

@blueumbriel / blueumbriel.tumblr.com

Filipino ☆ Just a vibing Character Artist in the Animation Industry

This started off as a bit where I tested around the new update in CSP 3.0 then it kind of derailed into a meme


Alright, let's shed some "light" to my whole story, yeah?

Kamusta na kayo! How are you?? The name's Jonina Marie Parker and I've been bitten by this glowing radioactive spider at this field trip one time? It was at some cool lab--doesn't matter for now, I think Scared tf out of me though, but on the "brighter" side, I got some neat abilities that allow me to be all spider-like so that's cool I guess!! And from then on, I've been the only glowing spiderperson in my world...at least, that was before I found myself being in a spider society. It's crazy how much of us there are! K is going to be giving me a whole tour later when she isn't being a literal torch at the mere touch. She's a little weird like that, but I find her cool. :D

Oh, and did I mention that I can also light up on command and possibly use light energy for so many things and in so many ways, like weapons for example?

More on that later!!


Alright, let's shed some "light" to my whole story, yeah?

Kamusta na kayo! How are you?? The name's Jonina Marie Parker and I've been bitten by this glowing radioactive spider at this field trip one time? It was at some cool lab--doesn't matter for now, I think Scared tf out of me though, but on the "brighter" side, I got some neat abilities that allow me to be all spider-like so that's cool I guess!! And from then on, I've been the only glowing spiderperson in my world...at least, that was before I found myself being in a spider society. It's crazy how much of us there are! K is going to be giving me a whole tour later when she isn't being a literal torch at the mere touch. She's a little weird like that, but I find her cool. :D

Oh, and did I mention that I can also light up on command and possibly use light energy for so many things and in so many ways, like weapons for example?

More on that later!!


Just want ask I can't remind me the answer again D:

I am forgetfull person sometime sorry

Do you mind getting still Fanarts of your OCs even the pasts one?

I talk about from this one Ace Attorney OC (in the past) and nother OCs from you. I really like your styl just tell you my styl have change a lot these days I would be so happy If this be allowed from you but I will understand If not.


Of course! Any fanart is good for me :D

Anonymous asked:

Hello! the user thelazyonehere is reposting your art from twitter on tumblr. I assume they didn't get your approval for this? If they did, just ignore this!

Oh hello!!

They absolutely did not, and is most likely aren't aware that I have a Tumblr account. Unfortunately it is common with my past DBH content, but at least they kinda? credited me?? I looked at their profile and it was literally the first thing lol

I don't really allow reposts so this kind of sucks ngl, but it is what it is

Idk it's better than nothing I guess /shrugs


If canon events are basically a spiderperson's "destiny" in losing their significant other, or people close to them or to their S.O. specifically, followed by big life changing events--then might as well give my sona some deep-rooted trauma in family/trust issues \o/

Transcript below (in the very case that my writing is too small lol)


If canon events are basically a spiderperson's "destiny" in losing their significant other, or people close to them or to their S.O. specifically, followed by big life changing events--then might as well give my sona some deep-rooted trauma in family/trust issues \o/

Transcript below (in the very case that my writing is too small lol)


Bringing back that spidersona from 2018

Glow Spider: has luminous energy-like abilities and web, and can glow in the dark whenever it’s needed (probably has star-like weapons like shurikens or something, still working on that, as well as some gliders for more mobility)
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