



people who live in areas where there are native lizards should never take that for granted. you can just go outside and see a little guy hanging out. what’s better than that?


Twas a mistake to teach ppl indigenous ecological knowledge under the label 'permaculture' bc people are quick to forget indigenous people, as well as their values on interconnectedness.

The land the plants and the animals do not belong to you. They do not exist solely for you. When indigenous people say 'take care of the earth, and she will take care of you too' they mean take care of the whole ecosystem, not just the plants and animals you use. This means encouraging and maintaining biodiversity. It means some animals are going to come in and eat a bit of the food you're growing- and if your ecosystem is maintained well, it wont be an infestation bc predators exist, and it wont completely demolish your crops because it's not a monocrop buffet.

It means sharing food with others (including animals!) because plants don't just grow for you.

(ps. this also doesnt mean let your sheep go wild eating tree sapplings, or to let garlic mustard crowd out everything else. There's a difference between taking care of vulnerable plants and animals in the ecosystem, and hoarding them for yourself.)


it should be illegal for society to make u do things when youre on ur period. also you should be given 500 dollars to buy whatever you want online



  • Baby’s breath - une gypsophile 
  • begonia - un bégonia
  • bellflower - une campanule
  • bindweed - un liseron
  • buttercup - un bouton d’or
  • carnation - un oeillet
  • cherry blossom :-une fleur de cerisier
  • chrysanthemum - un chrysanthème
  • cornflower - un bleuet
  • cowslip - un coucou
  • daffodil - une jonquille 
  • daisy - une pâquerette 
  • Dandelion - un pissenlit
  • dog rose - une églantine
  • forget-me-not - un myosotis 
  • gladiolus - un glaïeul 
  • hawthorn - une aubépine
  • honeysuckle - un chèvrefeuille 
  • hyacinth - une jacinthe
  • hydrangea - un hortensia
  • jasmine - du jasmin
  • lavender - de la lavande
  • lilac - un lilas 
  • lily - un lys/lis
  • lily of the valley - du muguet
  • Marigold - un souci 
  • mistletoe - du gui 
  • morning glory - une belle de jour
  • narcissus - une narcisse
  • nasturtium - une capucine
  • orchid - une orchidée
  • oxeye daisy - une marguerite
  • pansy -  une pensée
  • peony - une pivoine
  • periwinkle - une pervenche
  • poppy - un coquelicot
  • primrose - une primevère
  • rose - une rose
  • snapdragon - un muflier
  • Snowdrop - un perce-neige 
  • sunflower - un tournesol 
  • sweet pea - un pois de senteur
  • thistle - un chardon 
  • tulip - une tulipe 
  • violet - une violette
  • wallflower - une giroflée
  • water lily - un nénuphar
  • white water lily - un nymphéa
  • windflower - une anémone
  • wisteria - une glycine 
  • woodruff - une aspérule

Parts of a flower and extra voc: 

La feuille - the leave, le pollen - pollen, la tige - the stem, le pétale - petal, le bouton - the bud, la graine - the seed, une épine - a thorn, le pistil - a pistil, une bouture - a cutting ; faire pousser - to grow, cueillir - to pick, éclore - to bloom, fleurir - to blossom, s’ouvrir - to open out, se faner -to wither, tailler - to prune.

What is transparent or almost: 

Agapanthe (f), azalée (f), crocus (m), dahlia (m), edelweiss (m), géranium (m), hibiscus (m), iris (m), magnolia (m), mimosa (m), pétunia (m)

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