
Fuck Tumblr


20. mlm, he/him, Content warnings: whump, NSFW and general 18+ stuff.

Mood. -V


This reminds me of a party I went to last year. I was standing with some friends, chatting, and someone said something that indirectly implied that sexism exists. Some trivial recounting of the basic facts of daily life for most women. Something so mild, so uncontroversial, so mundane that I don’t even remember what it was. 

Suddenly, this man standing on the outskirts of our conversational circle piped up with “actually, I think men are more discriminated against than women these days.”

 All conversation died.

I turned to look at him and he had this smug, insufferable grin on his face, relishing this moment, expecting us to waste our time and energy refuting this ridiculous thing he had just said.

The Devil’s Advocate was among us.

And, in my mind, I saw the next 15+ minutes playing out. The parade of facts and statistics in a vain attempt to defend ourselves, our gender, and to prove that misogyny is real. The glib, snide denials from some shithead who is getting off on our pain and frustration. The Gish Gallop of bullshit that would take a whole evening to properly dismantle. It was depressing and overwhelming. I hated it. I had to kill it before it began.

So I looked him dead in the eye and I said “OK,“ shrugged, and just walked away. 

Nothing I have ever said to another human being has ever been so crushing. As I walked away, I watched the smug grin vanish and confusion and anxiety set in. The rest of the group turned their backs to him and carried on as if he had never spoken - as if he was invisible. He was still staring at me when I walked over to another friend and told her what he had said. I pointed him out for her and made direct eye contact with him while we both laughed.

tl;dr: Don’t feed the troll. Let it perish, cold and hungry, in the wasteland of your indifference. It is weak and you are strong. Live your best life.


i think finnstr is delightful to me because in a lot of ways he is single handedly reintroducing everybody to being a transvestite as like, a thing. to cross-dressing as a lifestyle. nobody could look at this guy and tell me he's not a little bit queer -- he's definitely not standard model -- but our modern taxonomy doesnt have a spot for him: he isn't trans (in its current definition), but he also isn't really cis.

it's interesting because it was only relatively recently that transvestitism got shoved out of the official rainbow flag. our modern definition of trans as just "transgender" is a reduced capacity of what it was just ten years ago, when "trans*" was often used to mean "transgender, transsexual, transvestite, genderqueer, nonbinary, etc".

i think the main "party line" of the marriage equality movement being "we should be allowed to be weird because we were born this way, we don't have a choice" did some major damage but one of the most significant was definitely the removal of people who do "have a choice" from the "community" entirely. transvestites got kind of entirely booted, and people fight about whether bisexuals or asexuals should be allowed because they "have a choice to blend in". finnstr does have a choice, but he keeps making it. why should that preclude him from being queer?


It's that Mystique and Nightcrawler conversation, honestly. I know I'm stoned right now but really that's... it.


I will never get over hnoc I think. Like,, they took Arthurian legend and made it polyam, gay, trans, AND WESTERN and then set it to some banger music thank you the mechanisms


Maybe I'm misremembering things but I feel like a lot of stuff that happened in High Noon over Camelot could've been avoided if Arthur had been aware of the concept of trans people.


As much as I'm sad that the mechs keep losing every bracket they're submitted to they somehow always end up losing to someone hilarious. Carmilla lost the vampire bracket to the count from sesame street. Odin tbi is losing the spiral avatar bracket to a cat. Brian is also losing the christ figure bracket to a cat. They're all losing the fictional band bracket to club penguin right now


Because steampunk it trending, this seems like a good time to point you all towards the mechanisms

Listen to them


I beg of you


its me galahad im the GRAIL speaking to you from inside your brain listen to me boy leave camelot you dont need it come with me and use my systems we'll have cowboy times in space you need me boy your free will is an illusion


Bottoms love to tag every other post they reblog with "please? 🥺" and to be honest it's one of their cutest traits <3

I kinda hate to be That Guy but friendly reminder that I am currently homeless and jobless in a state that is trying its best to criminalize being trans so like... Any help is appreciated, my cash app is $asexualvampire


Doms can ask for attention too, we can be needy for attention too. We're not weaker or less of a dom for wanting attention or being clingy, and the fact that people genuinely think otherwise is kind of weird to me because well we're human too not just doms.


ulysses dies at dawn is truly one of the most albums ever. it's greek myth inspired. it's cyberpunk. it's film noir. it's set in sci-fi!1920s. it's anti-capitalist. the "villains" are just four of the most pathetic guys you've ever met. the only description we have of the protagonist is that they're black and incredibly attractive. it takes place over the course of like an hour. hades is part of an immortal band. everyone dies. there are even bisexuals


So. Guess who got all three blogs deleted in one fell swoop?

Fuck me I guess lol. I've emailed staff, hopefully I can at least get my sfw stuff back? Very annoying i was just flat out deleted. My iffy posts weren't even flagged??? Anything that got flagged i deleted? Praying support comes through for me again. In the meantime, here's my backup!

If you were mutals with @finder-of-rings or @bloodandbandages or @ace-and-slutty please lmk and I'll follow you! Trying to find everyone rn and lowkey mourning. If you've got a post of mine, I'll love you forever if you send it <3


they just made a new thing for us sleepy guys: its called bed, and get this: you crawl under "covers" and put head on a "pillow," and you wont believe it: sleep occurs.


Moments with my s/o that made the pain of waiting for top surgery to heal worth it (pt 1)

✨the feeling of their bare hands rubbing my chest ✨

✨when they lay their head on my flat chest✨

✨showering or taking a bath with them and not completely hating my body ✨

✨walking around the house shirtless and catching them staring ✨

✨putting on clothes/ outfits I would have never worn before surgery and them hyping me up ✨

✨them giving u a hug from behind while shirtless ✨

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