
Star Wars Shit Posts You Didn't Know You Needed.

@nerfpuncher / nerfpuncher.tumblr.com


Hunter from ‘The Clone Wars’ vs. Hunter from ‘The Bad Batch’ be like:

He just wants to be a dad 🥺


Tech racing using his real name, all while Crosshair is trying to hide The Batch’s existence from the Empire, is undeniably the funniest thing from Season 2.

We were robbed of seeing Crosshair’s reaction to Tech’s “tomfoolery”.


Palpatine: My boy, I'm afraid to report that Master Kenobi is very likely sleeping with your wife.

Anakin, who knows for a fact that Obi-Wan is sleeping with his Commander, a good chunk of Ghost company, the Organas and Quinlan Vos: ...where is he finding the fucking time???

Palpatine, oblivious: Oh I've heard from some very reliable sources that-

Anakin: *pulls out a spexcel spreadsheet, the 3rd System Army's shared spoogle calender and a calculator*

Anakin: Your Excellency. That's just. not logistically possible.

This. Exactly this.


Despite all of the controversy that exists in Star Wars, I love that we as fans have agreed that when it comes to emotions, Wrecker has the most brain cells, Tech is confused, Hunter needs a good cry, and Crosshair would rather walk through the halls of Tantiss with his clothes on fire than say any sort of statement that starts with the words “I feel”


I am DYING to know how Commander “I run 1/6 of the GAR on caffeine and respect” Cody became homies with Clone Force 99, whose entire philosophy is “ehh mission orders?? More like mission suggestions” except they’ve thrown every single suggestion they’ve ever gotten into the garbage and set it on fire

Omega calling echo: hey are you free later?
Echo: no I'm expensive
Hunter in the background: ECHO it was ONE TIME!

Okay, but like, Omega, Mox, Deke, and Stak being in their own squad in the Rebellion (the Havoc Squadron is what I call it mentally), it's so funny because Mox, Deke, and Stak are regs and they age faster than Omega, so, by the time Omega's joined the Rebellion and their unit is formed...

To the average Rebel on the outside looking in, it is just these three identical grown-ass men who are deferring all their choices to this spunky little undergrad-age pilot who they say is their older sister and for some reason, is the one in charge

ok but whatever you do, don’t look at the pain and exhaustion on Wrecker’s face because dude literally gave everything he had left to those operatives 🥲 also, probably best if you don’t perceive the devastating concern in Echo’s eyes because he can see his strongest brother is utterly spent and but a shell of himself

ngl almost died during that scene


*after Mon Mothma’s briefing*

Wedge: Hey, Luke! So where’ve you been?

Luke: Yeah, so I went back to Tatooine to break Han’s ass out of Jabba’s Palace. I had to fight a rancor first, though. Luckily, I killed it before—

Omega, on the other side of the room: YOU KILLED MOOCHI?!


The clone troopers as rodeo competitors, part 1/2

Tagging @saggitary and @nerfpuncher because I know they’ll get this.

  • First off. I wholeheartedly feel like Fives and Echo would be rodeo clowns/bullfighters. Like, not because of the clown part (absolutely) but because it actually does take a lot of skill to be one. And they’d also have fun while doing it.
  • Rex and Cody would be team ropers. So would Dogma and Tup. One person ropes the head, the other ropes the back legs. If Fives and Echo weren’t clowns they’d do that. They probably do in their spare time. Waxer and Boil too.
  • Jesse would be a bronc rider. No explanation.
  • Hardcase would 100% be a bull rider. And be good at it too. I feel like he’d be a steer wrestler also.
  • Kix would be a calf roper. He’s too careful to ride rough stock but he’s still quick on his feet.
  • Bonus: Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka and Padmé would all be team ropers interchangeably. Independently, Ahsoka would be a breakaway roper AND a bronc rider. Padmé would do barrel racing.

If anyone has any questions about what these things are please feel free to ask. I’m always up for educating about this lifestyle!


Fives entire goal is to get a bull to launch the clown can while he is in it 🤣🤣

Wrecker is the best bull dogger to EVER exist


Omega: hi I’m Omega!!

The rest of the batch: 🤔🙄😑

Tech: *in his head* child?? Human child?? Kaminoan-created human child?? Origin?? Purpose?? Genetic composition?? Must scan this fascinating creature.


I cannot tell you how badly I want Omega in Ahsoka season 2 solely for the parallel of a Jedi Knight, a Padawan and their Clone fighting together.

It’s poetry because, again, it rhymes.

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