
Stuff That I Find Interesting



hint: if a person with clinical depression and anxiety says theyre tired …. dont tell them they have no reason to be …. bc guess what….. They Know and Its Shitty




I just want to add one thing-

If you have depression or anxiety? you’re not tired for no reason.

You’re tired because you have depression/anxiety.

Not only do they both come with low energy/fatigue as a legit common side effect, but they’re both fucking /exhausting/. fighting your brain all the time? exhausting. adrenaline crashes from anxiety/panic attacks? exhausting. being on edge all the time? exhausting. plus doing things costs /more/ energy when you have those mental illnesses.

You’re not tired for no reason, you’re tied because you have an illness that makes you tired.


Black cats are lucky. (via leahweissmuller)


MAN [IN THICK ACCENT]: Black cat bring good luck.  Not bad luck.  I have black cat - See, him face - And I am not dead today: Good luck!

“See him face”

I sure fucking do see him face

Him face


Reblog him face for good luck in 2021

Reblog him face for good luck in 2021 (2)

Reblog him face for good luck in 2021 (3)




Half a million tumblrites: Basil???

We chosen few: Basil!!!


Definitely Basil!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


“May I please have your undivided attention” no I have ADHD you may have a ¼ piece at best


#bitch my attention is always divided #if you want a larger piece of attention than that you’ll have to fight for it with the closest available audible whirring ventilation fan

If I do NOT divide my attention in a way that my brain accepts as legal, you will get NONE of my attention because said brain will be too busy devoting ALL of my attention to how much it is making my bones vibrate inside my flesh to try to give you my undivided attention.


It seems like whenever you clip your fingernails you are quickly confronted with a task that would have been way easier to accomplish if you had longer nails


Ok so I've found a way to describe what Neurodivergent Can't Do Task Mode™ feels like to neurotypicals

So you know how you can't make yourself put your hand down on a hot stovetop? There's a part of your brain that stops you from doing that? That's what Neurodivergent Can't Do Task Mode™ feels like

Even if we want to do it, there's a barrier stopping us from doing it, and it's really hard to override

And why does our brain see the task as a hot stovetop? Because when neurotypicals finish a task, they get serotonin, but we don't get that satisfaction after completing a task. A neurotypical wouldn't get serotonin from putting their hand on a hot stovetop, it would just hurt. When we can't do a task, it's because our brain knows that the task will hurt (metaphorically) and wants to avoid that.

It's not that we're choosing not to do the task, it's that our brain is physically preventing us from doing it.

Neurotypicals can and should reblog but please don't add anything

(Sorry/not sorry about the random bolding, it makes it easier for us to read)


repeat after me:

  • even if i don’t like my body today i will take care of it
  • even if i don’t like myself today i will still be patient and kind with myself
  • even if i do not love myself i will still take care of and be kind to myself, despite not wanting to

A good reminder


You know what's really cool? Being in a call with a writer when they're just coming up with an idea for a new story.

Being trusted enough not to laugh or snicker as they explain everything they have so far-- from the newest and vaguest of ideas to the most concrete and fleshed-out.

Listening to the excitement in their voice as they come up with character arcs and side plots; as they come up with a story right infront of you, and being equally as excited because "Holy shit man, this is something you've gotta see through! Seriously! I want to read it right now!"

Being asked for advice and sheepishly throwing something out for them to work with, only for them to embrace that idea and flourish it into something even more spectacular than you would've thought it could be.

Laughing as they explain the little inside jokes and easter eggs they're going to web between their sentences-- little tidbits that now not only are you going to keep an eye out for, but that you'll still laugh at and gasp over once they're revealed.

I think everyone should know a writer, or at least get to be around one while they're coming up with an idea. I assure you, there's something so euphoric about being in the presence of that much raw creativity and passion, that it's just absolutely inspiring.


@dream-a-little-bigger-x @calamitykaty when you let us see your magic a little earlier in the process like 😍😍


Half of my fics wouldn't even exist without @dream-a-little-bigger-x and @alexpjoyner letting me run ideas by them. 😌🧡

Half of mine wouldn’t exist either with any of you guys’ help. Whether that’s giving me ideas, letting me bounce ideas off of you or just plain supporting me. I love you all so much 🥺💛

I’ve done this with frieds, and am always in awe


How I feel when @faeleverte is writing!! ❤️


Daily Affirmations


Chris Hemsworth is the kind of celeb who you don't hear anything about until he does something weird and funny and then it's back to radio silence and I like that



Hang on, little starfish

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