Dead Witch Walking

@mor-beck-more-problems /

Adjunct-Lesbian-Trying my best + (closed rp for Wicked's Rest) var sc_project=12571186; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="cf825447";

Ireland || Morgan & Deirdre

TIME: A hundred years or so from now.

LOCATION: A cottage, a museum


SUMMARY: A century isn’t enough time to make Morgan less anxious. Chaperoning her daughter’s school trip with Deirdre gives her more than enough to worry about.

“I think we deserve a soft epilogue, my love. We are good people and we’ve suffered enough.” -Nikka Ursula

I joined society in High School, im still catching up on some stuff. 
Online media company, the flexible hours are nice for nocturnal types. The boss is a tiny talkative demonic a bit much but hey, they doesn’t care as long as the deadlines are met. 
I do have an interest yeah. I was always in the late night classes aka: Vampire Breakfast Club but I enjoyed those gothic lit materials that were forwarded to us. 
We found em real uh topical. 

[pm] OH Oh, I see. Where were you before then?

Are you a vampire? You can tell me if you’re a vampire. I think it’s great that you’re furthering your education and

I’m glad you’ve found a place with the right accomodations for you. That can be really hard sometimes.

And I’m glad that it helped. I always wonder about that, how much students find these things accessible, if the ever identify with the material in a way that’s affirming or comforting. I just think it’s interesting how people seem to need the mysterious and the strange and the magical in order to understand our reality better.

[pm] It’s– so much. I don’t know which one to sort through first. I just know I don’t ever want to think about what I did to my mom 
Tomorrow night? I think a lazy Sunday sounds nice.
I’ll have to clean out the manor, and all their records. I think I…want to do it myself. Having someone else just pack everything up and ship it off feels strangely wrong. But…maybe you could help? Once everything else is settled, I think. 
Oh. I– can try that.
Those are interesting theories. Adam always had the craziest ideas. I think I miss him I haven’t even stopped to consider how I feel about all that Fuck Um, I mean, nothing happened, but I met a vampire who said they don’t have a soul. They…didn’t hurt me or anything. It was strange, they seemed so adamant that they were bad, but they refused to hurt me and even apologized when they upset me. I guess I was just curious. I don’t know what difference a soul makes aside from a lack of remorse. 

[pm] Probably with whatever’s at the top, or the easiest to name. Then go from there.

Tomorrow night. Sleepy Saturday into a lazy Sunday.

I’d be happy to be there with you.

Let me know if it helps.

He really did. Some that really make me question whatever they teach at hunter Sunday School, but he was right at least some of the time.

Souls are weird. I met a vampire who was trying to get his back once. I think, you can’t build any empathy or selflessness without one. You can’t completely connect with someone. But you can try, and you can do things for yourself. And sometimes doing things for yourself can be enough. Sometimes it’s not. I don’t think I’m a particularly selfless person even with my soul, so I think the danger of being without one depends on the person.

[pm] Do you think it’ll ever be full? I don’t remember it being this bad when I was younger, but now it just seems like it’s starving for death and blood and shit.
Lol story of my life I know I don’t have to be fine all the time. But what’s that thing? Fake it till you make it? I figure that can apply here lmao. But the reason my wounds weren’t healing is gone now, so mom and I are making a little more progress there. 

[pm] Stars above, I wish it would be. I’m so tired of this, Nell. The constant fighting, all the work to keep one little bubble of happiness, it’s so exhausting.

Okay. But if you ever want to talk about it, or stop faking for a minute, you know where to find me.

But I’m glad to hear about your wounds. I was getting worried.

[pm] Okay. Right. Okay. I can do that.
I don’t know how I feel about it. I killed someone. Not just someone, my own mother. Well, fake mother. Aunt. Whatever. How am I supposed to feel about any of that?? I have no idea. i killed her I killed her I’m 
Oh. Yes, please, I’ll take that. I can’t remember the last time I had a good dream. 
I don’t really know. I don’t think that selling it will accomplish anything, and I don’t want to dismantle the business. There’s too many employees that would be affected. I guess I could sign my shares over to the others, but that just feels dirty. And I– I think the manor should be destroyed. Maybe give the property back to the town or-or put something else, something for the community. But that place is haunted and I hate it.
That’s– I don’t like arguing.
Can zombies get rid of their souls, like vampires can? Or is that just a vampire thing?

[pm] That’s okay too. Maybe sit with it, sort it out. It probably feels like a lot of things at once, huh?

Name the night. We’ll get you some rest.

Some of those sound like really good ideas. I think, once you’ve made it down to that part of your priorities, you can think a little more on that, decide which one feels the most right.

Not like fighting argue. Like proving and disproving. Like your research.

And I’ve never heard soul removal mentioned as a possibility from the people like me I’ve encountered, or any of the zombie texts I’ve read from the scribrary. Adam had this theory that the ‘zombie virus’ was all about maintaining stasis, while vampirism tended toward change, evolution. If he was right, it would make sense for a vampire to be able to lose their soul but not me. I don’t think I know enough to consider myself an expert, but I’m comfortable saying that if it is possible, it’s rare and difficult magic. 

What makes you ask? Did something happen?

Why would you offer to help me, you don’t know me? I’m confused? 
I’m ok my feet are firm on the ground
Do you need help with your feet? Like staying up?
I write for the Andrista Media Group
I am just curious. Is that too forward? Would like me to write a piece about it?

[pm] You’re not good with idioms, are you? It’s okay, you know. I’ll try to be mindful of that when we talk.

Oh, I haven’t heard of them. What’s that like?

No, you definitely don’t have to write a piece about it. I just wondered because usually people have a reason for asking questions like that. Do you have an interest in that subject matter too?

Yeah,  I’m Roy Tucker 
You folks taught me how to human better 
No, my bolics are low-key on the criminals and camper business 
I’m a journalist 
Got a question
Why’d you decide to teach the literature you do?

[pm] Uh. Oh, okay! Well I’m really glad your situation has turned around so much. If you’re still struggling to stay on your feet, let me know and I’ll try to help if I can, okay?

Really? What publication?

Is this for a piece you’re doing or something?

[pm] I started writing a list but it felt so overwhelming I had to stop cause I couldn’t breath. 
I– no. I wouldn’t say that, about any of you. I just thought– I just wanted– I wanted things to be easier once I was out, and they’re just…not. I’m happier, I feel better, really, I do, but nothing feels easier. I have support and everything now, and I have a great home, so why am I not happier? Why can’t it be that way?
Aram? I’m really bad at balance.
I don’t want all this power. I now own 50% shares in a lawfirm I don’t even work at. I have multi-millions of dollars to my name. What the fuck do I do with that shit?
But my brain is the one convincing me that the evidence isn’t real or I’m making it up or it’s just not true. 
I– will try. To make a list and figure out a day or two.

[pm] Maybe do it a little bit at a time. Prioritize.

No, they’re not easier. Just different. Eventually, it’ll get easier. But right now it’s all raw, and just different. And trying to force yourself to feel a certain way isn’t going to help. You feel how you feel and you feel that way for a reason. You should be honest with yourself about it, face it.

Supernatural sleep-aid. Easy sleep and good dreams. And I know you are, but I think you’ll get there if you keep working at it.

What do you want to do with it? I mean, if it’s all yours you can get rid of it if you want to, right?

So, argue with your brain back.


Good. I believe in you.

[pm] Because there’s so much to be done and to work through and it just keeps piling up and if I really do take a break, it’ll just get worse. And it– it’s over, I’m out of that situation, so I don’t really have all that much to complain about. I should be happy, why am i not happy 
I just don’t want to think about them right now, about that, about what happened. That’s what I want a break from. It’s always there, I can’t even sleep because of her and she’s dead. But she’s in my head and my mind and I hate it. I just want one day where I don’t have to think about it. 
I know I did. I know and I don’t want to do that again, but that doesn’t mean someone else can’t take it away from me, too. I feel so powerless and like I have too much power. I never asked for this power. You promise? I know you’re not. But I can’t keep my brain from convincing myself it might not be true.

[pm] It may not seem that way, but there is, in fact, a finite amount of work that needs to be done right now. Organize your tasks and break things down into little, manageable pieces.

Also, I don’t think it’s fair to categorize grappling with a lifetime of trauma as “complaining”. Do you think I’m complaining by still dealing with my stuff? Or Mina with hers? Or Deirdre? But, to borrow your terminology, you do in fact have plenty to “complain” about. It’s not as simple as being in that house or not being in it. And I think part of you knows that and just wishes that was the case.

There might be a couple of doses of aram left in the house. It’s hard to come by, so it’s not a sustainable fix, but if you really want one easy night of good sleep, pick a date and we’ll make it happen. And you’ll get there, if you try. It’s all about balance, sweetheart. 

I think it does mean that, actually. We’ve filed all the right paperwork, and like you said, you have a lot of power right now. We’re here, and we’re yours. The only one who can change that is you.

I’m sure you’ll go over how to break thought patterns in therapy, but for now, maybe just look at the evidence and how it contradicts what your brain is telling you.


And I’m still serious about a rest day. Come up with some stuff you want to do, stuff you enjoy or that makes you feel safe. We’ll try to squeeze a couple in, okay?

[pm] They always say that. But it’s bullshit. Preying on vulnerability. Like your friend’s. It’s all for their own gain. Could be tragic, with a nature like that. If it weren’t so damn annoying for everyone else.
‘Least that’s promising. Imagine it’ll take a while to let go of all that hurt. ‘Specially after all this. Is she in good hands?
What was it like? Always imagined it’d be overwhelming. But I still wonder. 
I know. Don’t worry ‘bout me. Truthfully, I’ll be fine. Always found a nice prance ‘round nature works. Or a good hunt. Worries of the mind melt away when hands are busy. Also enjoy some quality time with James and Tulip. If he doesn’t fuss too much. Are you managing well? You got tried-and-true tricks, too?

[pm] Ugh. I don’t know why I’m surprised.

And she’s in good hands, yeah. Or, well, she’s in the best hands I can give her. She’s staying with me now that she’s gotten out of that bad situation that prompted the wish.

So overwhelming! Especially at first! I felt like my skin was crawling in the worst way. Everything was so startling and I couldn’t process it all at once, at first, and it made me so clumsy and jumpy. And then, pain! Human pain is so weird and terrifying. I don’t miss that part at all. But the more I got used to it, the more it felt like--the world really is a beautiful, incredible place. It’s incredible we get to be here and feel so much in so short a time. And, okay, this might sound bananas considering I teach writing and literature, but the whole experience showed me just how inadequate words are for capturing our lives. Like, blueberry pancakes are fluffy, heavy, sweet, buttery, tart, and juicy. And that’s before you add in maple syrup. And yet all of those things get squeezed into just “blueberry pancakes.” There is so much that gets taken for granted, there is so much to discover. It’s sort of incredible.


A prance, huh? With your wildflowers? Also, you hunt?

I don’t really have tried and true tricks, per se, but I was conveniently overwhelmed with much bigger problems not long after the wish was undone. And by the time that happened anyway, I was just so relieved to not hurt anymore, to feel...familiar to myself again. I guess if I did anything, I compartmentalized. Put the good in one box, the suffering in another, and tried to focus on being grateful.

Well I guess first I should thank you and the rest of the staff for helping me learn to write like a human professional person. It’s been a big help, y’all inspired me to get a job. Instead of just being a criminal and eating camper snacks
So thank you

[pm] Oh! Are you a former student? What’s your name? Also, I can’t tell if you’re being hyperbolic with that criminal and camper business, it wouldn’t be the wildest thing I’d hard, but either way: I appreciate your thanks. I’m glad you’re doing well. Does your job involve a lot of writing?


[pm] So, what's this about a Warden? Do you know what you want to do about him?


[pm] Really and truly, I've had more run ins with wardens of the more dangerous variety in the last few months than I have in my entire life. But I was in the Commons, and he came at me in public. With quite a few people around. I don't-- I don't think I want to do anything. I don't even know what I would do.


[pm] Good ol’ White Crest.

I get it. I think this house has had enough brushes with the cycle of violence for at least another month. But what you’re saying--that’s weird, right? I mean, don’t hunters prefer a little privacy and secrecy when it comes to murder? So either he’s absurdly dangerous and doesn’t care about being reckless with people’s lives and safety or something’s wrong with him, right?

[pm] Don’t give me that emoticon. It’s far too smug for my comfort.
God, Morgan, I haven’t celebrated Samhain in… a long time. A very long time. But. Hm. It might be nice. A big fire. Drinks. Good company. I could probably stand it, I think.
Are you not still a sheltered nerd, darling?
Systemic nonsense? Is that what we’re calling the rage of a woman scorned these days? Sounds a little too twenty-first century for my taste. She was a child, darling. A cruel, chaotic child. How much “mathematical precision” can children have?
I’d tell you, if only to remind you how one is supposed to act when dealing with witch hunters. I can say, “Look, dearest Morgan, how they came at me with torches and pitchforks like something from a gothic horror. And look how I showed them what a lovely gothic horror I am.” Is that so? Are burdens truly easier if there’s a helping hand? I’ll admit that the concept is a bit foreign.

[pm] 🥺

So, that’s a yes, right? Yes for sure?

I feel like the cursed life of trauma and being dead sixteen months and counting revokes whatever claim to being ‘sheltered’ I once had. Maybe I try to be an idealist when I can, but that’s not the same thing.

Your rage and scorn didn’t come out of thin air. If the world was different, and if Theo wasn’t such a shithead, do you really think you’d be the same?

Ha-ha. You sound so much like Deirdre someti And yes, it is so. More resources, more perspective, more energy, more ideas. Maybe even better ideas. Just because you’ve been alone most of your life so far, doesn’t mean you’re supposed to be, Mim.

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