the room the nurse walks over to my side introducing herself as Ms. Ravia, giving me a small smile asking for my arm, explaining she's here to finish my tests and that she needs to draw some blood. Grabbing my arm she ties a rubber strip around my bicep then taking out an alcohol wipe cleans my arm while she explains that the blood sample will allow the doctor to take a look at my white blood cell count nodding I turn to look at you as she sticks the needle in my arm. Just as quickly as she slid the needle in, it was being pulled out. Wrapping some gauze around my arm she stepped out. About 10 minutes later the nurse comes back in with the doctor pulling a cart with a machine on it with her. Flipping through the chart in his hands Dr.Fingledot explained that my white blood cell count is definitely high and my body is trying to fight something off and he has an idea as to what’s going on but, they are going to do an ultrasound to try and get a look at what's going on and confirm what he is thinking. You rub my forehead pushing the hair that falls there back while stroking my knuckles with your thumb, trying to give me some form of comfort while the nurse moves and pushes the wand thing against my stomach. Sharing a look with the doctor the nurse removes the machine from my stomach and turns it off. Lifting your hand to rest on my chest as the doctor informs us that it's a good thing you dragged me here because after looking at my test results he believes that I have appendices and my appendix is close to possibly rupturing, and I will need emergency surgery to have it removed.


After helping Dean get into a hospital gown I walk with him as far as the doors to the OR prep room, not allowed to go any further. I kiss his forehead promising I'll be right there waiting when he wakes up. wiping a tear that rolled down my cheek as I watched Dean be wheeled behind the OR doors, I grab his leather jacket putting it on taking a seat in the waiting room breathing in the sent of pie, beer and, a hint of a bonfire that has soaked into the leather over the years, while anxiously waiting for Dean to get out of surgery and to be called back to see him.

Dean’s POV

Once I reach the OR, one of the doctors sticks an IV into my arm while another puts leads on my chest to monitor my heart rate during surgery, looking over at the heart rate monitor I can see my heart beat sky rocketing as my nerves rise, after the surgeon on my right finishes fixing my IV he places a mask over my nose and mouth telling me to breath and to let the Anastasia put me to sleep every fiber of my being wants to fight it my whole body fighting the pull of sleep, Finally letting my thoughts drift to you holding me and cuddling me on a bad day I relax and let the gas knock me out.

After what feels like only a few minutes for me but I’m sure felt like an eternity for you the doctor goes out and gets you telling you that I am out of surgery, everything went well, and I'm slowly regaining consciousness so you can finally come back and sit with me, still wearing my jacket you stand up and follow the doctor to my room, sitting down next to me and grabbing my hand. You speak to me softly

“Hi baby, how are you doing?”

I turn my head towards you, my grogginess from the Anastasia evident in my voice as I speak.

“Hey babe I'm doing good, my side is a little sore from surgery but it feels a lot better then it did and I'm not in nearly as much pain as I was but they gave me morphine a lot so. I chuckle softly, my voice still rough from just waking up. Smiling and chuckling yourself at my crack about the morphine you rub my forehead pushing my hair away from my face.

“I'm glad you're feeling much better Little Prince” Kissing my knuckles softly leaving them pressed to your lips as you continue.

“I hate seeing you in unbearable pain like that, you terrified me babe, I mean you know I love to take care of you and baby you and cuddle you and carry you around, but seeing you in pain like that Dean, terrified me.”

“I know I'm sorry, I hate scaring you like that Y/N, I tried to mask the pain so I didn't worry you or scare you too much but I couldn't, the pain was just insane.”

“I know you don’t like scaring me like that. You know I do love taking care of you Dean and getting to hold and cuddle you like that.”

“ya I know you do, ok Y/N/N don't tell Sam but, if I'm being honest I really do love being held sitting in your lap, and I love when you're the one cuddling me at night in bed.”

“Really you do? Well I guess I should do it more often then, like maybe we start a little routine every night before we lay down. I can hold you in my lap, Whatcha think Deano?”

“Ya you do, that sounds really awesome and relaxing” I let out a small laugh before looking up at you with questioning eyes.

“Y/N can we actually make that a thing?”

“Of course we can Dean”

I smile as I pull you into the small hospital bed  next to me wrapping my arms around you holding you as tight as I can kissing your forehead. “Thank you, I love you.”

“your welcome I love you too Dean know sleep baby, you need to rest.”

"You know Y/N you look pretty cute in my jacket"

"Hmm thanks. Now SLEEP DEAN! You need to rest."

"Okay, okay don't bite my head off."

I kissed the top of your head once more, falling asleep soon after you, reminded of what little words can even begin to express my gratefulness for your love and strength, and how anything seems possible with you by my side.

The End


Ok spn peeps I was playing a game don't judge I was board and please tell me its not just me and this looks kinda like Rowena


Ok yall so I'm i hope to have the fic posted as soon as I can I'm waiting on one of my friends to get back to me with his opinion and then I shall have it up

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