
Destination: VenusDeMilo

@brandonousley / brandonousley.tumblr.com


What’s your favorite song/body of work by Stevie Wonder?

Song: As

Body of work: Songs in the Key of Life

@nasfera2 what’s yours?

My all time favorite song of his is Superstition. Loved it ever since I first heard it as a kid. 

My fave body of work by him is Songs in the Key of Life. Stevie blessed the world with more brilliant songs on that one record than most artists create during their whole careers.

Song: Maaaan ummmm “Ngiculela Es Un Historia I Am Singing”, “Bird of Beauty”, “As”  and “Summer Soft” . I just can’t pick ONE Stevie song.

Album: Fulfillingness First Finale

Song: Superwoman

Album: Music of My Mind

Favorite Stevie Song: Until You Come Back To Me (His Demo Version at Age 15 for Aretha)

Favorite Stevie Album: Hotter Than July

Favorite Stevie Wonder Song: “You’ve Got It Bad Girl” (Honestly, it’s beyond criminal to choose only one as there are far too many. The list is very lengthy. This particular song has the utmost sentimental value for me when it comes to my appreciation for the full breadth of Stevie Wonder’s artistry.)

Favorite Stevie Wonder Album: Talking Book (I will always contend this to be the greatest album ever made.) 

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