

Hey! Just a girl who is “slightly” obsessed with SPN but who in their right mind isnt 🤩|Dean girl| Always reading. Looking for friends so don’t be afraid to chat with me😊

Locked Masterlist

By @roonyxx and @jay-and-dean

Pairings : Dean x reader ?

Summary : The Winchesters brothers are probably the most dangerous and mysterious criminals of the country, cracking them will require a professional.

This is inspired by supernatural episode 12x09, First Blood.

Serie Warnings : Captivity, Smut (please be 18+), Fluff, Angst, Swearing. Mention of physical pain, of torture and murders. Each Chapter will have detailled warnings.

Note : This is a collaboration beetween both of us. We can’t both edit the same post, so we decided we would post 1 chapter/2 each, like for Firefly.

We both worked as much on this story and it’s the result of both our brains but also both our hearts.

Please, if you want to show love for this story, don’t forget we were together in this.

Want to read more:

Text divider by @firefly-graphics​


Ooooo that was so good! Took me right out of my reading slump


Miscommunication - Masterlist

Pairing: Dean Winchester x British!Reader

Universe: Canon

Summary:  After moving to America, British hunter Y/N never expected her life to unfold the way it has. She never anticipated finding two brothers, who would quickly become her found family and she certainly never envisioned falling in love with one of them. Following her attempt to shield her heart, she failed to protect her body, leading her straight back to the Winchesters. So when the language barrier deepens her connection with a certain green eyed hunter, will she succumb to her deepest feelings or keep them at bay?

Rating: 18+

Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Fluff, Crack, Smut, lil slow burn - All chapters will be tagged accordingly.

This series is now complete!

Total Word Count: 65,605

~ Get ahead with Patreon ~

—————————————————– Main Masterlist —————————————————–


(pls like/rb and follow if u like this kinda stuff :))

Heheh i love this one!


Fairytale gone bad

Summary: Misunderstandings lead to fallout.

Pairing: CEO!Dean x Assistant!Reader

Characters: Sam Winchester, Lisa Braeden, Jo Harvelle, Benny Lafitte, Bobby Singer, Rufus Turner (mentioned)

Warnings: angst, language, misunderstandings, masquerade, flirty Dean, also Dean being a complete douche, unrequited feelings, a hint of making out, a hint of fluff, Dean Winchester feels

Divider by @firefly-graphics​

“Miss, I can understand you are mad at my boss, but he’s at the annual Halloween party for board members only,” you sigh deeply as she just waltzed into the office as if she owns the building. “I can’t storm inside the ballroom and demand Mr. Winchester to come out and talk to you. Leave a message and I try to give it to him after the party.”

“I won’t wait,” Lisa Braeden, Dean’s latest conquest and the first ex-girl he spent more time with than a week, barks at you. “I want to talk to Dean, and I want to do so now. If you don’t get him to talk to me, I’ll walk into that ballroom and reveal all the nice videos I recorded.”

“Please lower your voice,” you grab Lisa’s arm to lead her toward a far corner to protect your boss from any prying ear. “I will try to tell him you are here. Stop yelling so loud. My colleagues don’t need to hear about your problems with my boss.”

“Why are you all in costumes? Don’t you have work to do while the rich and pretty people celebrate their success,” you scoff, not liking the way Lisa glares at you. 

Wearing a sparkly blue velvet dress, soft chiffon wings, and a Colombina lace eye mask, on a headband, with tassels and a single butterfly attached to the left side you are a beautiful butterfly.

“Sam allowed us to have a small Halloween party this year too, not that this would be any of your concern,” turning on your heels yougrit your teeth. “Wait here, I’ll get Mr. Winchester. Don’t touch anything.”

When you pass Benny by you whisper something into his ear, patting his chest before you walk toward the ballroom.


“Nope,” I whisper as I exit out of a fic with no paragraph breaks.

No excuses, folks! Change paragraphs when:

- the “camera” moves - a new character shows up - someone speaks - someone else speaks - a new idea, subject, or topic is introduced - time passes or reverts to an earlier point - the setting changes - the mood shifts - you want to create dramatic effect


Burning Hatred - Jensen Ackles

Summary: You hate your film partner. Right?

Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Actress!Reader

Warnings: angst, language, love-hate relationship, enemies to lovers, dirty talk, smut, unprotected sex, possessive Jensen, creampie, marking, biting, hair pulling, semi-public sex, degrading

A/N: I wrote the same story for Chris and Jensen as I couldn’t choose one. Sorry not sorry. (There is only a slight difference.)

Divider by @firefly-graphics​​

“Ackles,“ you quip, barely sparing the actor a glance. “I hope you’ll be able to handle the lines today.” Jensen’s eyes narrow and you smile to yourself when he clenches his jaw.

“I think it was you messing the scene up, not me,” he retorts, emerald eyes searching your face. He furrows his brows, waits for you to talk back.

“Ya know, it’s not professional of you to blame someone else for your failure. It wasn’t my fault you’re not able to handle a sex scene,” the way Jensen’s face contorts in anger is the best thing you ever saw. “If you are not man enough to play the scene I can ask your body double to do so.”

“Y/L/N, it was you digging your nails into my back so deep you left red lines,” you chuckle at Jensen’s pissed expression.

“Aw, don’t tell me you never had rough sex, Ackles,” purring the words you pat his chest, earning a deep growl from your chosen archenemy. “It was in the script. You would’ve known about the description if you actually read more than your lines.”

“B-itch,” Jensen grits out, glaring down at you. “One day someone will put you over their lap and spank your ass raw. I can’t believe men want to have a relationship with you.”

“Jealous Ackles? I mean, my ass is hot and you, well you, will never get a taste,” smirking you pass Jensen by, not caring he mutters insults under his breath.


Hush hush

Dean x reader

Summary :  Who cares about prom now ? 

Warnings : Angst, 18 years old Deanie Bean, heartbreak, soft smut. Fluff.

Note : This is my entry for @cockslut-padalecki​‘s #notmyninth’s challenge, congratulations Lisa ! I hope you like this.

My song was Don’t speak, from No Doupt, and my trope was Prom.

HERE is a lyric video of the song. I put the lyrics parts I used in the story in Italics.

This originally only contained the 1997 part, but I can’t, and you guys can’t either. We all need happier.

Wordcount : 1.7k



           You are holding his hand.

           In his dad’s car, driving to that stupid party, you hold his hand. Your thumb grazing the freckles gently, your eyes tracing his features.

           The silence is unbearably heavy, the purring of the engine resonates in your bones. You haven’t said a word all day. You woke up, thinking the love of your life was already far away and stayed silent. Your parents don’t understand, how could they ?

           Then he showed up at your door with pitiful stolen flowers in his hand, and a cheap suit with his leather jacket on top, so you went back upstairs and put on your dress, in silence.

“I thought you were already gone” you murmur barely above the engine sound, with heavy tears threatening to roll on your face.


Reblog if you actually give a shit about anyone who’s suicidal or depressed.

 No one should scroll past this

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