



It’s time to raise the curtain on Shrimp Week! 🦐 🎉

Critics are already raving about the most prawnderful week of the year!

Check out our website for even more shrimpage along with previous years’ highlights.

Let’s get the show started!! 🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐


I just read “each time you open a book and read, a tree smiles knowing there's life after death”and OH MY GOD


@books are alive

The irony of finding this sentiment on-line. . .


REBLOG if you are old enough to remember what a VCR is.

Anonymous asked:

Parenting hack via my father: He was a single father and very stressed all the time. We were pretty crazy kids and getting us to do anything was a hassle. He made up a game to get us to eat veggies/try new things, where my siblings and I were bunnies and he was a farmer protecting his crops.

We would have to sneak into the kitchen and ‘steal’ his crops (cut up veggies that he put out for us), while he wasn’t looking (ie: making dinner/getting work done)

If he saw us, he would get really theatrical and ‘chase’ us with a broom, hollerin’ about pesky rabbits and all that, while we would run away and scarf down the veggies in hiding. Then the game would start again.

A carrot has never tasted so good.

(As an aside, I don’t know how he got any work done in the end, but I don’t know if he actually cared so long as we ate lol)

Amazing stupendous wonderful I’m stealing


that is some stunningly blatant reverse psychology, very clever


Reblog if you think public libraries are important and should be maintained.


#The best place to try new things and find old friends


reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something

“It is a sacrilege, a crime, a villainy to hold that such a marriage is binding. I say that these monstrous laws of yours will bring a curse upon the land—Heaven will not let such wickedness endure.”

Tbh I don’t think Arthur Conan Doyle gets enough credit for featuring domestic abuse survivors in his works, to the point of overlooking or justifying murder, in a time when it was seen as a Private Matter that outsiders shouldn’t be nosey about. Giving voice to a woman to call out the lack of a woman’s rights to be freed from an abusive marriage is a pretty big deal, and Holmes validating and supporting it each and every time is a purposeful authorial choice.

Others have posted about how it’s very likely that, as a doctor, ACD would be privy to all sorts of ugly secrets from “those isolated country manors” as described in The Copper Beeches—but even if he weren’t, there’s certainly a statement being made via his stories.


Nice catch.


uh so i never do this but maui is quite literally on fire and there isn't nearly enough care or consideration for. you know. Native Hawaiians who live here being displaced and the land (and cultural relevance) that's being eaten up by the fire. so if ya'll wanna help, here's some links:

center for native hawaiian advancement: https://www.memberplanet.com/campaign/cnhamembers/kakoomaui

please reblog and spread the word if you can't donate.


Just learning about this (!), and reblogging for visibility.

Also sending worried love to all my friends and all the people I don't know in Maui.



Karrin Murphy Monologue

It’s funny, hearing people talk about DESTINY, what it means, who’s involved, if it’s absolute or random. I’m not sure what my destiny is, but I know what it ISN’T.

It isn’t a simple, quiet existence. I’ve been involved in too many strange and truly weird things for too many years to believe that’s my fate. And it wouldn’t be comfortable for me, I’m too wired and made for confrontation to be really comfortable at peace.

It isn’t death by by giant scorpion bite, elevator malfunction or faulty consultant reasoning.

It isn’t werewolves, supernaturally backed or cosmically cursed, or death by a crime lord even I can vaguely admire.

Nor is it death or damaged existence from nightmare entities that rearrange your mind and leave you fighting your worst enemy, yourself. Vampires? Just more destruction you learn to live with, the kind that eats at your friends but keeps you going so you can help them when things seem really dark.

It isn’t fairy kingdoms, epic curses or death by contagion, centuries old creepy “people” trying to beat each other to world mastery or destruction, whichever comes first. And multiple kinds of vampires competing to own, enslave or possess the world’s citizens? Not for me, not in MY lifetime. That’s not destiny, that’s combat and I saw friends and allies win that battle.

Wizard battles, dinosaurs roaming my city on Halloween, supernatural assassins, learning that even the mildly supernaturally endowed can play friend or foe, family secrets and odd family relatives? Not destiny, just part of life. Face off with an army of mind controlled beings from the other side of reality? Happens more often than you think. Holy swords and true knights? They exist, but they apparently weren’t my destiny. Might have been part of it, but not the final state. Earth shattering battles, losing almost everything I hold dear? That happened as well. Ghosts are real but they don’t always frighten you, not if you’ve come to expect the unexpected on a routine basis. Even seeing people you know well change in ways no one should need to, just more sights on the road of life. I can’t talk to most people about lots of things I’ve seen and experienced; I’ve had supernatural creatures try to convince me my existence is theirs to control and that I’m a plaything or at best a bump in their road to ultimate power. My destiny, they tell me.

Bullshit. I might have lost some battles, my body taken too much damage for me to remain what I was in this crazy game of existence, but my destiny has NEVER been what someone or something says it is. Right now I’m in a place hidden from the wars and the people I know and love, but I’m not out of the fight. My destiny hasn’t been written completely, not yet. It isn’t any of the things in my past; they’re the warm up, the test and the forge. I’m meant for the final battle. I’m a Warrior. Destiny still lies ahead.


golden eagle having a relaxing time

This is the world’s largest flying Engine of Murder marveling at the fact that it can actually have its tummy rubbed.

I feel like this is the next step up on “loose your fingers” roulette from petting a kittie’s tummy, but just below belly rubs for say a lion.

Can someone who knows birds better than I do tell me whether this eagle is as happy as it looks?  Because I want it to be happy.  It looks so happy.  Bewildered by having a friend, but so happy.

Just popping on this thread to confirm: yes, the eagle is happy about the belly rubs. Golden eagles make this sound when receiving allopreening and similar affectionate and soothing treatment from their parents and mates. It’s the “I am safe and well fed, and somebody familiar is taking good care of me” sound. Angry raptors and wounded raptors make some pretty dramatic hisses and shrieks; frightened raptors go dead silent and try to hide if they can, or fluff up big and get loud and in-your-face if hiding isn’t an option. They can easily sever a finger or break the bones of a human hand or wrist, and even with a very thick leather falconer’s gauntlet, I’ve known falconers to leave a mews (hawk house) with graphic punctures THROUGH the gauntlet into the meat of their hands and arms, just from buteos and kestrels way smaller than this eagle. A pissed off hawk will make damn sure you don’t try twice whatever you pulled that pissed her off, even if she’s been human-imprinted.

If you’re ever unsure about an animal’s level of okayness with something that’s happening, there are three spot-check questions you can ask, to common-sense your way through it:

1. Is the animal capable of defending itself or making a threatening or fearful display, or otherwise giving protest, and if so, is it using this ability? (e.g. dog snarling or biting, swan hissing, horse kicking or biting)  2. Does the animal experience an incentive-based relationship with the human? (i.e. does the animal have a reason, in the animal’s frame of reference, for being near this human? e.g. dog sharing companionship / food / shelter, hawk receiving good quality abundant food and shelter and medical care from a falconer)

3. Is the animal a domesticated species, with at least a full century of consistent species cohabitation with humans? (Domesticated animals frequently are conditioned from birth or by selective breeding to be unbothered by human actions that upset their feral nearest relatives.)

In this situation, YES the eagle can self-defend, YES the eagle has incentive to cooperate with and trust the human handler, and NO the eagle is not a domesticated species, meaning we can expect a high level of reactivity to distress, compared to domestic animals: if the eagle was distressed, it would be pretty visible and apparent to the viewer. These aren’t a universally applicable metric, but they’re a good start for mammal and bird interactions.

Pair that with the knowledge that eagles reserve those chirps for calm environments, and you can be pretty secure and comfy in the knowledge that the big honkin’ birb is happy and cozy.

Also, to anybody wondering, falconers are almost single-handedly responsible for the recovery from near-extinction of several raptor species, including and especially peregrine falcons. Most hawks only live with the falconer for a year, and most of that year is spent getting the bird in ideal condition for survival and success as a wild breeding adult. Falconers are extensively trained and dedicated wildlife conservationists, pretty much by definition, especially in the continental USA, and they make up an unspeakably important part of the overall conservation of predatory bird species. Predatory birds are an important part of every ecosystem they inhabit. Just like apiarists and their bees, the relationship between falconer and hawk is one of great benefit to the animal and the ecosystem, in exchange for a huge amount of time, effort, expense, and education on the part of the human, for very little personal benefit to that one human. It’s definitely not exploitation of the bird, and most hawks working with falconers are hawks who absolutely would not have reached adulthood without human help: the sick, the injured, and the “runts” of the nest who don’t receive adequate resources from their own parents. These are, by and large, wonderful people who are in love with the natural world and putting a lifetime of knowledge and sheer exhausting work into conserving it and its winged wonders.


reblogged for excellent info, I’m so glad that big gorgeous birb really is as happy as it looks!


Today’s bit of positive activism: A reminder that, although the world may contain many bad and awful things, it also contains an enormous winged predator clucking happily as a human gives it a belly rub.


Some things just send your spirits soaring.

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