
this here is not singing, I'm just screaming in tune

@blood-suits-and-tears / blood-suits-and-tears.tumblr.com

she/they >>BST for short >>Currently obsessed with THE OLD GUARD (and MotA)!! >>Always obsessed with 00QAD! (London Spy & 00Q) >>And still a sucker for Mormor and Wolfstar >>Andrew Scott and Remus Lupin will forever be my unporblematic faves! >>>but love is stored in the Nicky (& the Yusuf) <3 <br> >>>open for mood board & fic cover commissions >>>> Currently learning about gif & icon making >>>>>gif above ^ made by me :)

(click on images for better quality) (lighting was really difficult for this one so I'm posting both versions)

written by FlyGuillotine18

Summary: Lestat sees Louis through Lily. Friendship, impure thoughts, a request, sex and sacrifices that ultimately leads to a blood soaked wedding...


(click on images for better quality)

written by Muccamukk

art & fic cover by@blood-suits-and-tears

Summary: It's not quite a joke, but Mickey doesn't think it can be entirely serious, either, not when his pilot is down on one knee proposing marriage! After all, the whole thing's just to fool Payback's eccentric rich uncle and send a bit of extra cash home. It's not like Mickey's even into guys, let alone in love with his best friend...


Attention 007 Fest-ers! London Spy watch parties are this weekend!

>Saturday July 22, 2023

London Spy episodes 1-3 at 4pm New York / 9pm London / 4am Hong Kong (Sunday)

>Sunday July 23, 2023

London Spy episodes 4-5 at 4pm New York / 9pm London / 4am Hong Kong (Monday)

Each episode is an hour long. The entire miniseries is 5 episodes.

Ask a friend or send us an ask (no anons) for an invite link to the 00QAD Discord server!


00QAD Fandom Wishes Everyone a Happy 007 Fest

Don't know who we are? we are a crossover fandom that combines London Spy's Alex Turner and Danny Holt with Q and James Bond in one lovely polycule with Blofelds Pampuria (Pam) and Turing, a smart little Bengal who is Q branch’s unofficial therapy cat

Key dates for our fandom are:

5th July Original Characters Day 14th July Polyamory Day

20th July Queering The Characters Day 26th July Crossover Day

We will also be hosting our annual London Spy Watch Party over on our discord channel (link under the cut) on the 22nd and 23nd of July at 8pm UTC/ 9pm BST/10pm CEST/4am HKT and our 00QAD chat night on the 29th of July at 7pm UTC


Take My Hand ExR Big Bang 2023 || @takemyhandexr (click on images for better quality)

At one point, Grantaire turns around, where he’s walking ahead of Enjolras in the crowd with Bossuet, and makes eye contact with him. He grins, wide and bright and lovely, and winks. Enjolras pictures catching up to him, slipping his own hand into Grantaire’s, pressing a kiss to his cheeks or his lips while Bossuet teases them good-naturedly. Maybe tonight...

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