
calms me down

@calmsmedown / calmsmedown.tumblr.com

a place for visuals that calm me down - read my FAQ, (mobile users search for "#mobile users") - requests open - nsfw, terfs/twerfs, racists, lgbt+phobes, bullies and others meeting my dni criteria will be blocked - filter ‘#not stim’ to not see any posts other than stims/gifs - only 1 mod, sar, who uses they/them and is 19 - buy me coffee
Anonymous asked:

i use gif maker-editor if you can use that, would that work?

might have to look into it.

Anonymous asked:

i dont know if you look here that much anymore but, a while ago you posted a white reindeer beanie baby gifset and i saw it recently and i thought the reindeer was so cute and hunted one down when i had christmas money. it got here today and its sooo cute and soft so i wanted to say thank you ^_^ i hope youve been doing good too!

omg i’m glad u found it!! funny story with that beanie babie, some relatives of mine used to own a children’s store and we got the beanie from them! it’s rad u were able to track it down; that must’ve taken dedication

Anonymous asked:

Will this blog still be active? Sorry, it was unclear in your recent post. D:

if i get access to what i use to make gifs again it might. as of now, no. i am planning on buying my subscription again but i also could probably figure out how to use a free thing for making gifs, but it might be a while before i’m back. i do plan on coming back eventually but it won’t be for a bit, and i’m a junior in college so things are heating up for me academically.

don’t apologize for asking!! if anything i’m the one who should be sorry, i feel really bad for just leaving for months without saying anything, and i’m sorry about that. i also lost motivation as the stim community (meaning other people who make gifs for stim stuff, not people who reblog them and enjoy them and whatnot) on here is pretty toxic, and it was kind of hard to want to continue bc of that.

so short answer: no. long answer: yes, but in the future.

(i hope this isn’t confusing or rude or anything)


lol i haven’t been active on here for months now because my subscription to what i used to make gifs lapsed but

if ur writing smut don’t fucking add my gifs to your posts i don’t appreciate it thanks

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