
Live, Laugh, Light things on fire


Just a caring creature that loves to cause problems. musician, artist, writer, ---------------------------------------------------------- fuck TERFS, Exclusionists, P*dophiles (MAPS PEARS, whatever the fuck they're calling themselves this time around), Nazis, and all the people who support them
“Dogs don’t know what they look like. Dogs don’t even know what size they are. No doubt it’s our fault, for breeding them into such weird shapes and sizes. My brother’s dachshund, standing tall at eight inches, would attack a Great Dane in the full conviction that she could tear it apart. When a little dog is assaulting its ankles the big dog often stands there looking confused — “Should I eat it? Will it eat me? I am bigger than it, aren’t I?” But then the Great Dane will come and try to sit in your lap and mash you flat, under the impression that it is a Peke-a-poo… Cats know exactly where they begin and end. When they walk slowly out the door that you are holding open for them, and pause, leaving their tail just an inch or two inside the door, they know it. They know you have to keep holding the door open. That is why their tail is there. It is a cat’s way of maintaining a relationship. Housecats know that they are small, and that it matters. When a cat meets a threatening dog and can’t make either a horizontal or a vertical escape, it’ll suddenly triple its size, inflating itself into a sort of weird fur blowfish, and it may work, because the dog gets confused again — “I thought that was a cat. Aren’t I bigger than cats? Will it eat me?” … A lot of us humans are like dogs: we really don’t know what size we are, how we’re shaped, what we look like. The most extreme example of this ignorance must be the people who design the seats on airplanes. At the other extreme, the people who have the most accurate, vivid sense of their own appearance may be dancers. What dancers look like is, after all, what they do.”

— Ursula Le Guin, in The Wave in the Mind (via fortooate)

This paragraph went in so many different directions before it ended. What the fuck Ursula


i think it’s really funny when europeans come to america and don’t tip and people get upset and they go “NOOOOO I DONT HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN YOUR TIPPING CULTURE IM NOT A DUMB AMERICAN” and then those people get american tourists in their countries and they go “NOOOOO WHY ARENT YOU FOLLOWING MY CUSTOMS HOW DARE YOU TALK ON THE TRAIN RESPECT MY CULTURE. HORRIBLE TERRIBLE AMERICANS :(“

like ok. lol!

europeans do not get enough shit on this site i’m so sorry

europeans do

not get enough shit on this

site i’m so sorry

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


i mean this in the gentlest way possible:

thinking that celebrities are sending out coded messages through social media and thinking that you can read specific emotions and thoughts from body language is unhealthy.

you do not know these people. it is impossible to know what they are thinking or feeling based on pictures or even videos.

if the argument is that you see a pattern: humans have a predilection for seeing patterns where there arent any, hence the over abundance of conspiracy theories in general.

this isnt a judgement i promise. but please think about it. log off, go outside if you can, and take some time off line.

I've been trying to figure out a way to voice this for days, never could find the words.

Thank you, op. Very well said.


Me, watching my kitten hold still for a suspiciously long time: Ollie, are you peeing on my floor?

Ollie: Not

Me: Are you sure?

Ollie, grunting through time and space to push out a chocolate mcmuffin wider than he is tall: Not

Me, helpless, arms full of hot chili: Ollie, no! Ollie no! No, Ollie! God, Jesus, Ollie! Ollie, nooo!!



i'm the punch wizard and i specialize in blunt force traumaturgy

i’m the punch wizard

and i specialize in blunt

force traumaturgy

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


Being polyam is FR like "I'm not aro/ace but I believe in their beliefs"

As an aroace, right back at you OP! I've legitimately thought about making an 'I'm not polyamorous but I believe in their beliefs' post before.

It's us together against amatonormativity and traditional relationship hierarchy. ✊

[ID: the epic handshake meme, two muscular masculine arms clasped together, where one is labeled aro ace (spaced for readability), the other is labeled polyam. Aro ace’s hand has text that says “relationships do not need to be defined by sexuality.” Polyam’s hand has text that says, “people can be meaningful to you in a variety of ways and these are all valuable.” Their handshake is labeled “the nuclear family is a lie!” The word lie is in all caps. /end]


Also you can have both! I am ace, married to a woman who is allo but dating someone on the aroace spectrum, and I am dating a woman another ace woman. I like to cuddle a lot, and being poly means more cuddles!

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