

@fiery-lune / fiery-lune.tumblr.com

hey i'm a 25 year old girl from argentina and all I do here is..... Idk cause tumblr is kinda dead so I don't post as much here anymore i post my art on instagram and twitter too! Both are @delusional_lune and I'm usually more active there💕

Hello hellooooooo!

I’m finally able to take this big step, and I’m so excited!!

If you like my art, fanart, animations, etc, it would mean the world to me if you became a patron! I have three tiers based on different interests, so please check them out!

I love you all and any support is greatly appreciated 🥹❤️



no longer delusional guys!

I chose that name back when I was young and not aware of its negative connotations, and it didn't feel like me anymore.

now I am fiery lune 🔥

Hiii! Is it okay to ask who is he? You don't seem to draw him a lot (but I may be wrong) and he seems pretty cool 😳

Omg yeah I remember this!!! I can’t believe it’s been 4 years my style has changed so much 🫢

Yup, this is Romaine, they’re non-binary and I’d completely forgotten about em! I did enjoy drawing their side-cut and freckles lol

I could try again, but I think a re-design is due 😅

Anonymous asked:

how did max and arisa end up liking eachother / realized that they like eachother? cause they’re such polar opposites and since max is usually 99% of the time annoyed with ari how and when did he start being all “woah.. i need her” and shit? hopefully this makes sense 😭😭😭

Hi anon!! Thank you for this question ❤️

Max has been through a lot in his life, and he gets easily annoyed/confused when ppl care about him. He has serious abandonment issues, so he’s very careful about letting people in because he knows once he does, he feels like they have the power to destroy him.

And then we got Arisa, who has also been through tough shit (though she could enjoy a happy childhood at least), and this girl has a savior complex. A BIG one. So when she notices him struggling despite being an asshole to her in the beginning, she can’t help but latch onto him, mostly to prove that she’s not half as much of an idiot as he thinks she is. Sorta out of spite?

But at one point they start to get along really well, despite their usual disagreements. They actually find that kinda fun.

I don’t really wanna fall into the stereotype of “ooo a broken man is saved by a girl who puts up with his bullshit in the name of love” because nah. There’s too much of that. And Arisa has her own bullshit as well. But I think they make a good pair, and Arisa doesn’t save him, she’s there while he saves himself. Max comes to that realization once he starts to heal, and things become very gentle between them not only because they know each other’s baggage, but because they believe in one another 🥰

Anonymous asked:

if starfall had a theme song / an outro/ending song what songs would they be?

i feel like vampires by the midnight would be a perfect outro song

OOF i love this question!!!

it depends on the day and my mood tbh, sometimes i imagine it being something like this, other days I'm more into something more like this, but overall i imagine it being very heavy and badass

but since we're on the topic of the midnight (and HOLY SHIT i love that song) this and this are the ones i associate the most with the story!

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