Angelus Fakes

@angeluswanttosurvive /

Twink ✖ Fucked up ✖ Idgaf || who cares about my age?

I will never share these.

Pass these around to make sure everyone knows which ones not to pass around

Under no circumstances reblog this. It is forbidden.


Oops fingers slipped!

"No te merece, no merece nada el catorce de febrero" - Tal vez soy yo quien no merece un coño. Estoy hecho un desastre, mas que antes, sólo por miedo a perderlo... Y estoy tan loco por él, que estoy dispuesto a despedirme de mi orgullo y dignidad, y disculparme hasta por sus errores.
But the real problem was that I... I'm asking you too much, that's it. It's not your fault... is mine, and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, darling... I can't handle this. I love you, but I just can't deal with it.
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