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Day 255: A Midsummer Night's Dream

“Ay me, for aught that I could ever read, Could ever hear by tale or history, The course of true love never did run smooth…”

The summer solstice, also known as midsummer, is when the sun reaches its highest position in the sky. It happens on June 21st. It is the day with the longest period of daylight, which makes it the longest day of the year. This is a very important day in the game. It’s shown to you as soon as you begin. On this day, Xion talks about how she dreams every night and begs Axel to tell her who she is. Axel tells Roxas why the sun sets red. And it’s revealed that Saïx can’t really “see” Xion. Nomura likes Shakespeare. Versus XIII had a tagline based on Hamlet. So, it’s not surprising that KH has Shakespeare references, too. 

“Are you sure 
That we are awake? 
It seems to me 
That yet we sleep, we dream.” 

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a comic fantasy of four lovers who find themselves bewitched by fairies. There’s only one mission available on Day 255, and it’s in Wonderland. A dream world set in a forest. It’s just like the play, which involves magic love potions and fairies who live in a forest. The main theme of the play is love, and the crazy and absurd effects it has on people. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is full of strange, dream-like sequences and irrational behavior. Probably the most basic significance of dreams in the story is the representation of unreality, or the distortion of time and consciousness.

“Lord, what fools these mortals be!”

This line is one of the most famous in A Midsummer Night’s Dream for its humor, but it is also thematically important: first, because it captures the exaggerated silliness of the lovers’ behavior; second, because it marks the contrast between the human lovers, completely absorbed in their emotions, and the magical fairies, impish and never too serious.

Hearts and Emotion
Watching that foolish beast flail about only deepens my disdain for humans and their incessant need to be pinned down by feelings. We became Nobodies precisely to avoid the shackles of emotion. It was only later that we realized the scale of that loss: that some things simply cannot be done without a heart. Nonetheless, I see nary a pleasant thing about it.

Xemnas is a good representation of Puck. Xaldin represents this ideology well, too. Puck is a mischievous fairy who delights in playing pranks on mortals. His antics are responsible for causing chaos within the group of young lovers.

“If we shadows have offended, Think but this, and all is mended, That you have but slumbered here While these visions did appear. And this weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream"

This is another famous quote. Puck speaks these lines in an address to the audience near the end of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, extending the theme of dreams beyond the world of the play and putting the reality of the audience’s experience into question. 

“And the quaint mazes in the wanton green For lack of tread are undistinguishable: The human mortals want their winter here; No night is now with hymn or carol blest: Therefore the moon, the governess of floods, Pale in her anger, washes all the air, That rheumatic diseases do abound.”

As many of the characters believe that the magical events of the play’s action were merely a dream, Puck tells the crowd that if the play has offended them, they too should remember it simply as a dream. At the end of the game, Roxas wakes up from a dream, and remembers none of the events you just played through. 

“Another moon: but, O, methinks, how slow This old moon wanes! she lingers my desires, Like to a step-dame or a dowager Long withering out a young man revenue.”

The moon is often depicted as a feminine virginal obstacle to romance, which male characters find ‘cold.’ At the play’s opening, an impatient Theseus complains to Hippolyta with the above quote. Much of the play takes place at night, and there are references to moonlight, which changes the appearance of what it illuminates. One of the main themes of the play is transformation—things are not always as they appear.

“Sweet Moon, I thank thee for thy sunny beams; I thank thee, Moon, for shining now so bright; For, by thy gracious, golden, glittering gleams, I trust to take of truest Thisby sight.”

However, at times, the moon is depicted as assisting or blessing lovers instead. In Act 5, the wedding play is performed for Theseus and Hippolyta. In it, the moon lights the way for lovers Pyramus and Thisby. Here, the moon’s light is 'golden’ and 'sunny’ rather than cold and gloomy.

“Four days will quickly steep themselves in night; Four nights will quickly dream away the time; And then the moon, like to a silver bow New-bent in heaven, shall behold the night Of our solemnities.”

Unlike Theseus, Hippolyta is content to wait the four days until the wedding. Here, the moon is transformed in the course of a few lines into the image of fruitful union contained in the “silver bow,” an implicit reference to Cupid’s arrow, which draws lovers together. Utilizing the imagery of the silver bow, Hippolyta also invokes Diana (or Artemis), the virgin huntress who is the guardian spirit of the adolescent moon. In this guise, the moon is the patroness of all young lovers, fresh and innocent, just beginning their journey through life.

“Things base and vile, holding no quantity, Love can transpose to form and dignity. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. Nor hath Love’s mind of any judgment taste; Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste.” 

However, this quote is BY FAR the most famous from the entire play. I think this idea was actually the foundation of the entire story in 358/2 Days. Essentially, love has the power to transform “base and vile” qualities into “form and dignity”—that is, even ugliness and bad behavior will not deter someone in love. This is the case because “love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind”—love depends not on an objective assessment, but rather on an individual perception of the beloved.

Roxas: Have you gone nuts? Xion’s a person, not a puppet.
Axel: She’s smoke and mirrors, Roxas. And when I looked in the mirror…It wasn’t you I saw.

Xion is nothing but a robot—a puppet. She is not really Kairi. She’s all smoke and mirrors. But Sora has transformed something base into something lovable, based solely on his most precious memories—those of Kairi. It’s only in the person’s mind that she has any form at all. 

Xigbar: If people see with their hearts, Saïx, then you’re even blinder than the rest of us.

Saïx is nothing but a vessel of Xehanort—a puppet. He is not really Isa. He’s all smoke and mirrors. But Axel has transformed someone vile into someone lovable, based solely on his most precious memories—those of Isa. It’s only in his mind that Saïx has any dignity at all.

Anonymous asked:

Someone on tumblr( I forgot who) pointed out how Saix’s (Isa’s?) weapon is possibly what causes his berserk state. The berserker nobodies are limp as they are dragged by their weapons and their journal text seems to imply the weapon controls them. You are dragged around by the claymore when you use it in his KHII boss fight. Also, in KHIII, Saix just stays in place holding his head if you knock him out of berserk mode. Thoughts on this?

No. VII - ‘Demoniac Dancing in the Moon’

Kingdom Hearts II
A berserker. A high-ranking Nobody. Its attacks are hard to read as it is dragged around by a cursed hammer.
Attacks from the front will only be parried by its hammer. Knock it down to make it let go of the hammer. Then pick up the hammer to unleash a flurry of attacks with Berserk.

This is a great subject. It is ridiculous enough that Saïx kept all his free will as a vessel. But especially as a vessel in his berserk state! I mean, come on. That makes no sense at all. His berserk state is heavily inspired by Norse mythology and there’s kind of a lot to say about this subject. Since his berserk state is such an important aspect of his character, I’m sure there was a lot of thought put into it from a story perspective. I think that being a berserker is what inspired his name and abilities, even back in KH2 before they had a full backstory thought up for him. The Berserker Nobodies carry a cursed hammer, which was inspired by Mjolnir (“Smasher” or “Crusher”), the hammer of Thor.

Enemy File
The Organization’s No. VII. Usually cool and calm, he turns into a berserker when he grips his giant blade in combat.
Dodge his attacks as you watch for a rare opening. After taking damage, he will revert to his normal self, making him more susceptible to attack. Finish him quickly.

I would say that Saïx’s Claymore is cursed as well, and inspired by the Norse ice rune “Isa”. It’s the rune of stagnation and constriction. It governs self-control and the ego. But if it’s cursed (it has a Recusant’s Sigil on it), I’d say it constricts self-control and self-awareness in the wielder. The one he wields in the final battle might do something to trigger a trance, keeping Saïx stuck in a specific memory of the past to continually stay in his berserk state. There most likely was a story connection with his Claymore, but it obviously is never going to see the light of day. But I have a theory of what the story might have been.

Saïx’s weapons named “New Moon” (No Gear), “Werewolf” (Skill Gear), and “Berserk” (Brave Gear) all have the same shape, and are all a reference to his berserk state. I think it’s meaningful that Xemnas, Vexen, and Axel all have weapons of the same shape in those three specific weapon categories, too. I think it means that their stories were connected to Saïx’s berserk state.

The Fool: innocence, new beginnings, free spirit, spontaneity
Ace of Swords: new ideas, breakthrough, clarity, sharp mind, mental clarity, success

No Gear is the first weapon type you start out with. It’s represented by “The Fool” in Luxord’s deck, the very first Major Arcana. It’s shaped like the Minor Arcana the Ace of Swords. I think it represents the characters’ past.

Ansem’s Report 2
It is my duty to expose what this darkness really is. I shall conduct the following experiments:
  • Extract the darkness from a person’s heart.
  • Cultivate darkness in a pure heart.
  • Both suppress and amplify the darkness within.
The experiments caused the test subject’s heart to collapse, including those of the most stalwart. How fragile our hearts are! My treatment produced no signs of recovery. I confined those who had completely lost their hearts beneath the castle.

Xemnas’ weapon is called “Merciless”, and I think it refers to his actions during the experiments. Vexen’s is “Tester Zero” and I think it refers to the fact that none of the initial subjects survived to become successful vessels. Saïx’s wepon is calledNew Moon”, which is the first phase of the lunar cycle, where the moon is invisible and covered in darkness. It’s the phase immediately after the waning crescent phase, the shape on Isa’s jacket. Axel’s is called “Ashes”, which is the state of the Phoenix after its self-immolation. I think these names were referring to them becoming the new test subjects. I think Saïx’s Berserk State was the key to him getting possessed by Xehanort in the first place, and I’ll explain why.

Odin- A shape-shifter, he makes men mad or possessed with a blind raging fury. He produces the battle panic called “battle-fetter”. Three different frenzies or madness are his gifts to humankind: the warrior in battle, the seer in trance, and the poet in creativity. Subtle, wily, mysterious and dangerous, he often ignores pacts made in honor with humans. Odin married Erda/Jörd, with whom he had a son, Thor.

Berserkers in Norse mythology, were feared warriors who purportedly fought in a trance-like fury. They were described as “Odin’s men” and were often described as fighting together in bands of twelve or thirteen. In battle, they were seized with an uncontrollable madness for bloodshed. The berserker would use various physical techniques to get himself into an adrenaline high, and would then apply further techniques of religious ritual to become possessed by a spirit such as a wolf, a bear, or even Odin himself.

Xehanort: I swore I would survive…and be there to see what awaited beyond the Keyblade War! And now it is your darkness that shall be the ark that sustains me!

This is what I think the apprentices were trying to do with the subjects of the experiments. They wanted them to be filled with so much hate and rage (darkness) that they would be in a state where Xehanort could easily possess them, like Odin would possess a berserker. This is basically what Xehanort did to Terra. All of the subjects’ hearts collapsed, though, so it didn’t work. I think this is what they were originally trying to doing with Isa, but something else happened.

Saïx: Do you know what happens to those who lose their true purpose? Inevitably, they destroy themselves.

There are basic techniques to enter a berserker trance. First, meditation and prayers are uttered to Odin, as the object of contemplation. Odin is said to bring about the trance. He is said to gift the berserker “önd”. It is generally translated as something along the lines of “divine inspiration” or “inspired mental activity.” Ecstasy and states of heightened awareness and passion were divine gifts associated with önd. It is essentially a power that is so utterly compelling, it overwhelms and connects one’s being to its core. It’s the type of power that can move someone to write the most beautiful poetry, or fuel the fury of the warrior in the heat of battle. It’s similar to the way Xehanort views the power of darkness.

This concept is very important to Saïx’s Berserk State. I’m sure that Xehanort planned to serve as the figure of Odin for Isa during the experiments, like he did with Terra. Xehanort was Terra’s önd. He was angry and single-mindedly focused on him at the moment of his possession. And Xehanort did successfully possess Isa, too. But if anything, I think Lea was actually Isa’s önd. The keychain of Lea’s Keyblade even bears Odin’s Cross, another sun symbol. And Axel’s Pandora Gear, “Prominence”, is shaped like both Odin’s Cross, and the swastika. Both are sun symbols in Norse mythology. Prominence itself refers to red plasma extending from the Sun’s surface. Saïx’s Pandora Gear is “Crocea Mors”, Latin for “Yellow Death”, and is shaped like his Claymore. I think these weapons were a reference to the final battle.



No chill Kominatos ft. Kuramochi and Sawamura

source: x


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I’m accepting pre-order until September 15th, 8AM (GMT+7)! I will be printing the orders in two batches and hopefully be able to ship them in late September. This is also the last pre-order for my previous zines and VLD prints as they won’t be reproduced later!

Reblogs are very much appreciated 💕 Thank you guys!


These msw dates r killing me everyweek Terajima, i love u


The true value of tyres

sawamura eijun, ilysm


kay im back to tumblr this has been long


what a dork

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